"Fear not, the people may be deluded for a moment, but cannot be corrupted."
–Andrew Jackson
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BY: kwtree
IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
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IN: Friday Jams Fest
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
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IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
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IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
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IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: Colorado Pols
IN: Friday Jams Fest
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Great to have another good reporter at the Durango Herald!
What do you Western Slope folks think of Gwen Lachelt, the proposed chair of the Blue Ribbon Commission? And who will get to choose the non-industry members of said commission?
I have a lot of respect for Gwen, but I remain skeptical about the whole process and particularly in putting it into the hands of the state legislature, which as far as I can tell is mostly unable to do anything substantive with the issue.
By reputation only, I understand Gwen Lachelt is a good choice but the make up of the commission could be a challenge for her. It will be interesting to see if the varied interests can work together to produce a proposed solution, Hate to say it, but I have my doubts.
Concur w/ all the above about Gwen. A good choice, but if Hick has final say on the panelists, it will be beyond anything she can do except run an orderly meeting. This is ALL about the make-up of the panel. If Gwen can pick 'em, with no veto from Frackenlooper, she might appoint a pretty good group.
Then we will see what happens to the panels' recommendations if they don't line up with Hicks' position….
Just wondering. I live in Littleton and am most frequently out and about in the Littleton and bordering Centennial area. I've seen lots of people collecting sigs for 88, 89 and GMO labeling outside of stores and libraries and been approached many times but haven't once seen a collector for or been asked to sign the two pro-fracking initiatives or any of the other ones coming from the right. I wonder if some of you saw a lot more of the right's petitions.
I was approached several times by the GMO people, who turned in 2x the required number of signatures yesteray, but not once by any pro or con fracking folk.
Haven't seen any industry signature gatherers in the high country . . .
I've seen none from either side in Lake
Rs may not be able to get their loudest voices for bigotry to shut up so running away is their best option?
Clip and 7 min. video of Paul taking off and King doing verbal battle with Erika.
Left most of his burger behind in his abject panic.
That was excellent. He looked like he was going to choke on what was in his mouth!
Steve King is an arrogant, full blown, racist, jerk. His patronizing tone to the young lady is despicable….
And he's the type that gets all the coverage. As long as the grown ups in his party can't get his type to shut up, that's the image they present, as a group, to Latinos and non-Latinos alike. Only the non-Latino bigots are favorably impressed.
King and Rand Paul are cowardly racists.
And yes to BC: "he's the type that gets all the coverage."
If we truly had an adversarial press someone would ask King about his incredible hypocrisy and pettiness.
Biggot and a liar: "I was talking about drug dealers."
""For everyone who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert,"
And don't take my dirty hippy, liberal, socialist, commie word for it. Take it from the S&P:
I've been sharpening my pitchfork….
The S&P is nothing more than a liberal front group stoking the flames of class warfare.
We all know that our new aristocracy will soon turn around and give all their new wealth to create jobs for the lowly underclass. If anything, they deserve a tax cut for their future generosity.
A sad and true commentary on Obama's shell shocked presidency. He only realized it too late.
An interesting piece…worth reading. I don't disagree with the authors assessment of what happened. I feel some of that shock, just watching from a distance. After he won re-election, I think he genuinely thought the opposition would mellow and start to work with him. Of course, he was wrong.
I, personally, have enormous admiration for Barack Obama. Without that cool, optimistic, greying head, where would we be by now?
It would have been nice if it had taken him the few months it should have rather than all these years to figure this out. Especially since he spent most of that time dissing and under-cutting his own side to pander to the other in vain attempts to get them to play nice when they promised, from before the first inauguration, to dedicate themselves to causing failure by denying the smallest victory to him at all costs. They never gave him the slightest reason to believe they didn't mean it but for five years he continued to delude himself. Now we're pretty much stuck with the consequences of that long learning curve until 2016 when we can elect a hopefully more savvy Dem President.
Money quote:
“If this requirement would not, in the face of all the evidence in the record, constitute an impermissible undue burden,” Judge Thompson wrote, “then almost no regulation, short of those imposing an outright prohibition on abortion, would.”
In regards to Alabama's admitting privileges law for abortion providers.
At least, you'll get to vote on GMO labelling – they submittted their signatures Monday. Thanks to Natural Grocers /Vitamin Cottage and all the other people who worked on this initiative.
from Huffpost Politics….
The Koch Brothers' Reign of Terror: How Their Great Wealth Is Buying Our Government
an excerpt…go read the whole thing….
Remember when journalists used to do things like follow the money?
BTW, Colpols. For a few minutes earlier today I couldn't post here and when I signed off I couldn't get back on. Got a couple different kinds of page not available type messages. Tried again a little later and all was fine. Lucky it happened to me and not to David T or you'd be on his incompetent list along with all internet related things Obama. Better watch it!
Pols might share the same hosting service as HuffPo, because I got the same page errors on both sites at the same time a little while ago.
Thought it might have been due to an earlier power outage corrupting my laptop. But I was able to get on to Google and CNN, so knew I could just wait it out.
I was able to get onto Huffpo at the time. It's a mystery but one that must surely be Colpols fault. Or Obama's.
One less wacko bird in the GOP House aviary. It looks like Kerry Bentivolio (Reindeer Farmer-Michigan) is losing his primary race to a (gasp) establishment Republican.
On the other hand, President Obama's teabagger cousin, the Kansas radiologist who thinks is sound medical professionalism to post x-rays of his patients on line w/ tacty comments, is holding Pat Roberts (the guy with visitation rights to a recliner in Topeka, but otherwise a DC resident) to under 50% in their primary.
Kansas used to be such a sensible state. What happened? Oh wait, isn't their a book explaining it all? What's the Matter with Kansas?