Our custom for most of our years blogging about Colorado politics, we're starting work on 2013's recap of the top ten stories. For good and/or ill, 2013 was one of the most tumultuous years not just in our time covering Colorado politics, but the history of the state itself. Sorting the numerous interweaving storylines of this year into ten blog posts is a daunting challenge, but we promise to do our level best.
Help us out: use this space to give us your list of the top ten stories in Colorado politics this year, and why you think so. And look for our recap of this crazy/epic/unforgettable year starting the day after Christmas.
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Weekend Open Thread
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Genghis
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
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On the West Slope, it would be how the Grand Junction Chamber bought itself a City Council–and ended up with Rick Brainard.
Three moderate/progressives beating three teabaggers in the recent District 51 School Board election is significant also.
Scooter running for County Commissioner is high on the list of local stories too.
The story yet to be told, sure to make next year's top 10, is how far-reaching the FBI fraud investigation into the GJ Airport will turn out to be. Who will be caught in the web of deceit?
Also note how closely intertwined the chamber is with most of the present and past members of the airport authority. Coincidence?
I hope not.
Isn't Sentinel "columnist" Rick Wagner on the Airport Authority Board? I doubt we'll hear much more about it.
Yes, he's a recent County appointee. You make the same point my wife makes about this being buried. It's indeed a possibility. Let me tell you why I think it's past that now.
This story is now beyond the ability of local pols to bury it. The FBI doesn't fuck around. They carry guns and shit. If there is wrongdoing, there will be indictments. If there are indictments, no one will be able to bury the story.
I'm looking foward to seeing this evolve.
True, but the Sentinel's already starting to spin, if recent stories are any indication. Jay Seaton has never let a little thing like Journalistic Integrity weigh him down.
Not sure Seaton's spinning it. I rather suspect it's the Chamber and Seaton's people are just reporting, er, stenographering it.
For starters
1. Gun safety legislation and associated recalls
2. Gessler's low-yield illegal voter witch hunt
3. Grass roots anti-fracking movement
1a) Arapaho High School shooting
Coffman's flopping about like a dying flounder on any and every policy position.
I neglected to mention why this is a big Colorado politics story:
This should be near the bottom of a top 10 list. I agree with DP's list. Obviously, the gun legislation and recalls should be #1, as it put Colorado's contradictions on world wide view.
I'd also add that the environmental disasters brought about by climate change, the wildfires and the flooding , should have been political stories, but instead were relegated to "human interest" stories. That is, there should have been policy discussion about investing in renewable energy and divesting of greenhouse-gas generating oil and gas production, but there has not been such policy discussion, just denial and misdirection.
But in terms of what put Colorado on national news, the recalls, floods, and fires. Top 3.
Re: Coffman. You might add that he has the most substantive opponent that CD 6 has seen in former House Speaker Andrew Romanoff (assuming Romanoff doesn't hire Patrick Caddell as his campaign manager).
ouch! Pretty sure that's not gonna happen!
Not in order
All five recalls- the low turnout recall overturns the wil of te voters in much higher turnout election
Secession – I esp love that MOffat county wants join Wyoming because CO oil and gas severance taxes are too high- and Wyoming's are higher.
Inauguration of Obama/Biden
Repeal of TABORMAGPUL leaving the state
Gun seizures due to background check and mag limits.Another school shooting – Colorado now has a rep.
Hundreds of millions in publicly funded state tourism subisidy to …Colorado Springs!
The percentage of public funding (investment) in higher ed continues to decline.
CBI crime lab loses credibilty
Parolee, incoreectly paroled, transitions to murder for hire, resulting in a shooting
Republican strategy to disenfranchise voters by crying WOLF! on voter fraud
ratings whoretalk radio personality gets fired, re-hired and defends cake guyPlease don't leave me, baby.
And Wyoming said no. They could ask Utah, 'cept Herbert's pretty busy taking a stand for that good old 'traditional' Utah marriage. Because when people think 'Utah' and 'marriage' the first thing that pops in mind is 'traditional.' Sure.
To name a few, in no particular order:
The Front Range Floods were the most significant event in Colorado in 2013.
It affected thousands of lives, showed the power of extreme weather events to damage our economic and social infastructures and the repercussions will be felt in the years to come.
And most important, and lost in any messaging at all, is how government evacuated all those people, prevented widespread disease by providing emergency medical care and shelter, and put those roads back up to connect deserted communities. Your tax dollars at work! We're all in it together! Ads could be bought as recruiting videos for the National Guard. If anything can be sold on TV, then why not the notion that government can do good?
As only a doctor could really understand how important this was!
Gilpin Guy is the most right.
Do you mean the 10 biggest political stories or the 10 biggest Colorado stories, that may have also had political implications?
The Front Range Floods would make either list Dwyer. It as one of the biggest political stories of the year because it showed the power of responsive government and Hickenlooper's leadership. The state emergency response to unprecedented natural disasters like the June wildfires and September floods was exemplary. The post fire and flood rebuilding efforts were done with urgency and precision. This was good government in bad times. People totally forget what a crisis the Black Forest wildfire was immediate suppression measures that got deployed. Hickenlooper is waffling on a tanker fleet for next year but he got it right on rebuilding the roads.