It's no secret that a certain section of Colorado Republicans are doing everything they can to convince Tom Tancredo to exit the race for Governor, fearing that Tancredo will cripple the entire GOP ticket should he win his Party's nomination in June (a fear that may be misplaced, in our opinion). But the man Republicans hate to love continues to resist overtures to end his campaign, as well he should, since he's still the prohibitive favorite to emerge from the Primary. As we saw again yesterday, Tancredo is well in control of things — even when he's not.
From Lynn Bartels in the Denver Post:
Former Congressman Tom Tancredo, one of four Republicans running for governor, has been endorsed by the El Paso County Tea Party.
“Our great state of Colorado yearns for a governor who will put the citizens’ rights above the power-protecting politicians and big business who want to control our state,” the Tea Party said in a news release.
Tancredo said the endorsement, which was announced Monday, “came out of the blue.”
As we've written before in this space, Tancredo knows what he's doing when it comes to a crowded Republican Primary. Endorsements like this make a much bigger difference when the votes are so diffused.
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Obama Derangement Syndrome is syphillitic in its power over the Tea Party/Republican mind. But this unstoppable downward spiral should not absolve Dems of their duty to promote progressive values every chance they get.
I just declared Republican to vote in the primary. This is helping me zero in on who to vote for.
Go Ralphie!
Welcome to the GOP: Party of Hate®.
A vote for Tommy is a vote for a winner (Hick).
Not entirely. A vote for Both Ways is a vote for a winner (Hick). Ralphie, what a dilemma you face…….
Since when does the Tea Party not like Big Business? All the candidates they support love to hand out perks and breaks to Big Businesses of every kind. They cheer over decisions that declare corporations people and money speech andworshi at the feet of the Kochs. Granted it's hard to tell what Tanc is for besides hating Spanish speakers. Guess they just like his style.
But don't worry Tanc. Regrdless of the primary outcome there's no real danger of you winning in November and having to do all that real work instead of cruising along as a D list wacko celeb, a poor man's Palin. Hick's in no danger of losing. Relax and enjoy this latest injection of just enough low level fame to keep your clown show on the road a while longer.
Shhhh! Don't spoil their delusions.
The Tea Party doesn't know that the Republican Party is only for the benefit of the 1% or richer! They only heard the Gunz in every waistband, and shutdown the Gubmint messages. The rest flies right over their heads.
As long as they send money to Palin and Tanc, it just means less money to go to any GOTPer that might actually, you know, win an election.
Sorry. Next time…whispers.
There goes the Republicans who are anti-everything endorsing someone who is for immigrant rec room builders.
Now didn't Tommy do his famous Sgt. Schultz immitation and profess, "I know nothing" when the story broke…….
Yes. The basement full of non-English speakers was his low bidding contractor's business, not his. So he wasn't even a tiny bit concerned when saving a few bucks was involved. This is a perfect small scale example of the GOP's large scale preference for keeping the undocumented labor in place on a wink wink basis while feeding their bigoted base anti-immigrant red meat.
Asked for comment, Bob Beauprez tweeted: "A primary vote for Tancredo is wasted. He can't won the general election."
Shouldn't that be "A primary voter for Tancredo is wasted…"?
Josh…make up your own descriptor…Penry recently wrote his weekly jabbering on this subject…
Josh "I don't know what a descriptor is" Penry?
Now now. Josh is a smart guy, just a little sleazy at times. After all, he went to MIT (Mesa In Town).