Can you run for President, U.S. Senate and re-election to Congress at the same time? Apparently so, and that might be why Rep. Tom Tancredo needs to lease two cars at taxpayer expense. That’s a lot of running.
Tancredo told Channel 12’s Aaron Harber that he would run for U.S. Senate in 2008 if Sen. Wayne Allard does not run for re-election, and that he would also run against Gov. Bill Owens if Owens decided to take a shot at the Senate post.
Tancredo is currently running for re-election to his congressional seat in CD-6 and has also made himself, albeit unofficially, a candidate for President in 2008. There’s still time for him to run for governor, too, as long as he petitions on the ballot.
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Ah, Poindexter (way, way back on the string) better check your facts. Hick decidedly does have a security detail, including a driver and he does utilize, I believe, a Ford Escape for his travels about town. That’s fine. Hell, Webb had a Lincoln Navigator for Chri… Pete’s sake. My point was, how much did Hick’s vehicle cost us taxpayers; how much does the security detail, including his driver, cost us taxpayers and, finally, is his skinny ass worth it. I don’t think so. You, apparently, believe otherwise. Fine. Tancredo, on the other hand, is a United States Congressman whose insight into the enormous, debilitating cost of pandering to the apologist for illegal immigration–including Chaput’s minions–kinda hits a nerve with me. So, the paltry expense for Tancredo’s vehicles compared to, what I believe to be, a pretty hefty expense for the Hick’s travels and attendant security is, I think, a valid point for comparison.
Hey George, what’s up with your disdain for Hick? Is it the man or his policies?
WOW – my district is actually getting some press and THIS IS IT? Who are we kidding here? TT is a single-issue congressperson who is taking blatent advantage of the taxpayers. I didn’t vote for him in the first place, but this is just flat-out disgusting.
As someone who considers themself fiscally responsbile (read no credit card conservatism!) he has voted against practically every single spending bill. Is that responsible or reckless?
It’s one thing to have balanced budgets and requirements in the federal budget that any tax cuts, war financing, and oil subsidies have accompaning money in the budget to support them (which the democrats proposed in the senate and it was shot down; although I do not know TT’s position on that particular issue), it’s quite another to recklessly vote against any spending program for the sake of being ‘conservative’.
TT and people like him make me sad as a young person interested in politics. Do people not care for one another anymore? I know responsible spending is important, but TT votes against ANY spending – PERIOD. It takes money to run a government, whether it’s plowing our roads on Monday, funding our war in Iraq (no matter how you feel about it!), and helping those who cannot help themselves. Sometimes I don’t understand this about conservatives, espicially the latest breed who “seem” to care that we just raised our debt ceiling to $9 trillion. But worse than those who cut and dice the budget, are the one’s who do it like TT.
No wonder people don’t show up to the caucuses – I sometimes wonder, “what’s the point”. I’m 24 and I do care, but none of my friends or co-workers do. I’ll leave it up to coloradopols to answer why.
This is certainly an illuminating thread. Not.
I posit that the actual problem with immigration is not immigrants but the relative economies of the USA (not “America”) and Mexico. The relative difference in incomes between Mexicans and US citizens has always been a problem but the “free trade agreements” our corporations forced on our lesser trading partners only made the situation worse as local economies collapsed with the invasion of the money snatchers.
From a global perspective, this is not all bad if the local citizens benefit. But they don’t. Monsanto and friends changed the playing field. We all lost.
But relatively, we are doing MUCH better than the Mexican workers and farmers. No matter what happens, poor, desperate people are gonna take a chance on sneaking a year or two (or even a season) of adequate wages to keep their families fed. I know I would.
Awwww SR
You say the nicest things………
How about a Tancredo/Bjorkland ticket! That would be one compassionate duo.
i would prefer Tancredo/Buchanan 🙂 i would love that, volunteer, work my arce off to see them be prez and vice.
The sooner Tancredo runs for the Senate, the sooner he’s out of politics.
Heard this joke from Juan Botero the other day, he is running against Tancredo on the R side of things:
Tom Tancredo and Jesse Jackson are riding in a car together, Jesse decides to start some casual conversation:
Jesse: “You know Tom, God is a black man”
Tancredo: “The hell he is, he is a white man!”
Just then a dog runs across their path, the car flies off a cliff and explodes, both men are killed instantly. Suddenly, they both wake up in a white room, with no furniture and a single door. Suddenly, a man walks through the door, he is short and tan, he smiles:
“Buenos dias Senors!”
Sammy-Just a word of advice. Ignore the loony bin Gecko, as well as his sidekicks Voyeur, Iron Mike and the rest of their lunatic fringe. They are extremists, who can’t substantiate their thinking with anything but name calling and vitriole. Ignore them.
Tom is a great man, and is solid on taxes. As troubling as this may be to those over-concerned with taxes, it is within the rules of the house. Tom has consistintly voted against the pay increases for representatives. He is a pricipled conservatvie, and will be a GREAT SENATOR from the state of Colorado.
TANCREDO 2008!!!
Why would causing more hatred and fear help either sides.
No one is saying sit in a circle and hold hands, but I am saying that bombing Mecca is the worst idea since 9/11. If that’s Tom’s opinion, define what makes him different from the terrorists? That’s their mentality, bomb the enemy!
An eye for an eye is a dangerous way to live your life, and an even more dangerous way to handle international events!
while i cant(nor would i want to) say “yes” to all the questions you asked, i must point out that issues like health care and water could be easily related to illegal immigration. for example, does it improve health care when illegal immigrants are overrunning the emergency room and their children will potentially strain government health programs? also, a massive increase in the number of people does not help conserve water.
i am with you that tancredo is crazy, but on the other hand i do believe illegal immigration is an important issue that must dealt with (preferrably by level-headed people who realize doing nothing is NOT the best option). water trumps illegal immigration on my importance list, but both must be dealt with.
I don’t remember him ever saying he supported NUKING Mecca. He was asked a hypothetical question. He answered off the cuff. He answered the same way only nicer than I would. He said if they took out one of our major buildings (I don’t remember if he said the Pentagon, White House, or what) that he thinks we should TAKE out one of their religous sites. What is wrong with that?
Eye for an eye in other words. That is my motto too.
Holding hands in a circle hoping the bad people go away is for the Sir Robins of the world.
George, I very much doubt we Denverites pay more for Hickenlooper’s transportation than Tom’s district residents pay for his mini-fleet. I read in the paper last year that Hickenlooper drives himself in a small hybrid sedan, and regularly travels without a security detail. And that doesn’t even begin to speak to the fact that Hickenlooper busts his tuchus attending to city business and local interests, as opposed to freelancing about his pet obsession all across the Southwest. If that’s one of the things he uses the cars for, no wonder people are irritated.
If it was between Tancredo and a nut case like Kerry for President, I’d vote the lesser nut case….Tancredo.
I think I smell an idiot.
So you support nuking Mecca!
Here we have an example of who Tom represents, the complete nutcase. Fortunately the nutcase demographic is small.
The nutcase demographic is small, but vocal.
Tancredo’s myriad candidacies could get a huge boost if he could only activate his core demographic: lonely men in Montana shacks with old typewriters.
Just the Please Wake up and Smell the Idiot thread.
Right Angle,
what are you saying! How does one get to thinking that bombing a religious historic location would do anything but create more hatred!!
And please explain how building a wall helps the problem?
Isn’t there a guy running against Tom Tancredo now?
And what I meant was, its good to have him out there acting like he does, b/c it means more people will be interested in Colorado races and in beating him, that’s all.
And I don’t understand his grudge against immigrants! In 2006, there’s so much more to be talking about than building a wall!
Let’s talk about immigrants, good, hardworking immigrants, who are risking their lives along side our troops in the War in Iraq! They should be hailed as equal heros to our citizen members of our armed forces!
I see this is the wishful thinking thread.
The way Tom Tancredo puts Colorado on the political map we can do without. Between him, Musgrave, and Allard, the Centennial State looks nutty from the outside.
People in CD 6 need to start asking themselves if Tiberius Tom really represents them.
1. Do you believe in nuking Mecca if we get attacked again?
2. Do you really believe that building a wall along the 2000 mile border between here and Mexico is going to:
a. Save us money?
b. Stop or even hinder illegal immigration?
3. Do you care about more than just illegal immigration? Like healthcare, the environment, and especially for CD 6 WATER! If water is not on your mind and you live in CD 6 it should be. This will be the single most important issue this district faces in the coming years.
Tiberius Tancredo is a one trick pony, who has gotten so far out of touch with CD 6 it is well . . . scary.
I’m not sure that the kind of press Tancredo is getting is necessarily good for Colorado. People might start thinking we all want to bomb Mecca, build a dome over the country and square off with congressional reps of Puerto Rican descent. Whoa – ever done a google search of ‘bomb mecca’? Thanks Tom…..
Can you guys please update your CD candidates? You still haven’t added Curtis Imrie in CD5 or even a CD 2 line, although you’ve had various postings about Rich Mancuso, who’s running against Udall.
Can you guys please update your CD candidates? You still haven’t added Curtis Imrie in CD5 or even a CD 2 line, although you’ve had various postings about Rich Mancuso, who’s running against Udall.
Are you kidding me Sammy? You like him driving around the country rather than actually listening to the people that voted for him….oh wait that’s you. I’m glad my rep. actually cares about the people she is suppose to represent. I think Druid’s right. Tom’s days in Congress are comming to an end.
Tancredo for Emperor!
To put things in perspective… How much do the taxpayers of Denver shell out to assure the Hick’s skinny-assed protuberance is transported from one place to another securely and comfortably? Counting the costs of his security detail, I betcha the Hick trumps (in dollars) Tancredo on this particular aspect of public life.
How about Tiberius Tancredo! Man I LOVE it! This guy is, well to quote Stand By Me,
“He’s crazier than a sh*t house rat! Looney! Looney!”
I think it shows that he knows that his days in CD6 are numbered. He is actually facing real competition for the first time since he was initially elected and he can’t take the heat.
Time to take some ritalin Tiberius Tancredo.
Tom, I voted for you. Can you make my next car payment for me? There’s no way Tom wins the presidency, but I like that he keeps traveling around the country every chance he gets. It’ll get Colorado on the political map a little bit more, even though I still don’t understand his whole grudge with immigrants.
This is great news. Tancredo is one Republican that Mark Udall could beat. Musgrave is the other one.
This is great news. Tancredo is one Republican that Mark Udall could beat. Musgrave is the other one.
Oh, goody.
When Tancredo becomes the first Politician Maximus – holding simultaneously the posts of President, Senator, and Representative – he can vote himself the authority to bomb Tijuana to retaliate in the active war we have with Mexico. Then he and new Department of Homeland Security Chief Welker can round up all the Muslims who are incompatible with American democracy and deport them to the new U.S. Tijuana impoundment yard.
What the hell is this guy doing? Why does he feel that he can charge tax payers $14K so he can drive a car around his district? yeah right…I bet he was down around the border, or better yet in Iowa. Tom, why don’t you like Colorado? Why don’t you like your district? Oh I know, you only like yourself and your evergrowing ego.
George, such a blast of hostility. I get that immigration is a serious economic issue, but do you really find Tancredo’s contributions to the discussion substantive or helpful? Sealing the border is the response of a child, and not manageable even if our military weren’t absurdly overcommitted right now. You may well be right on what Hickenlooper’s doing now for transportation (though I’m confident at the beginning of his term he was driving himself in a small car), but I would still say it’s money worth it — he clearly puts the city first in his actions, whereas Tancredo seems to be all ego. Finally, can I just ask why the repeated comments on the girth, or lack thereof, of Hick’s hindquarters? Sorry if you’re not as svelte as you’d like to be, but don’t hate him for being an ectomorph.
And Kathryn, sorry if I unintentionally led people to think you were blogging instead of working. Poindexter is a gloriously nerdy name, and I hope you’re proud of it and don’t mind me sharing.
Check out the flying pig (you have to scroll down a bit)!
No problem. Please let me know what Tom has done for our district in the past 6 months?
Yeah, let me know how that works out for you when Tom Tancredo Sweeps the 6th CD again.
It’s a big border, takes a lot and mileage to patrol it instead of representing your district.
I agree with Druid, unsurprisingly. Tancredo v. Udall is a Colorado Democrat’s dream. I’ll pop the popcorn.
Face it Dems, if Tom Tancredo doe shoose to run for another office, another Republican will take his place in CD-6.
This is Republican Territory and we are proud of it.
CD 6 may have been R for a long time, but the tide is changing! People here are fed up with being ignored b/c R’s think its a safe seat!
Politicians should have to work hard every election, and this year Bill Winters is working hard, not Tom Tancredo. He’s learning about the issues important to the district- not just immigration! Plus he’s everywhere!
If Tom wants out of politics, he’s got it coming! A dem can win here b/c they understand everyday struggles, not hanging out in DC being corrupted!
Personally I hope that Tancredo does run for Senate. It would give the people of CD6 a chance to elect someone who truly represents the district. Who deosn’t spend their time creating asinine sound bites for the media. Someone who sticks to their word instead of going back on it (i.e. term limits). The sooner Tancredo is gone from CD6, the better.
Congressman Tancredo spent three times as much as beauprez or degette? That’s an incredible difference! Why would he need a car that much more often, or that many more miles than they would?
His use of taxpayers’ money is incredibly arrogant, and not to mention hypocritical!
The Republicans have really gone off track lately: these conversations about MH and BB are quite pitiful, Stengal and Tancredo have wasted hard earned constituent money, and the Katrina catastrophe hasn’t been touched!
Vote Dem this year, b/c we can’t afford to have our money wasted by corrupt politicians anymore!
It just seems to me if Tom is so focussed on all of these other races, how much energy is spending representing the people of his district?
I knew there was a reason Winter was my favorite season.
Gee Dan… Big Shock.
Could that be because you are a Dem?
Well let me put it this way.
Tancredo vs. Udall? BRING IT ON BABY!!!
disclaimer: the person posting as Poindexter is not me. for any who care. Although I must say I’m flattered that my last name is cool enough to be used as a handle.
Hey, Poindexter: Two things…
Godwins’s Law seems to be at work here. Substitute “bigot” for “Hitler” and, well, just google it.
Two: Xenophobia just doesn’t work, Poin, buddy. We got a real fuckin’ problem with illegals comin’ across the southern border and, well, the Catholic Church and Ted Kennedy and a whole bunch of lily-white liberals just think it’s okie-dokie to just let it all ride ’cause we’re the promise of the world (hungry masses and all)… Well, with a $9Trillion debt ceiling and owing our balls to China and Korea and Saudi Arabia, some of us dumbshits just kinda wonder about our future. Know what I mean, Poin, buddy? Know what the hell the future is hintin’ at here, Poin?
Well, George, when actual demonstrably bigoted groups (Concerned Citizens of America, descendent of White Citizens’ Councils of Klan time) make a point of explicitly signing on to Tancredo, and giving him money, inviting him to stuff (again, when he knows about their agendas he’s dissociated himself and I think returned money, so I’m really not accusing *him* of bigotry) — but the point is, the extremity of his position lends itself to xenophobia. Now, you may well be right that it’s only because of his extremity that immigration is a national issue. I’m not sure about that; frankly, I think the numbers and economic pressure alone may have raised the visibility. But even granting that, now that immigration is on the national radar, why does Tancredo stick with the exact same simplistic prescriptions that mainly the xenophobes love?
I agree there aren’t easy answers to what we do here. I’m not fond of the guest-worker program, just because I think Germany’s a great example of how it only works to foster xenophobia. I wish we could just go after employers, or say raise wages on these jobs so that they wouldn’t be jobs “no American wants to do.” But I also recognize that those aren’t great answers either (soc sec documents are apparently easy to fake, raising all those wages would have significant economic ripples and lower American standards of living such that lots of those restaurant/hotel jobs would just disappear). But I do think that the last thing we want is for immigration to become yet another political issue where people are cordoned off into two extreme and mutually hostile camps, which pretty much guarantees no sensible compromise can come of it.
I realize I’m writing a ton, but I’m trying in part to demonstrate to you that I did not raise the bigotry claim as an easy out or argument ender.
Poindex, love your descriptors. Thanks.
Why, I wonder, every time this immigration issue is discussed among otherwise well-meaning folk, the bigot moniker makes an appearance. Why is that? Easy Out? Argument ender?
I don’t think anyone has the key to solving this very, very complex issue. However, Tancredo sure has managed to bring it to your, and others, attention to the point where, indeed, others are offering “…nuanced prognoses…” (Not so sure about the adjective “vastly” though.)
George, I’ve never met Kathryn, and actually didn’t know who she was until I stole her name. Which I must say I’m starting to regret, and I’ve mispelled it while typing fast.
I didn’t think I ignored your point (I wasn’t suggesting a comparison was invalid, just that I thought the $ worked in H’s favor). I will add, though, that it’s not fair to compare H’s car *and personnel* costs to T’s car costs only. I’m sure that H’s Ford Escape alone costs less than T’s two cars. Surely you’ll grant me that.
And I must say you surely put a lot of interpretive weight onto “skinny ass;” I suspect most readers won’t go in your favor. Might I suggest a more appropriate descriptor; say, “JFK-wannabe” or “Prince Valiant”?
And if you don’t like Tancredo’s sealing the borders idea, then exactly what part of his polemic *do* you take seriously? I will stress, again, that I DO think immigration is a serious economic problem, but Tancredo’s solutions, because they aren’t solutions, and because they so clearly invite actual bigots’ allegiance (like the Concerned Citizens) — and I don’t think Tancredo himself is a bigot — don’t actually advance what should be a serious national policy discussion. Because his solutions are simpleminded and legitimate bigotry, I think he polarizes the debate and makes it less likely we can formulate a real solution. So why is it again we should take him seriously? Why not just listen to people like McCain or Napolitano or Richardson, who have essentially the same diagnosis of illegal immigration, but vastly more nuanced prognoses?
But, Gecko, I though you were Voyageur’s Sancho Panza. Now, you’re stroking Jenna. What’s up with that?
I just happen to agree with Jenna as I agreed with your words earlier on this thread.
Oh and my wife is my world (next to my Titan of course) Voyageur is ok but definately not my style.
You’re a good man, Gecko. Just funnin’… I happen to agree with Jenna, too.
Regardless of how many good folk march in the streets, there is a very, very serious immigration problem in this country, in Colorado, in Denver. And, there is a concomitant very, very serious problem in Mexico which, according to a story in the Post today: “Money sent back to Mexico from those working in the United States reached a record high last year, $20Billion, making remittances from migrants Mexico’s second-largest source of income, surpoassed only by oil exports.”
Two word, “migrant” is suspect here.
Nevertheless, Mexico is in economic chaos, which, in fact, might even be a more serious issue than illegal immingration. I really don’t believe you can “cure” one without curing the other.
Poindexter: “Skinny ass” is kind of a derogatory term referring to wannabe, skinny jerks who see themselves are saviors of the community as they brush back their adolescent bangs and make lofty, bullshit statements that hark back to, oh, say, 1960 or so.
Can’t I dislike the Hick? Is that so–as you say–“hostile?”
As for me, well, I run 2.5 miles per day and walk another 3 miles per day. Those 10,000 steps (and more), you know. Please don’t assume George is “girthfull.” George is quite fit, thank you.
Since you avoided speaking to my point, I guess I’ll just ignore yours. Did I say anything about “sealing borders?” Nope. I just thought Tancredo’s polemic deserved serious consideration.
Now, question: You and Kathryn kinda got a thing goin’ on there, Poindexter?
Very well said Jenna.
And can you hear the crickets out there?
Must have the bleeding heart radicals speechless.
The truth hurts.
You people are nuts. Not Tancredo. It doesn’t take a genious to figure out that our state health system is being swamped by illegal immigrants and our jails filled with “hard-working” illegal immmigrants. We need only to look to Arizona and California to see what lies ahead. Illegal immigration is a huge noose around our necks, and it will continue to grow tighter the longer the issue is ignored.
Controlled legal immigration is wise, but what is going on now is wreckless, completely irresponsible, and dangerous. We are witnessing the Balkanization of American towns across the country. America is a nation of immigrants. But it is a nation of legal immigrants who integrated into our society, learned English, and didn’t demand that America was a land that others took from them (which is an attitude clearly displayed at any of these criminals’ protests).
Arizona estimates that it spends $1-billion dollars per year paying for social services to illegal immigrants. And how much of these taxes do you think illegal aliens pay? This, of course, neglects to consider how we pay for bilingual education for their kids, as well.
Even here in Colorado, we spent $30-million dollars paying for the kids of illegal immigrants in our hospitals.
Sorry, Tancredo is responsible. Far too many aren’t.
And as for the ignorance going around about nuking Mecca, perhaps you all need to reacqaint yourself with the situation. Tancredo was asked what the US should do if the US came under NUCLEAR ATTACK from the Middle East and several of our cities were hit with nuclear weapons. He said that BOMBING Mecca should not be taken off the table.
Many on here have it exactly backwards. Tancredo never recommended nuking anything. And if New York, Chicago, DC, and LA were nuked by Islamic terrorists, are you really going to tell me that bombing Mecca would be out of the question? Again, who is nuts here?
George, ol’ buddy ol’ pal, I get your drift. But I’m wondering why you’re so quick to dismiss xenophobia (easy out? argument ender?) as a factor in the more extreme responses to immigration, when the history of this country reveals similar concerns raised (about economic viability, language and cultural unity) during just about every single major immigrant infusion. (Start with the estimable Ben Franklin’s concern about the Germans destroying Pennsylvania in the 18th century, to New Englanders’ concerns about those filthy Irish in the mid-and late eighteenth century, to national concerns about the soutern and eastern Europeans in the turn of the century, you get my drift I hope. And you’ll notice I’m only describing xenophobia towards folks we now consider Anglo, thank you very much.) And I’ll ask again (not expecting an answer, since you don’t actually seem to be interested in making arguments all that much) — if Tancredo’s response doesn’t appeal to you, what exactly about his position does?