"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
–Arthur Schopenhauer
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
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IN: Colorado Challenges Trump’s (First) Unconstitutional Penstroke
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IN: Lauren Boebert, Rocket Surgeon
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
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IN: Wednesday Open Thread
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IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: joe_burly
IN: Colorado Challenges Trump’s (First) Unconstitutional Penstroke
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
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R.I.P. Buddy Holly, J.D.(Big Bopper) Richardson and Richie Valens – their plane crashed on a snowy night in an Iowa cornfield, 55 years ago, today.
Since I wasn't around on Friday to poke at A.C., I figure I can get in an extra shot today.
Republicans who are so proud that they have the majority of governorships should quake at the thought of a Texas Gov. Wendy Davis. Even if she doesn't win the 2014 election, she (or someone like her) has a good shot of winning the seat before the 2020 redistricting cycle. If that happens, the US House flips to Democratic control almost automatically as a result: the current Texas district lines are so lopsided that even a negotiated redistricting map will result in a massive increase in Democratic districts.
Throw in a (now Democrat) Gov. Bill Christ win in Florida and a loss for Republican Gov. Corbett in Pennsylvania, and Republicans are looking at their last foreseeable chance for Federal dominance over the next 7 years.
If the GOP wants to rule again, it's pretty much 2014 or never (at least in their current incarnation). This year's elections present the best opportunity Republicans will have at the Senate; the 2016 map isn't so friendly, and Democratic voter participation will be up for the Presidential election cycle. All the GOP has to do is not screw it up (unlike, say, the Senate elections of 2010 or 2012, both of which could have been Republican winners had they not picked wingnutty candidates).
Seems Mark Udall and ColoradoPols are still at the first stage as to the 335,000 cancelled health insurance plans. At least Obama has issued a half-hearted appology for his lies. Udall and ColoradoPols still do not admit that when the state issues a notice of cancellation that the plan was cancelled. So sad.
But there is good news, outside of the local echo chamber, the truth is understood. Here are the numbers:
Support for Obamacare and Obama's handling of Health Law by affilliation (approve/disapprove)
Dem 70-23, down from 80-11 in last three months;
Republicans 5-93 down from 9-86 in last three months; and most importantly
Independents 33-60 down from 37-54.
Continue in your non-acceptance of the self-evident.
You are wrong. It is self-evident that you are a delusional party hack, engaged in a truly pathetic effort at spinning… and I readily accept that.
Cox, You will get to the acceptance phase. I understand you are not there yet.
I haven't seen any of your comments on the Stephen/Buck fundraising thread.
As they say, money talks and bullshit walks.
Then you need to look again.
Depends on what you think that means. I think the 335K cancelled is bull-shit as a change in plan is a cancel and that's always happened. But I will agree that the Obamacare website was a disaster and the Obama Administration would have trouble competently running a single McDonalds. And I'm not at all confident that Hillary Clinton will be much better.
There's no way I'll vote for any Republican who makes it out of your primary over a Democrat. I'll vote for Wall St owned Michael Bennet over any tea party approved nut case. I won't be happy when I do it, but I'll do it.
David: I understand you are a loyal Dem, but atleast you have your eyes open. I also understand that there is a baseline of cancelled policies that if available would need to be subtracted to get the real number. That said, I believe the real number is likely now a few hundred thousand and we have not yet started the cancellations of those who have employer provided health insuance. ColoradoPols thought that the only people adversely effected are those who were not offered a replacement policy is wildy off. The replacement policies are mostly much more expensive than the existing policies and lots of people who were offered them are now without insurance.
The source is straight out of A.C.'s ass, as per his M.O. as well as the current Republican M.O.
You were quoting that 335,000 last week . . .
. . . it's gotta' be somehwhere up around 10,000,000 by now, doesn't it? Week old propoganda never has cut it at ColoarodPols — Try to keep up here, huh AC?
Information supplied by the Department of Insurance of a Dem administration is hardly the stuff of right wing conspiracies. My guess is it will be close to a million by this time next year, but that is because employer supplied policies were given an additional extension in an attempt to get past the election.
People have been asking for your source. You keep failing to provide one. Thus, all your "sources" are straight from your diapered ass.. Oops, sounds like you need a change…
It's not a source without a link. Linkies please.
I've seen typically conservative sources (Heritage, Cato, others) show polling data that indicates similar, but also shows that when infdividual characterisitics of ACA are polled (lack of exclusion for pre-existing conditions, children able to stay on paretns' plan until 26, harder cancellation once someone gets sick, portability) they poll well. The point is that while voters are not thrilled with ACA and the Obamacare website implementation, they (we) like some of the new rules.
Meanwhile- all we have heard from R's is Ryan's lan to privatize Medicare.
And seniors couldn't get insurance before Medicare because the private sector didn't want to sell to them, period. So repeal ACA, including stuff everybody likes, give seniors a coupon (that's all a voucher is… a discount coupon) and see how many of them can get insurance at all for a price they can afford, coupon. or no coupon. And remember, insurance companies would be able to go back to denying over preexisting conditions and most seniors have some. It'll be swell. Just like private investing completely replacing any guaranteed social security. Imagine if social security had been fully privatized before the Wall Street melt down. Apparently the GOTP's idea of freedom is freedom to live a short, high risk, brutal existence after you hit retirement age.
Quinnipiac national polling data.
Live audio from the Colorado Senate Background Check repeal hearing: