From The Columbine Courier:
For Jeffco District Attorney Scott Storey, eight is definitely not enough.
Term limits mean that Storey must leave office when his second four-year term ends in 2012, but he’s determined to stick around. And so, he will soon propose to the county commissioners that the limits be extended to let him seek another term.
“As it applies to the DA, and as it applies to those offices that are not necessarily policy-makers but have a specialty attached to them – like the sheriff, for example – I felt like eight years is not enough,” Storey said.
He has broached the subject with the commissioners and County Attorney Ellen Wakeman. Wakeman would have to prepare a resolution for the commissioners to put the proposal on the November ballot in Jefferson County…
Sheriff Ted Mink has expressed interest in the idea but so far hasn’t asked the commissioners to approve a resolution. He gave several reasons why he would favor adding another term.
“There are a lot of people out there reluctant to run for office because of term limits,” Mink said. “They could be out of a job in eight years, and they’re not financially in the position to do that. The system leaves it to people in the back side of their career to run for office in these positions.”
Mink agrees with Storey, saying the first four years are spent “getting comfortable and knowledgeable” about the office. If voters in the county don’t like the job the sheriff or any other elected official is doing, “they can vote them out,” Mink said. “If it’s that glaring to the public that the (elected official) isn’t fulfilling the contract with the voters, they can vote them out.”
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Eight is Enough
It makes you wonder, how this will play out. Will all elected officials have the same terms as “other” elected officials. Or will these people be above what is already put in place. Haven’t the people already spoken? Would not the commissioners already understand this.
Did the people “ask” for this? The voice of the people asked for this. Who’s voice is actually speaking? Did not the conscious already set term limits?!
Is this not in plain english?
People move on and adjust? There is a season for everything. People come and people go. Term limits sets boundaries and make sure “the way people do business” can change.
This “seems” to be more than getting a feel. Either you did what you promised in the elected terms or you didn’t.
When Mink and Wakeman back this up, These our the “voice” of the people in their own areas.
It seems as though it’s more like a few people trying to keep what has been going on, going on!
The days of the “good old boy club” are ending and the conscious will speak and already has.
If and when the County commissioners change this it will again show. Who they are really serving?
Either they are public servants,personal puppets or people with personal agendas.
From Jeffco Polls:
“Reading about Sheriff Mink and DA Storey wanting third terms, I could understand their point of view. Experience helps. Then I thought about the wider issues and it appears to me that an incumbent is harder to beat than a candidate from outside. It looks to me as if that may be the important issue.
Incumbents have the advantage of maintaining party control of counties or the state. It is for that reason that I, among Jeffco Republicans, went door to door with petitions, to get term limits on elected officials, even competent, professional ones such as these two men.
So, no, Sheriff Mink and DA Storey, sorry. Two terms are enough. The people signed petitions and spoke in an election. Are we to change the law depending on who the officials are or are we to let the people’s decision stand? I think we should let the people’s decision stand. That’s conservative and best for our system of government long run.”
The show Eight is Enough was named that for a REASON. People are term limited for a REASON.
It keeps people humble and like “us” common folk.
How complex is that!
This has to be one of the most incomprehensible posts I have ever tried to read.
Yes, errr, no, errr, Yes, no, it is not plain English…
I would guess that when you went door to door in Jeffco, you did quite a bit for the cause of mental health services, but I doubt that you did much for the term-limits crowd.
Term limits – every election – vote them out! If they are doing a good job at a very complex, difficult, thankless position – let them stay in until you want to vote them out!!
None if us went door to door, it was taken from err another post, I guess Stupor is fitting.Can you see clearly now? The rain is gone?!
There is a person behind Story and Mink that wants to keep her big paying job with Story. This person is also the behind the scenes power in Jeffco Republican Politics. A.D. wants to keep her job because once Story is gone it would be real hard for Jim Everson, Jeffco Assessor, to hire her because he already has her husband hired at a big pay scale.
Kevin McCasky or Faye Griffin could hire her but her pay would have to go way down and she would be too high profile working in the Commissioners office. You see she keeps her power by being unseen and unknown.
If Story and Mink go bye, bye all she has left in her plan for Jeffco is to make Jim Everson the next Commissioner from District 3 after Hartman finishes her next 4 years. Ahhh, but here is the rub she is unemployed after Story is out of office.
Kevin and Faye will vote for this change because they are beholding to A.D. So watch out Jeffco, make sure you vote against adding time to the D.A. and Sheriff positions in Jeffco
Eight years is enough…yes the people have the vote to vote elected officials out. The But Monkey to this one is that most of the Jeffco Citizens just vote for the name they recognize so bad officials just remain in power.
Story and Mink have done a good job but to change the system just because they do not want to go out and get a regular job like the rest of us is NOT OK! And let us not forget A.D. will lose a lot of Power in Jeffco so be sure to vote NO to any additional time for the D.A. or Sheriff.
Silly me, I didn’t realize the DA salary is $158,000 and change. Well, I can see why someone would want to keep that going, along with the perqs. I guess we pay for quality so getting a replacement shouldn’t be too tough.
Beware, do not let Storey or Mink have three terms or unlimited terms. Jeffco will be very sorry! Stop the change of term limits in Jeffco!
Perhaps before we support a third term for the DA we should sit in court as observers and watch his assistants try cases. If they come across as honest in their search for justice maybe we should consider the issue. If, however, we see them trying to get convictions at any cost, as one I observed recently did, indicating the goal is to convict regardless of the facts, then I think we should think long and hard before supporting the current administration. If it boils down to a situation where the DA’s Assistants feel they are expected to win absolutely every case, ignore the facts, forget justice, there is a serious flaw in how our DA prosecutes.