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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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That was a hell of a speech!
DC Republicans have slowly killed bipartisanship with malice aforethought, and our elected Democrats in Washington should think and act accordingly.
There were some high points. "Give America a raise!" "Climate change is a fact," and what are you going to tell your grandkids that you did about it? I liked that he touted his own accomplishments – Deficit at lowest point since WWII
"It's time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a Mad Men episode."
check, check, and check.
On the Republican response, from Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, it was so bland and fluffy that it was laughable. Nice lady, Ms. Mcmorris Rodgers, but hardly any substance, just a bunch of Orwellian blurbs. "Opportunity inequality" is more of a problem than actual inequality??? "Honor our history of legal immigration" is what kind of a solution to the present immigration system? "Compassion" "Exceptional" mean WTF??? exactly? She has a son with Downs syndrome, but hates the ACA???
ahe also repeated the lie that this administsration is spending too much when spending is down
I think it's time for the GOP to negotiate in regards to the minimum wage and also immigration, then pound away at all the dissatisfaction regarding ACA. Millions of Americans are being hit with double digit health insurance premiums to support the program … However, will this dissatisfaction turn into votes … time will tell, but the ones being hammered the most probably already vote Republican.
You can credit that last in large part to Republican controlled states who refused the Medicaid expansion and have tried as hard as possible to obstruct any effective health care exchange. Yes, a majority of them vote Republican – for now, at least.
The GOP should be LEADING in regards to the minimum wage. Raise the minimum wage and the need for public assistance programs goes down, lowering government expenditures and removing a hidden corporate subsidy that's draining our public coffers. It's a people-centric solution to a problem that Republicans say they have with government, and it's one where they'll get easy buy-in from Democrats.
Negotiate? Why not just call any increase in the minimum wage a jobs killing tax increase on the working poor and be done with it? Of course the minimum wage should go up. The R opposition has been exactly wrong – trickle up works.
opposition to ACA is a tough sell without viable alternatives. Aside from Ryan"s plan to voucherize,privatize and end Medicare, what do you have?
Now 'trickle up' works does it? Since Trickle Down just means 99.9% of Americans gets pissed on, I hear it smells like licorice! Although there is no evidence that 'trickle up' works–as in 'supply side' lard up the profit-creators with more public largess (which results in just that–larding up the .1% at the expense of everyone else), one need only look at the actual data…bringing us to your point.
You ask:
hy not just call any increase in the minimum wage a jobs killing tax increase on the working poor and be done with it?
Why? Its simple. The data doesn't support that, thus saying it would be an invention, i.e. should (and will) remain as a GOP talking point and foundational principal for VooDoo Economics, as Bush the Elder put it.
Pretty sure JB is saying that minimum wage should go up because prosperity comes from the broad base. It doesn't trickle down from a tiny pyramid point at the top.
I'm pretty sure that JB doesn't know what he's arguing. Throw it at the wall, see what sticks.
Not exactly my impression.
I think I may have misread the original comment, if so apologies to JB
Some senator quoted the late, great populist Paul Wellstone after the SOTU. Wellstone said
"We all do better when we all do better."
It's hard to argue with the simplicity and logic of that statement.
Interesting commentary on the SOTU, is that there is so little interesting commentary here on the SOTU. In previous years, this post might have prompted scores of comments–and where are the Republican trolls? It was an obligation fulfilled (to Constitution, and to Party), not much more. Biggest throwdown seems to be acknowledging that 2014 will be the "War over Women," and I like Dems odds on that one after watching the "howdy-doody" Republican response and seeing Christie Whitman's response this-morning.
Chris Matthews/MSNBC thought it was the BEST THING EVER!!! Historically AWESOME!!!! I was embarrassed for the man and I have a high tolerance for idiotic pundits.
Agreed that the GOP (fractured) response was lame, and all Tipton has done is blame, bash, and criticize… with all the comments under the article in the Sentinel criticizing the congressman in response.
He gives a good speech, but I'm interested in results at this point. There were hopeful moments for sure. And of course he ought to use the powers of the executive branch to enact his agenda. I'm pretty sure that perk comes with being called 'Mr. President.' About time IMO.
The italics are provided by the Guvs! Thanks.
Chris Matthews does get easily carried away, sometimes with ridiculous over-enthusiasm and other times with ridiculous levels of gloom and doom. As for the value of his, ahem, expert insight, let's not forget that he was certain 2008 was going to be HRC v Giuliani, with Giuliani winning. He also was completely taken in by GW when he ran against Gore and admits having voted for GW.