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March 11, 2014 06:32 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

"The wicked envy and hate; it is their way of admiring."

–Victor Hugo


25 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

        1. Issa sentenced to 6 mo probation and his record expunged.

          Udall sentenced to 1 year probation and his record was not expunged.

          In the eyes of the law only one is a crook and that is Udall.

          1. Actually, AC/DC, you're a hypocrite:

            "After receiving a hardship discharge in 1972 after his father suffered a heart attack, Issa earned a General Educational Development (GED) certificate.[10] Twice that year, he was arrested. In the first incident he was indicted by a grand jury for an alleged theft of a Maserati, but prosecutors dropped the charge.[16] In the second incident, he was stopped for driving the wrong way on a one-way street, and a police officer noticed a firearm in his glove compartment. Issa was charged with carrying a concealed weapon. He pleaded guilty to a charge of possession of an unregistered firearm, and was sentenced to six months' probation and a small fine.[16] Issa has said he believes the record has since been expunged.[10]"

            So,. if you have enough money and political clout to expunge your criminal record, you're not a criminal?   Note that the criminal in question, Issa, only says he "believes" his record has been expunged.

            Hypocrisy, thy name is AceyDucey!

            1. Actually V, I made a mistake.  Expungement does not eliminate the underlying offense, that would be a pardon. They are both criminals.  But don't pretend Mark Udall is someone who lacked resources. 

              1. You made two, in this instance.  Misdeameanor pot possession is not dishonest, like stealing a high-priced car (felony grand theft auto).  Thus really only Issa is the 'crook'.  

                But we agree that Ronald Reagan ran a corrupt administration.  

                1. The auto theft charge against Issa was dropped.  
                  he conviction was for having a gun in his car — something which is legal in Colorado, as I understand it.   Since he was nhever tried, let alone convicted, on the auto theft charge, Issa would not have had a felony record and hence would not be banned from owning a firearm.


    Remember when the US was selling arms to Iranian terrorists to fund Central American death squads illegaly?  If you are A Cowardly troll perhaps not, because Ragan–the president at the time who may or may not have known what was happening right under his nose–is, well REAGAN (Conservastive Action Figure President!).


    President Reagan Favors Use of Fifth Amendment in Iran Arms Scandal Investigation

    President Ronald Reagan supports the decision by those members of his administration being investigated for their involvement in the Iran Contra affair to use their Fifth Amendment right to not incriminate themselves before Congress.

    The last GOP (failed) president, the one that looked into Putin's soul and saw a man he could trust–and thus did nothing as Russia moved in the the soveriegn nation of Georgia (hint to troll, its capital is not Atlanta)–loved having the administration take the fifth, to dodge qustions about outing under-cover CIA operatives, developing torture memos, and protecting Alberto and Dick.  

    The George W. Bush administration saw an invocation of the Fifth Amendment during a congressional review of the dismissal of several U.S. attorneys.

    In 2007, Justice Department official Monica Goodling refused to answer questions about the firing of federal prosecutors. Goodling, senior counsel to then-attorney general Alberto Gonzales, was subpoenaed to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the firing of eight U.S. attorneys.

    "The potential for legal jeopardy for Ms. Goodling from even her most truthful and accurate testimony under these circumstances is very real," Goodling's lawyer, John Dowd, told the Associated Press at the time.

    Another Senior Bush Justice Official Takes the Fifth?

    David Ayres was at the pinnacle of power and influence in the first four years of the Bush Administration. As Attorney General John Ashcroft’s chief of staff, he ran his office and was viewed as the attorney general’s voice in much of the department. When Ashcroft departed to launch his own legal practice, Ayres went along with him. Now papers filed in the prosecution of another former Bush Justice official show that Ayres has been denied immunity by the Justice Department and has stated that he intends to take the Fifth Amendment if called to testify in the criminal case. What is Ayres’s concern?



    Aide to Gonzales Won’t Testify About Dismissals

    WASHINGTON, March 26 — An aide to Attorney GeneralAlberto R. Gonzales on Monday invoked her constitutional right to refuse to testify before a Senate panel investigating last year’s removal of eight United States attorneys, her lawyer told the committee.

    It would actually be refreshing to have a conservative show up here that has a brain, some sense and perspective.  Instead we get the turd.

  2. From the NY Times obit for non-fiction author Joe McGinniss, who wrote books on Richard Nixon and Sarah Palin:


    “It has all become entertainment,” Mr. McGinniss said. “In the 21st century, politics is just another branch of the entertainment industry.”

      1. In the TV age , even that distinction has been getting blurred. Presidents may not be as beautiful as most movie stars but when's the last time we've elected a short fat  plug ugly President?  How many freshman Senators over the last few decades have fit that description?

        It seems moot now but I for one have never believed that someone who looks like Governor Christie could be elected President. There's a threshold you have to get over in terms of attractiveness and apparent fitness. That's just the way it is.

    1. Then count me in as a Bernie fan.  Walmart gets to bilk both their employees and taxpayers and then pocket the difference.  Nice scam for any respectable corporate citizen.

      1. And the present day Walton clan came to own more wealth all by themselves than the bottom 40% put together and wield more power than all but a handful the old fashioned way. They were born or married into into it. Not their fault their stupid employees weren't smart enough to be born or married to Waltons. 

  3. What I find fascinating about A Cowardly troll is both how transparent of a tool it is and how totally inept at its job.  I want to think–for fair competition's sake–that there are conservatives in Colorado that are not complete idiots, but here we get AC and neeby.  Could it be they send their dumbest here to occupy and distract them, or has conservatism in the state really come to this?  

  4. All I could find in the way of criminal "convictions" for Mark Udall was this; In 1972, Udall was arrested for misdemeanor marijuana possession. He served a night in jail and paid a $300 fine.  Anyone know about something more serious? Anyone think a 40+ year old pot misdemeanor is a big negative for a Colorado candidate these days? 

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