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March 24, 2006 09:00 AM UTC

Mesa County DA Investigating Republican Infighting

  • by: Colorado Pols

The infighting among Republicans along the Western Slope has now become a legal issue. From the Grand Junction Sentinel:

The Mesa County District Attorneys Office has opened an investigation into whether a letter attacking Republican activists on the eve of the partys precinct caucuses might have broken state law regulating political campaigns. District Attorney Pete Hautzinger said Thursday he was assigning his chief investigator, Gil Stone, to investigate the letter sent to GOP voters across House District 55.

He will likely take Stones findings to the Colorado District Attorneys Council, which has charged a committee with figuring out how to enforce a new state law prohibiting false statements in election campaigns, Hautzinger said. That law makes it a misdemeanor to disseminate any false statement designed to affect the vote on any issue submitted to the electors at any election or relating to any candidate for election to public office.

It also holds that a person would act recklessly when acting in conscious disregard of the truth or falsity of the statement made, published, broadcasted, or circulated.

Prosecuting a case could be difficult on several levels, Hautzinger acknowledged. For one thing, the letter sent by the Colorado Republican Caucus in anticipation of the GOP caucus excoriates Republicans who backed Democrat Bernie Buescher two years ago when he defeated Republican Shari Bjorklund for the District 55 seat. It doesnt, however, advocate electing Bjorklund this time around or even mention Bob Caskey, the Republican hoping to oust Buescher this year.

A prosecution, however, might be pegged to the idea that the letter was intended to affect the makeup of the Mesa County Republican assembly, Haut-zinger said. The assembly, a county-level convention, can affect elections by determining which candidates can appear on a primary ballot and the order in which they appear.

It’s also interesting that the Colorado District Attorney’s Council is looking into how to prosecute laws against false statements in an election campaign. Their findings could affect what happens with any Democratic claims against The Trailhead Group.


29 thoughts on “Mesa County DA Investigating Republican Infighting

  1. Wow ‘a’, did you not get your ice cream cone today?  Is that why you’re moody?

    Grow up, this isn’t the place for spiteful posts about other bloggers.  Deal with people having a dfferent opinion, and start discussing the issues of the day, otherwise, why don’t You sit out the next round?

  2. Ahh, a, you sad little man, you. One gets the feeling that you don’t really like answering questions so much as flinging insults in the vain hope that people won’t figure out just how dim you really are.

    Again, answer the question–what’s your description of a right winger?

    Right back at ya, you dim little Napoleon-complexed, sorry little lad. (and why do I think “little” is the operative word here, in SO many ways.)

    Breathlessly waiting for your next intelligent line of reasoning/4th grade insults…

  3. Middle of the Road,

    Well if you say you are going to give a definition then give a definition.  I specifically asked what a right-winger is, not what one isn’t.  If you can’t give a definition on what one is then shut up and let someone else give it a shot. 

    Being the intellectual genius you are I am sure that you can understand that the term “right winger” is arbitrary and open to interpretation and the reason I asked Mitch what his definition was is because it is likely different than the rest of ours.

    And to prove your idiocy, the first half of your new definition still doesn’t tell me what a right winger is.  The definition you give ” someone who does not believe that ideologues  that differ from his/her own are acceptable, tolerable or included in ideology and policy making or…” tells me what an ideologue is and they could be either conservative or liberal. 

    As for this this definition “extremists who no longer honor the principles of fiscal responsibility or tolerance/inclusion within the party.” it tells me that you think right wingers are extreme, but not why.  What an idiot.

    Why don’t you go sit in the corner until you are grown up enough to wear your big boy pants.  Moron.

  4. “extremists who no longer honor the principles of fiscal responsibility or tolerance/inclusion within the party.
    For what’s it worth, that would be my definition of right-wingers.”

    Gee, moron, I think I DID.

  5. a,

    Speaking of moron, didn’t realize you couldn’t read full sentences and figure it out for yourself. Let me try to spell this out for you on a 6th grade reading level. Grab a dictionary if the big words get ya all confused.

    Rightwinger- someone who does not believe that idealogies that differ from his/her own are acceptable, tolerable or included in ideology and policy making or…according to Webster’s dictionary, “the more conservative or reactionary section of a political party or group.”

    Gee, look how much time we all could have saved if you owned a dictionary.
    Of course, this won’t give the information you’re looking for. Why? Because it’s not the answer you want to hear.

    I have a better idea–why don’t you tell all of us what YOU think a right-winger is?

  6. Middle of the Road,

    Actually, if you read your your own post there genius, you will realize that you never said what a right-winger is.  You said your friend is a pro-choice moderate and that she feel that her party has been hijacked by extremists; but alas you never say what a right-winger is.

    How about fitting this into your mental scheme? Before you make yourself look like a fool be sure that your post actually gives the information that was asked for, moron.

  7. a,

    Who cares who you directed your comments to? It’s a blog, baby, get a clue and get over yourself.

    You got your definition two different ways but apparently common sense doesn’t fit into your mental scheme.

    And actually, yeah, the story does have EVERYTHING to do with your question. You wanted an answer as to what constitutes a right winger. If you don’t like the answer, don’t ask the question.

  8. Middle of the road,

    That is a great story about Reagan and your friend who is a moderate, but that has nothing to do with what I asked.  Secondly, I purposely directed my comment to mitch, not you. 


    You are still evading my question.  So far you have told me that right-wingers are different than moderates.  You have said that right-wingers want to take over.  You say that moderates are the people who get things done for the country, but you don’t tell me what a right winger is.  I am starting to think that anyone who does not agree with you is a right winger.  To make this easier why not just give me some names of people you view as “right-wingers” and we can go from there.

    I definately diasagree with your view on moderates, but that is for another day.

  9. i’m saying that the moderate, level headed republicans, those that Middle of the Road probably knows, are letting the right-wingers take over, and its harmful to the entire party. 

    I’m definately Not saying all conservatives, and absolutely never mentioned Christians!

    We’re talking about Mesa County right-wingers.  Remember, I’m talking about the bjorklund fiasco, that is serverly hurting the party by creating a visible split. 

    And yes, right-wingers are different than moderates.  That would be the point of my post.  Moderates of both parties, that’s who I support, and that’s who gets the job done for the American people!

  10. Mitch,

    Your definition doesn’t make any logical sense given your earlier statement. 

    You say that you support “Moderate level-headed republicans”.  You then state that right-wingers are taking over. 

    Therefore you are stating that right-wingers are something other than moderates and are not level headed.  I am just asking if you think that conservitives are then right-wingers?  Or are Christians?  How about Pro-Life groups and Pro-marriage groups?

  11. a,
    My best friend is a Republican. Ronald Reagan stayed at her grandfather’s estate in Illinois and I’m pretty sure she has a picture of him and the first George Bush stashed away secretly!
    That said, she’s a moderate, Pro-choice, fiscally conservative Republican who voted Democrat in the last election for the first time in her life. She feels her party has been hijacked by extremists who no longer honor the principles of fiscal responsibility or tolerance/inclusion within the party.
    For what’s it worth, that would be my definition of right-wingers.

  12. Right-winger = extremests who can’t see the big picture 

    Right-winger = people whose tactics are seen as disruptive and harmful

    Right-winger = someone on a personal mission who forgets the party they belong to

    Those are just my definitions, feel free to look up others…

  13. Thank you Pete Hautzinger for finally taking the necesarry steps to put a stop to the crazy Republican tactics!  Why are the Moderate, level-headed republicans, many of whom I support, letting the right wingers take over and make a mess of things?

    The Bjorklund crew is at it again!  They were awful in the 02 election cycle, in the 04 election cycle, and are already involved in 06!  Where did they come from, and what are their future plans for reaking havoc up the Grand Valley?

  14. Marc Holtzman will beat Both Ways Bob so bad he will turn gay!!!!!!!  We need a change with the CO GOP.  A fresh breath of air and this is: Marc Holtzman.

  15. Who cares if Beauprez is gay or not? It’s a free country, and he hasn’t defined himself by bashing gays (unlike Musgrave, whose homophobia seems as bizzare as the former mayor of Spokane’s was).

    What I want to know is where Beauprez stands on immigration reform.

  16. I think the point is that ANYONE could be behind the $$$$$$$$$$ to Dems, but the Dems don’t care who it is, they don’t question it. Meanwhile, some likely suspects (some likelier than others) are mentioned on the site.

    You can call Trailhead whatever you want, but at least you know where the $$ is coming from.  You can praise or criticize it.  Not R&D.  I wonder why they won’t come forward – and why the Dems don’t care where the money comes from, as long as it keeps coming…

  17. Obvious, I was just being a smartass earlier. Hell, isn’t Lee Marvin dead?

    I really do agree with you on the need for disclosure. (And in the interest of full disclosure, I am a Democrat.) And yeah, I do have problems with Trailhead, mostly because they are pulling some pretty unethical shit themselves.

    Nevertheless, two wrongs don’t make a right, as my grandmother would have said. It’d be nice to know who funds R & D and with the way they are set up, we’ll never know until after the election, which I’m sure is no accident. I guess that’s what bothers me about R & D–they aren’t sponsoring anything illegal, from what I can tell, so why all the secrecy? Why not just say, “Hey, here’s who we are?”

    You know what I mean?

  18. Obvious,

    Yep, we sure do see where the $$$$$ are coming from. I’m putting my money on Kramer and Lee Marvin–they both seem highly suspect to me. And with so much hard evidence presented on the website, I defy anyone to prove me wrong.

  19. It’s probably too late to add to this little spat but; you want names? here’s names
    Right wingers – Tancredo, Musgrave, Welker, Bjorklund, Andrews, Deane, Durham, Bruce, Robertson, etc.
    Left wingers – Lamm (take your pick), Groff, Plante, Veiga, Shoettler, J. Heath, Schroeder, Guanier, Moore, Franken, H. Clinton, etc.
    Syncophants – Allard, Beauprez, Degette
    Middle of the road – Miekeljohn, Love, Foster, Vanderhoof, Aspinall, Romer, Salazar I & II,N. Anderson, McCain, Edwards, etc.

  20. Brio, “a” stands for “astute” 

    Middle of the road, if you look at your post you will see that you slung the mud first.

    Mitch, I am lactos intolerant, thanks for not bothering to answer the question, typical of a moderate

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