"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be."
–Khalil Gibran
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Weekend Open Thread
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Genghis
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
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To our legislators, as you go into session, keep in mind:
And for those that can't come up with 5 pieces of legislation, we have some suggestions.
Keep this in mind too:
Really interesting – Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results
I really enjoyed this book and was surprised by the professionalism of it, as well as the careful and cautious way that conclusions were drawn.
"I Got Schooled" By M. Night Schyamalan.
I think he makes a really good case for the reforms that he has concluded were necessary. And it's data-based, which makes me happy.
They didn't "expect" that having high expectations for student achievement and behavior is a necessary part of effective teaching. Good grief.
Sen Carroll unanumously elected as the new President of the Senate.
Widely reported in the media as a show of bipartison cooperation, ignoring the fact that it was the disgusting recalls that made the new election necessary.
Alexandria University in Egypt just signed up for our code wars!
Now it's Tricky Christie — A dirty trick worthy of Nixon:
The resignations of Christie's lieutenants have already started.
Even though this doesn't rise to the level of Watergate, in fact because it doesn't, because it's so petty and mean and so fits in with the New Jersey's image as the state of crooked pols and organized crime and Christie so looks and mouths off the part, I'd say his presidential ambitions, never very promising in the first place, are even further along their way to stick a fork in it done.
Ruining the first days of school for communities full of children, keeping communities full of workers from getting to work and putting communities full of innocent people at risk by blocking ambulances with a trumped up traffic jam, all for a the sake of sending a gotcha message to an opposite party Mayor who wasn't nice enough to you make the Sopranos look classy and civic minded.
Another superflouous "the". I've got to start reading stuff over better.
I have spent the evening engaged in one, almost continual, chuckle.
Christie is fucked..
it couldn't happen to a more deserving jerk…
Wondering about all that Polar vortex stuff and its relationship to global climate change? Here's a very nice explanation:
Rereshing. A newspaper, in Ft Worth Texas, no less, admitting to falling down on the fact checking job.
Aarrgh! Resfreshing! I'm really getting hopeless!
Double aarrgh! Refreshing. I clearly need to stop trying to type for a while. Bye.
You should all send some congratulations Gessler's way (in the form of a front page story) as he just announced the birth of a new baby.
I'd be happy to congratulate him, and wish him LOTS and LOTS of free time to spend with his family away from the stressful worlds of government, GOP lawyering, and campaigning to enjoy his new progeny..but I don't see this announced anywhere else…
No need to be snarky about it. He posted picture on fb
Since when must there be a need to be snarky? Seriously, though, he does seem to be the forgotten party in all the speculation about the next GOTP gubernatorial candidate. Brophy and Tanc seem to be getting all he attention. So a new baby will be the perfect "I want to spend more time with my family" explanation for dropping out of politics and returning to the more lucrative private sector.
You can't expect much in the way of warm fuzzy feelings toward the only SOS from either party in living in memory to so blatantly turn his office into a strictly partisan operation dedicated exclusively to creating partisan advantage instead of to running fair, efficient elections from those he's dedicated his time in office to screwing.
I wish the mother and new baby well. I sincerely hope that Gessler is never elected to anything ever again. He is a truly awful public servant.
Brophy? I'm terrible at prognosticating but the consensus seems to be that – barring a miracle with fundraising this past quarter – his candidacy should be on life support at best.