"Nowadays those are rewarded who make right appear wrong."
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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Not really getting this one, Ralphie. Was this supposed to be on another thread?
Dunno. It's Twitty's comment. But when I need total nutritional clearing, I eat 505 green chilii.
oops. Don't know why I saw "Ralphie". Certainly didn't sound like you. Or Twitty either, for that matter. So what's this, Twitty? And I'm with you on the green chile, Ralphie.
I would guess that it's from one of the many spam posts that Pols clears out. They can be hilarious, because like this one, they are often completely unintelligible.
Really cool message about enjoy what you have (Romanian)
For any of you that have kids graduating this May, my advice on what they should look for in their first job. It's high-tech focused but I think a lot of it holds for most any job.
Very interesting results from NYT investigation of Benghazi. GOTP already denouncing it on Fox, etc.
I was heartened to read that all-too-rare bit of painstakingly thorough bit of investigative journalism. Particularly as it clearly demonstrated that despite the fog surrounding the events, the government got the facts pretty straight from the start.
Unlike any modern-era Repubilcan administration — Nixon/Watergate, Reagan/Iran Contra, Bush/Iraq (plus anything coming out of Cheney's mouth)
Fox doesn't recognize the truth because they have so little experience dealing in it.
The way I read it the initial explanation, pretty much just a spontaneous reaction to the video, wasn't entirely accurate but in an ongoing situation and you know how righties and their media mouthpieces at Fox always approach any event first and foremost as an opportunity to trash the Obama administration and b) hate anything that can't be explained in a single talking point.
Keep an eye peeled towards Grand Junction next week, my friends. The deepening scandal at the Grand Junction Regional Airport…
is also growing wider. The web of political cronies that were involved has been the subject of much discussion and speculation. Word has it this morning that Tippets is facing ten years if the allegations are true (something about expensive cars and their resale..?) . Here is a list of board members…recognize any names?
Denny Granum*, Chairman (county appointed)
David Hibberd, Vice Chairman (city appointed)
Tom Frishe, Commissioner (at large)
Rick Wagner, Commissioner (county appointed)
Paul Nelson, Commissioner (city appointed)
Sam Susuras, Commissioner (City Council rep)
Steve Wood, Commissioner (county appointed)
This is going to be interesting. As another Polster (Ralphie, I think) said, a while back…the FBI doesn't care who a suspect is, relative to their local political connections. This is going to be interesting…as soon as Jay Seaton stops sitting on the story.
I don't think he's sitting on the story. The Sentinel has reported on the FBI investigation. It has reported what little has been disclosed on the Airport Board's CYA "what do they have on us?" internal investigation, such as it is. It reported on the VanLandingham suit, including publishing the full PDF of the complaint. Today's editorial pointed to the fact that there's a whole lot of process that has yet to take place. And that's true. As long as the Sentinel reports on that process as it happens, I don't think they're sitting on anything.
As an aside, I asked someone who *should* know which members of the board are likely to get sucked into the scandal. This person said, "let me tell you which ones AREN'T. It's a much shorter list."
Any chance any of this will reflect on Tipton? Does he have any oversight on the GJ airport?
Can't be sure from names alone but, just as a matter of interest, it sure looks like an all white all male list.
I noticed that, too. For what it's worth the article says an Amy Jordan was named interim aviation manager. She was the deputy administrator. Maybe she gets to do the clean up.
A woman for cleaning up? Priceless.