( – promoted by Dan Willis)
UPDATED: 10 Mar, 2:15 pm
The deadline to submit petitions has passed. The DED will continue verifying the last ones turned in up to 5:00 tomorrow (10 Mar) so they can draw lots for ballot placment at 6:00
There are currently 62 people vying to get on the ballot in May’s municipal election for one office or another. Everyone must petition onto the ballot with the city-wide offices requiring 300 signatures and the district level council offices requiring 100.
Below the fold see who is on the ballot so far.
Petitions submitted and found to be sufficient:
James Mejia – Mayor
Michael Hancock – Mayor
Chris Romer – Mayor
Theresa Spahn – Mayor
Carol Boigon – Mayor
Doug Linkhart – Mayor
Danny Lopez – Mayor
Kenneth Simpson – Mayor
Dennis Gallagher – Auditor
Marcus Richardson – Auditor
Bill Wells – Auditor
Tom Downey – County Clerk
Deb Johnson – County Clerk
Sarah McCarthy – County Clerk
Jacob Werther – County Clerk
Robin Kniech – Council at-large
Debbie Ortega – Council at-large
Jesse Shelmire – Council at-large
Rich Gonzales – Council at-large
Josh Davies – Council at-large
Ken Padilla – Council 1
John Haney – Council 1
Katherine Cornwell – Council 1
Susan Shepherd – Council 1
Jeffrey Schitter – Council 1
Jeanne Faatz – Council 2
Eddie Valdez – Council 2
Paul López – Council 3
Peggy Lehmann – Council 4
Michele Fry – Council 5
Stephen Saunders – Council 5
Mary Beth Susman – Council 5
Leslie Twarogowski – Council 5
Meredith Hartigan – Council 5
Ted Tompkins – Council 5
Charlie Brown – Council 6
Chris Nevitt – Council 7
Carla Madison – Council 8
Michael Sanchez – Council 9
Judy Montero – Council 9
Juanita Gable – Council 9
Jeanne Robb – Council 10
Chris Martinez – Council 11
Chris Gerndon – Council 11
Petitions submitted and found to be insufficient (if they turned in last minute signatures, they may still be being checked):
Paul Fiorino – Mayor
Gerald Styron – Mayor
Thomas Wolf – Mayor
Petitions submitted and still being checked:
Jeff Peckman – Mayor
Mark Gruber – Mayor
Marcus Giavanni – Mayor
Seku Evans – Council at-large
Tiffany Rice – Council at-large
Larry Ambrose – Council 1
Samantha Padilla Scheitler – Council 1
Former candidates who have withdrawn or failed to submit petitions or cure insufficiencies:
Spesál Flanigan – Mayor
Dwight Henson – Mayor
Vincent Macieyovski – Mayor
Eric Zinn – Mayor
Andrew Luxen – County Clerk
James Doherty – Council at-large
David Muñoz – Council at-large
Walter Heidenfelder – Council at-large
Brandon Sims – Council at-large
Ronald Hackett – Council at-large
Paula Sandoval – Council 1
Jon Lehmann – Council 1
Eugene Lucero – Council 1
Hank Lamport – Council 5
Charles Gatto – Council 5
Jeff Walker – Council 7
Kristin Bugbee – Council 7
Jude Martinez – Council 9
Timothy Karre – Council 10
Steve Lawrence – Council 11
Renee Blanchard – Council 11
Jon Bowman – Council 11
Jesse Wallace – Council 11
Earl Armstrong-Romero – Council 11
I will try to update this each evening until the 9th.
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The city is doing a good job updating their site too. Link is here, there’s a key at the top of the page indicating petition status.
It must be enbarrassing to be an incumbent and have your petitions found to be insufficient on the first shot.
I’m sure she’ll resolve it. She and her husband are great people and after the last election are clearly more than competent when it comes to electoral politics.
If you can’t get at least twice that many, which should ensure that you make the ballot, then you really shouldn’t be running for office.
Fell short b/c of a technical error with a handful of sigs but it will be resolved very quickly.
I do agree the threshold is incredibly low, it’s the same for Congress and is actually a nice piece of Democracy here in America.
Not worth noting or playing the blame game. As I said we’ll get the few extra sigs we need and he will be on the ballot.
As someone not particularly familiar with this sort of thing what sort of “technical errors” would cause these sorts of issues? Other than just getting invalid signatures, duplicate signatures, or not having enough?
Also – what do you mean by blame game? Blame who?
for example:
1. the circulator has to get their section notarized and if the notary dates it 1 Mar and the circulator write 29 Feb, that throws out the whole section attached to that notary page.
2. Voter does not live in Denver
3. Circulator is not a registered voter.
4. voter puts down their mailing address instead of their residential address.
and there are just the common ones!
It is always easily to either blame the circulator or argue that the election division is incorrect, but when it is such a small number and there is still time to get more, thta is easier than arguing about ones already submitted.
I would guess the campaign has more important things to focuas on than whay went wrong. Ballots are dropping in about 4 weeks.
Well, he certainly seemed to have plenty of time to spout off on here about other stuff before questions he didn’t want to answer started getting asked?
I’m not going to go into the specifics b/c it’s moot – it was a mistake on our end and we are mending it and will be on the ballot.
That’s fine. But a “mistake on your end” was not how you originally cast it, which is why I was curious You tried to play it off like it was a computer error, instead of admitting it was a mistake you made. But what were the technical mistakes you made? I’m curious. What does (did) a campaign do wrong (in your case) to get rejected?
The upside to posting on blogs and such is that you get to drive a bit more attention to your otherwise-marginalized candidates. You also get to drive more attention to yourself, and maybe gin up some new future clients? The flip-side is that to be a part of the conversation, you have to answer the questions you are asked. Soooo… what were the mistakes you made?
Because it doesn’t accomplish anything and I’m not looking to blame. To be clear, I’m not the campaign manager and I’m not on the ground every day. Further, I promise you, I will not get any clients out of these postings. I do it b/c it’s fun to participate in the dialogue and I use my real name b/c I decided some time ago that if I was going to post on the Pols sites I wanted to be able to stand behind everything I say – using my real name makes me consider each post carefully.
/ Is he? The city site says he is? I thought you said
So, it’s been a week now. Other people have gotten their act together and gotten their petitions validated. Why not you? Hell, Haney got his done in a day.
Honestly, you seem…completely incompetent. Why would anyone hire you to run a campaign?
What successful experience or qualifications do you bring to the table besides your mom’s name (and who knows what that is even worth…)?
Giving Josh the benefit of the doubt, the city’s website does nto record when more signatures have been turned in cure an insufficiency, so there is always the possibility that he has submitted more and they have not been verified yet.
Collected signatures all the way through today, didn’t officially submit any until this afternoon. Just spoke with the Election Division, they are collecting petitions right up to the deadline (he said there were four candidates in the lobby when I called) and that he didn’t expect to have everything sorted out until COB tomorrow because the lot selection (ballot order) will be tomorrow at six.
Consequence, I’d be happy to share my resume with you if you’d like.
Why don’t you post it for everyone? I don’t care about your resume. Where you went to school or whatever doesn’t matter. But what are your electoral accomplishments? What big wins have you managed or played a key part in? Any?
You guys are welcome to email me and I can send you more specifics. You can also look up “Ben Gelt” on Tracer to see some of the campaigns I’ve worked on:
You can do the same through the city search:
You can also look on my blog. . . you can also ignore me!
It looks like you designed websites for a few state leg races. Have you been involved in any major wins? Ya know… a senate race… governor’s race… congressional race?
It’s just my understanding that typically people prove their chops first. To me – especially watching this thing unfold with Josh Davies – I just don’t understand what these candidates are paying you for?
My clients went three for four in this cycle.