"The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right."
–Mark Twain
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BY: Cogito
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Schrodingers Dog
IN: Boebert’s Most Horrifying “Resurfaced” Video Yet?
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: TwoDogOwner
IN: Mayor Mike No Help Stopping The Crazy Tren de Aragua
BY: kwtree
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Candidate Fiorino
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Boebert’s Most Horrifying “Resurfaced” Video Yet?
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Beauprez cannot win.
Gardner cannot win.
Are they enough of a drag to hurt Coffman or waters (Woods)?
Does anyone care about Treasurer? Why?
Whats the early insider math on CO House and Senate?
Republican Darrell Issa – Asshole Extraordinaire
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Check him out at about 3:50
Now that he's won the coveted GOP nomination, has BWB made another loan to his campaign? (Maybe his wife and children need to treat him like one of these eccentric old men pissing away the family fortune on useless and frivolous stuff. Get a probate court to appoint a conservator before he squanders it all.)
Any word on the Lt Guv selection? There were those rumors that Brophy was offered the trophy but I'm hoping he bring Janet Rowland back for another round…… Or maybe offer the nod to Tanc?
FruitFree 's Tue posts sure has me giggling this morning. There was some fine prognosticatin' & opinionatin' done there by the fellacious fruit.Yep, I was way off, not ashamed to admit it 🙂
I just switched back to Unaffiliated. I felt so UNCLEAN being a Republican.
Ralphie, take a ritual cleansing shower and go help build a house with Habitat, or spend a day volunteering at a homeless shelter as penance. You'll feel clean inside and out.
How about if I just take an enema?
You mean "Republican Brainwashing"?
Isn't that what you do when you feel like you've been completely full of shit for a month?
It was low-hanging fruit, to be sure. I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Get your Beauprez "Line of Sight" screenshots and downloads now, before all of his extreme policy positions are scrubbed.
For example:
Central Government (i.e. the Federal government) is tyrannical, like the Nazis and King George.
Or, how about "Muslim Brotherhood in the White House"?
Then there's "The Colorado River is Polluted by Myths". Ha! And you thought that Colorado waterways were being polluted by benzene, toluene, and other volatiles! Silly you, myths are the problem.
And you get the idea.
Another case of voter fraud, this time in Wisconsin (and Indiana). To prove their case, investigators swabbed DNA off of the absentee ballots the suspect allegedly cast.
Although it can't be certain, it appears that the perp is a Republican (again): he donated to a Republican State Senator and then allegedly voted five times in her recall election.
It certainly does and BTW, interesting that when the voter fraud hysteria crowd does manage to fnd an actual example it almost always does seem to be on the Republican side.
It is critical that dems NOT underestimate the opponents. I anticipate that both Beauprez and Gardner will be posing with their "happy families." Talk radio, that helped Laura Woods win and was, I think, a factor in Beauprez's win…..RWTR (right wing talk radio) loved Tancredo, but promoted Beauprez as the only possible candidate to beat Hickenlooper. I think that it was Krop (sp?) ran an unexpectedly strong race and I think he took votes from Tommy.
Now, the power of RWTR is already full steam ahead against Hickenlooper….playing over and over again his talk with the sheriffs…and gearing up to go after the Corrections Chief murder..republicans do NOT have to pay a cent to have upwards of 100 hours a week of radio promoting republican candidates. What does this do? Energizes the base and is a huge help with GOTV….that is how Laura Woods won and how she engineered the Hudak resignation. She could be the one to take the one vote Democratic margin in the Senate.
My unsolicited advice: Helen Thorpe should come back as an unpaid advisor to HIckenlooper. I think she was a tremendous asset because she is a journalist and my guess is that Hickenlooper bounced ideas off of her before he spoke publicly. Right now, Hickenlooper sounds like he is thinking out loud while he is making public statements. I think Thorpe would help him frame his ideas better.
I will end any and all of my comments with: "I was wrong to predict that Tancredo would win the primary."…… A shadow of our old and lamented tag lines.
Correction: Kopp
"I was wrong to predict that Tancredo would win the primary."…… – See more at: http://coloradopols.com/diary/59764/wednesday-open-thread-71#comments
Hickenlooper should read this column by Aurora Sentinel's Barry, who IMHO is the last journalist standing in Colorado. He handles the sheriff fiasco brillilantly and Hickenlooper should hire him….except, I suspect that Barry is not for sale.
"I predicted that Tancredo would win the primary, and I was wrong."
Hey, it's Documentary Wednesday again! (Wait? We never had one before? Well, documentary trailers have been posted here before, at least…)
Documentaries currently playing or coming soon at the SIE FilmCenter in Denver:
A look at the Koch Brothers' massive role in politics:
A look at the turbulent yet successful campaign to regulate marijuana in Washington State:
A prize-winning journalist reveals his undocumented status and sheds light on the faces of people caught in the shadows:
A look at the politics of GMO foods:
A look at how computer prodigy Aaron Swartz sought to change politics before his arrest and suicide:
The GMO documentary trailer includes video of a rally at the Colorado State Capitol.
Lamborn survives a Republican primary once again, this time with a very uninspiring 53-47 win.
Lamborn will be easier for Irv Halter to beat. With Rayburn, it would have been one General against another. This way, it's tea party chickenhawk vs. progressive veteran. .
Damn! And I was feeling so good about HD2 and the Horse's Ass winning the Gov. primary.Well, at least his victories are getting narrower. Next time I hope they can find a fresh candidate, not an unfortunate retread.
It's Jeff Crank's turn next time. They finally figured out they both shouldn't run against Lamborn at the same time. So they're alternating…..
Proud to be in the 10th circuit today. We're the first appellate court to offer an opinion on same sex marriage.
Yes, indeed.
And, there are about 5 more cases lined up in the holding pattern right behind this one.
I'm guessing this is not what Tony Sanchez means when he says "Defend Freedom!"
Even better news. Just saw an announcement from the Boulder County Clerk– same sex marriage licenses issuing effective immediately.
That seems a bit premature considering the ruling was stayed and there is a pending case before the state courts.
Thinking on it a bit, it's not only premature, but any such marriages issued without the authority of a court ruling could be deemed invalid.
I suspect Suthers will be all over an injunction shortly.
I appreciate Clerk Hillary Hall's sentiment, but IMHO she's jumping the gun legally.
Not at home to research atm, but I'm guessing the stay was issued on the Utah case and the 10th allowed that to stand. There is no stay in effect in the other states controlled by the 10th Circuit.
Today's ruling by the 10th Circuit is stayed generally, not just for Utah.
Further, the court did not rule today on Oklahoma's case, even though the same ruling in theory applies. Why, I don't know.
Thanks. Too hard to read court docs with old eyes and tiny phone. Perhaps the OK case was heard by a different panel or they figure this one is enough to resolve all .
OMG. This is too funny.
Lamborn withstands Rayburn challenge in 5th Congressional District, blames Obama for close call
It's all Obama's fault.
Apparently he felt that his 50+ votes to repeal Obamacare and to shut down the government weren't enough to separate him from Obama in the minds of his constituents.
Either that or Rip Van Winkle style, he just woke up from his long slumber and realized Obama is still President.
Benghazi must not be bringing in support from the base anymore; the House Republicans are now plotting to sue President Obama, for what they view as overreaching executive power. The Politico piece says that the lawsuit could take longer than the amount of time President Obama has in office.
I just hope the judiciary basically rules the equivelent of "You figure it out amongst yourselves" instead of having side with the House Republicans or the President. If the latter happens, the fallout will make Bush v. Gore look tame, and innundate the judiciary with lawsuits every time Congress isn't satisifed with the way the executive branch is running things (and potentially vice versa).
The only proper resolution as acknowledged by the courts is that the House initiates impeachment procedings and the Senate votes on those impeachment charges.
I don't profess to know the ins and outs of when courts have jurisdiction on the actions of Congress or the President but I'm cognizant of the fact that the courts, for good reason, have generally been reluctant to get involved.
You may be right on the outcome, which is probably what House Republicans are secretly hoping for, as it's gives them a cover for impeachment. In other words, the House Republicans narrative will probbably be that they tried everything else and were left with no other choice but to pursue impeachment.
I wouldn't rule out the House Republicans bringing impeachment proceedings against President Obama. If impeachment proceedings are approved in the House, there still won't be enough votes to convict President Obama in the Senate, even if the Republicans manage to win the Senate.
Generally the courts stay out of the way between the President and the Congress if the dispute is political. They tend to get involved only when there's a real matter of law to rule on.
The President using Executive authority to direct the spending of, say, the DHS budget for immigration enforcement absent direction from Congress is a political question. Congress could, I suppose, try to pass a law saying that any immigrant coming to the attention of the system must receive equal treatment – but such a law does not exist now. Similarly, the increase in federal contractor wages was not prohibited by the budget, so the courts would quickly kick that out and tell Congress to write their bulls differently.
The President using Executive authority to do something in contravention to an explicitly passed law is a court question. However, the item most likely to come up under this category is the prisoner exchange for Sgt. Bergdahl. The basis for such a challenge would be the 30-day Congressional notification requirement passed as part of the NDAA. The President had issued a signing statement saying that such notification violated his Executive authority. A court case involving this decision would hinge on the President's powers as head of the military (it was a POW exchange, further authorized by treaty) and authority to grant reprieves on federal crimes – I just don't see that turning out well for the GOP.
That's "bills", not "bulls".
Pretty sure Boehner knows there's not much chance of actually winning such a suit but they need to keep trying new things as the public gets bored with the old stuff, not that the public has exactly been galvanized by the endless Issa investigations or McCain's endless calls to bomb and/or send troops to solve the fill-in-the-blank crisis in fill-in-the-blank. Repetition has pretty much reduced cries of Obamacare! and Benghazi! to so much wallpaper.
Repugs, no doubt, hope their suit will be getting fresh headlines well into the general election season. On the other hand, there's always the possibility that both the Walker and Christie investigations (and Lord knows what else on the Republican side) could provide new material reaching entertaining full scandal boil at a time more convenient to Dems.
It's scandal hot potato and neither side wants to be the one stuck with the latest breaking one going into the peak voting stretch. How many elections have not gone the way the pundits were predicting months out because stuff happens?
Boehner and the boys will learn that grandstanding does not equal standing.
I actually think Boehner is trying to be the grown-up here. He knows that his teabaggers want to do impeachment and how badly that will harm the GOP, Hopes that the lawsuit will satisfy some bloodlust
No wonder the poor man drinks.
Yeah? When?
OMG, what if that is not an artificial tan, but signs of liver failure?