"Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty."
–Frank Herbert
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Lauren Boebert, Rocket Surgeon
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado Challenges Trump’s (First) Unconstitutional Penstroke
BY: Genghis
IN: Lauren Boebert, Rocket Surgeon
BY: Ajm Khan
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: allyncooper
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: joe_burly
IN: Colorado Challenges Trump’s (First) Unconstitutional Penstroke
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Cutting taxes to the bone is a "good thing"
"Contributing to the problem, city leaders said, is that a lack of money has left the city at least 20 years behind in maintenance on streets and roads. As a result, the city repaves only two percent of its pavement annually — far less than its goal of 10 percent — and half of all city driving surfaces need to be repaved or rebuilt."
This is the end result when you steadfastly believe we have a "spending problem."
and the anti-government, anti-tax sociopathy of Doug Bruce and his ignorant followers.
So…what you are saying is…things are going as expected in Somalia Springs?
As opposed to the drunken sailor spending mode of the Obama administration? (Sorry sailors, don't take it personnally)
Maybe they should have gotten some of those shovel ready project funds that were so wisely spent a few years ago? Sorry, I guess Udall was too busy making sure that Pat Stryker enterprises were funded and could not make time for Colorado Springs paving projects.
You truly do not have a fucking clue, do you?
What the hell does Udall have to do with paving streets in Somalia Springs, the capitol of New Christiana?
Carnie's just grumpy 'cause he's still in his jammies. His mom didn't wake him up early enough to get first postz on the open thread with his right-wing spam.
he gets paid by Americans for Prosperity Colorado for each post here. Lies count as double.
With this nonsensical comment, AC, you have officially achieved full self parody status.
At least the spelling in the cartoons is correct this time. You have upped your game !
Thanks. I found another one.
Another of those crazy Reaganites are at it again – enough with taxes already. Didn't you get the Kock memo? The up-and-comers like my Congressman-wannabe-Senator are signing pledges to make sure whacadoodle ideas like yours never see the light of day.
I would love to see that. And it's such a simple solution and would also make up needed tax revenues. But it would require strong political leadership on the issue so unlikely to happen as there's so much money against the idea.
The government clearly has decided that the 10% permanently unemployed is just a fact of life. What happens when that is 30% of the workforce 10 years from now?
We have a fundamental problem that software is eliminating jobs much much faster than new jobs are being created. Kodak alone once had over 200,000 employees and chemical film probably was responsible for over 1,000,000 jobs. All gone replaced by 0 jobs.
What happens when taxi & delivery driver jobs disappear, when restaurant jobs disappear, when janitorial jobs disappear? The question 10 years from now is unlikely to be living wage vs minimum wage, it's going to be what to do with all the people that have no job and no wage.
David, the problem is not software eliminating jobs. Efficiency is a good thing.
The probllem is our private sector job creation numbers are pathetic. There are lots of reasons. Taken as a whole, when wealth is created what are the incentives in place for it to create a job in the US as opposed to doing something else. One reason for slow job creation is we disincetivize the repatriation of US business revenue from offshore, so it stays offshore.
Jobs doing what exactly? This is a worldwide problem and every country is going to face it. India is going to be decimated when software takes over handling customer support calls.
Trite statements that the market if left alone will find new jobs is bullshit. If everything is supplied through automation, then demand is met without new jobs.
Make it personal David.
You sell your software company and have an extra $10 million in your bank account. After being a bum for 6 months you want to do something to keep things interesting. You would open a small business, doing some other type of software, open a restaurant, something. You would create jobs. You are programmed to do that. That is the way I am programmed.
There are millions of small business people in India. They will not be replaced by software. The key is creating the environment that incentivizes the dsired behaviour and we are not doing a very good job of doing that.
The most lucrative step would be to invest in a hedge fund and make money off the financial games they play. Very profitable. Of course no jobs would be created, but I'd make good money…
David, If you had a very large sum in the bank at some point it does not make much of a difference.
Do you have any outside investors in your software company? They would be people that could invest in a hedge fund. Do they continue to work hard, when to an outsider they do not need to? I deal with people every day that work 60 hours a week that have more money than any reasonable person could ever spend in their lives. In your business I suspect you do too. They are building companies and creating jobs. I suspect that would be you too after you sold your software company.
We just need to incentivize things so more people did that so more jobs are created.
We need the immigrant from India who opens up a 7/11 hungry to succeed who will run through a wall to get to the other side.
We do not need to encourage people sitting on their ass, contemplating nothing of importance, getting subsidized by the state.
Another reason is that the Republican House of Representatives keeps passing bogus jobs bills, which are really all about gutting environmental, food, and safety regulations.
The true Republican agenda in the House has been anti-ACA, anti-abortion, anti-immigration reform, and getting worked up about fake scandals.
The repatraition of revenues is an issue only because we have incentivized the offshoring in the first place. That is not a "natural' or "unavoidable" outcome of markets. All markets operate by rules. The corporations, the big money, the wealthy have written the rules to avoid paying taxes like the rest of us do. Then they want us to "incentivize the repatriation" from time to time–that is, give them a pass to bring the profits back to the US without paying taxes still. That is not a "free" or fair market–that is the powerful writing the rules and screwing the rest of us.
The market incentivizes the offshoring.
If a telephone caller in India makes $1K per month and you need to pay someone in the US $3K per month to make the same calls, same quality, you pay the guy in India. Price drives the decision.
The market does to an extent–the extent depending upon the rules of the market. The rules have a big effect on the prices.
But your response to me is off point: I was responding to your comment about the repartriation of revenues. That is determined completely by the rules–and the rules, as I said, depend upon who is writing them.
So you're really trying to have a rational discussion with a shill?
I know. First time I did that. I won't do it again.
For those following it, another interesting document from the Silicon Valley conspiracy to hold down wages.
I have met Eric Schmidt. I know what a jerk he is. I guess this puts the exalted Mr. Jobs in the same category.
500 Economists think raising minimum wage to $10 a bad idea
500 economists have come out against the recent Dem anti-growth economic pablum of raising the minimum wage. The economist agree with the CBO analysis that the wage raise would destroy 500K jobs by 2016. Here is the article.
That's probably about the same 'percentage' of American economists as that of scientists in the climate change world who deny mans contribution to the problem.
Idiots abound….
Yeah, like, you know, adding to the paychecks of 16.5 million workers would, like, you know, totally throw us into a depression, dude!
3 of the 500 have won the nobel prize in economics, generally not an indicator of being an idiot.
Link to actual letter
4 Nobel winners, not 3.
So 0.8% of the signators are Nobels? The one-percenters strike again.
I'm not going to waste my time looking it up, but didn't our resident librarian go off on a rant some time back about Paul Krugman getting the Nobel and that was somehow the reason why the prize meant nothing?
What next, Vladimir Putin nominated for the Peace Prize?
Obama has won it, so why not Putin?
As for nominations, something like a couple hundred get nominated each year. I expect he has already been nominated, but they keep that under wraps. Any govenment offical can nominate someone.
I have to defer to the analysis performed when the CBO released its findings: if you take a statistical average of the very few studies performed so far, you do wind up with that number – but the studies themselves are up for debate and the uncertainty level is high. (One quite negative study, for example, was written essentially as a counter to another, and then a rebuttal study was published reaffirming the mildly positive numbers of the first study. These three studies represent an unfortunately large percentage of the overall universe of studies on the subject, and the negative study outweighs the others… Simple statistical averaging, which is what the CBO and these economists have done, cannot overcome the lack of enough useful data.
The US Supreme Court has set a broad standard under the Federal Gun Control Act when it comes to barring those convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence charges from owning or dealing in guns.
In a unanimous decision, the Court held that very little force – essentially, that needed to convict someone for common-law battery (pushing, slapping, etc.) was sufficient as part of a domestic abuse charge to trigger the conditions of the law.
Writing for the majority, Justice Sotomayor deferred to social experts' descriptions of patterns of abuse in reaching the Court's decision. Justice Scalia, and Justices Alito and Thomas agreed with the ruling but concurred in separate opinions, wondering – without actually dissenting in this case – if Congress was too vague or set too low a bar.
This is, IMHO, a big victory for domestic abuse victims and for responsible gun control, and it once again affirms that the Court is okay with valid gun control legislation at both the state and federal levels.
I agree. I like this decision a lot.
Good because I have feeling we're not going to like the Hobby Lobby decision.
FM Broadcasting equipment?
Does anyone have a lead on used broadcasting equipment or audio studio expertise? We have the opportunity to have a low wattage FM radio station for citizen groups here in pueblo. We know very little about it. Thanks.