New on the Denver Post wire. And we didn’t believe them.
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Commitment to personal responsibility? Is that supposed to translate to "keep your laws off our guns"?
As to the move – goodbye. Not so sad to see you go.
Yes, I saw that link about their move after I wrote my last post. I'll believe it when I see it. The hoo ha last time caused a rush to buy Magpul, and there are certainly legislators who will use this to argue for no gun restrictions.
Jobs are jobs, and I'll be sorry to see those go if they do go, but I won't be sorry to say "Buh-bye" to the company that sold the Sandy Hook school magazines.
From their "move page":
So this could be more of an expansion to other states. "Plans on" means that they can still change how much of their operations remain in Colorado, and some of their industry will definitely still remain here.
9News just had a little item obout Magpul leaving for Cheyenne and Texas—can they load up the RMGO when they pack the trucks?
This Fitzpatrick is either cutting his nose off to spite his face or he's, as MJ suggests, actually expanding operations and getting bigger.
The latter seems more the case, with the old song and dance "we're moving to a climate where the 2nd Amendment is respected" garbage thrown in for effect.
Seems to me magpul's CEO is the guy throwing 200 peoples' lives into chaos. Imagine working a job, paying a mortgage, kids in school, and your employer blows your life up by throwing a temper tantrum and moving his business……your livelyhood……….to another state………….and I can't think if a worse pair in the armpits of the nation Texas and Wyoming…………for purely spitefull reasons.
The 5 Laws enacted did NOTHING to restrict "2nd Amendment rights". (Just saying "rights" sticks in my craw, as these gunzo idiots know nothing and don't care about the origins of the 2nd Amendment.) Fitzpatrick is playing on the well known and typically hysterical gunzo demographic's kneejerk reaction following any over the top rhetoric the firearms industry belches out. Some reciprocity's comin' from somewhere in the righty whacko sphere.
What Fitzpatrick doesn't care about is the lives of the families affected by his announced "move"..if it even happens. What a hack, quack, phony and a fraud.
That's assuming this asshole pays a living wage to his employees in the first place. If he's paying wallmart money, that means everybody at magpul's working another job anyway.
Again, I'm with MJ. My hunch is magpul ain't goin' anywhere. "It's just showbiz".