SpongeDob says: There is a trend toward witchcraft in this country.
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BY: MichaelBowman
IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
BY: ParkHill
IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
BY: Genghis
IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
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IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
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IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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that’s funny.
I’m not sure if the is a GOP election guide or the monthly magazine for the Ted Haggard/Tom Foley wing of the GOP.
….even with a hard – oops! – “G”, it’s awkward. So it defaults to “Jizz” But seriously, what is a “Gizz?”
do you think he was selected simply for the magical name?
I think you meant Mark Foley. Tom Foley was the Democratic Speaker of the House from Washington State who was defeated for reelection in 1994.
The song starts about 20 seconds in. Ani Lorak & Via Gra singing an old Russian nursery song.
Lovely in all aspects!
Everyone knows that the “Charmed Ones” are out there every day ready to vanquish demons and “the Source”, right? In fact they are working on a vanquishing spell for Bush and Cheney as of this writing!
is toward actually getting some decent legislation passed with congress under Democratic leadership. They just got a bunch of stuff through, (see Sir Robin’s list in Friday Open Thread comment) so now they don’t have to worry about those big bad Republicans (who even listens to them anymore) accusing them of ignoring the people’s business in order to conduct witch hunts . These aren’t witch hunts. They are attempts to save the Republic and now congress ought to be putting its full focus on stopping the criminal Bush regime in its tracks.
The Sergeant at Arms, in accordance with inherent contempt, needs to start busting everyone who ignores a subpoena and if that doesn’t do the trick the impeachments ought to begin. Never mind if they have the votes in the Senate. Impeachment is a powerful tool even without conviction and with a Bush disapproval rate virtually the same as Nixon’s was the week before he took that helicopter ride, Dems need to stop worrying about the public buying R spin.
The public has had it up to here with these bozos. It should be go time for Dems. And then there is the little matter of the oath congressmen (and women) take to defend the constitution. Bush broke his; it’s time for our elected representatives to honor theirs. Our constitution has never been in more need of defense.
By the time the trial is over in the House the entire country will be convinced he is incompetent and a strong majority that he made his decisions on a political basis.
The Republicans could kill it in the Senate – but not if they want to get re-elected as it would be a tremendous hit to vote to keep him in office after all that is brought out.
Step by step…
it could be fun for the Dems and therapeutic for the nation if we impeach and convict Gonzo. Just a thought…..
You know, our own CO lackey that shilled for Rove when he introduced Torquemada to the Senate. I knew it was a mistake then, I just didn’t know it was this bad!
Minorities can be just as selective (i.e., racist) as old white Anglos (with apologies to my Italian ancestors.)
I love when people complain about or bad mouth Salazar given the alternative. I’ll take Salazar any day of the week…
Herr Coors of course.
Salazar has been expressing disappointment in Gonzales since the last round of I-don’t-remember-anything testimony. He will not be going out of his way to defend Gonzales going forward. Not that he shouldn’t have known Gonzo was nothing but a Bush stooge in the first place.
He’s a genuine phony!
It’s all the same.
They misunderstand the difference between conviction of your principles and conviction for your crimes…
Where are all the attack ads on Thompson and Giuliani? Or are all these Romney ads just being posted on this site because of Haners’ support for Mitt? I just really don’t have time to search Youtube so I’m curious what is out there.
I recently put up a 10 min video from FDNY members about what a hypocrite Rudy Giuliani is. Mostly it’s that the Mitt Romney videos actually make me laugh. Besides, most of the people putting the Mitt videos together are right wingers who think Mitt is a snake in the grass to their movement. They may be correct, but mostly Mitt just creeps me out.
Here’s a creepy Rudy video for you:
I’m not even going to watch that, I can see the first shot and that’s enough! I remember your Giuliani post.
So when will the right-wingers or disgruntled libs with time on their hands start posting these videos? I bet there are some funny ones out there for everyone, I just don’t have the time to find them. 🙁
An historian friend involved with the LaRouche [Movement/ organization/ (fill in the blank)] contacted me this weekend, asking me to help spread this PANIC ALERT:
If the Congress is going to take it’s traditional August Recess, starting next weekend,
then this week coming up, Monday 30 July to Friday 3 August, is the last chance for the legislature to do anything before September.
August has historically been the month that major wars get ginned up:
***WW I, Sarajevo, August 1914
***WW II, Poland, September 1939 (Blitzkrieg logistics preparations started in August)
***Korea – exception – June 1950
***Cuban Missile Crisis (US puts nuclear missiles in Turkey aimed at Moscow), August 1961
***Vietnam, Gulf of Tonkin, August 2, 1964
***Gulf War I, Saddam invades Kuwait, Aug 1990
***GWOT-Afghanistan – exception – September 2001 (precipitated by 9/11 attack initially ordered for May, then August)
***current War against Iraq – exception – Chaney argued for an August 2002 start, but Bush deferred, ostensibly to get UN backing
LaRouche has predicted that, unrestrained, Chaney will get the US military to conduct major airstrikes against Iran in August, with the Congress gone.
I can’t vouch for this reasoning or this prediction; I’m just passing it along.
He believes that the Feingold Censure resolution would be ignored.
He believes that only Articles of Impeachment against Chaney – as offered by Kucinich – can avert another war.
for what its worth.
LaRouche told me to call you…
has the influence any more to launch another war during recess. What would they use for troops and equipment to follow up on air strikes? Or do they think that won’t be a problem because the Iranians will then welcome us as liberators yadayadayada….
I don’t think we can rule anything out.
During the final days of W.W. II in Europe, Hitler was so delusional that he was ordering the movement of non-existent troops.
I coule easily imagine Bush and Cheney deploying imaginary troops to Iran.
we’d only have imaginary casualties.
Or Giulio Douhet’s.
They both believed that air power alone could be decisive.
And the Air Force is always ready to say, hey this time we can do it by ourselves.
But we’ve always required boots on the ground to get the job done.
Destruction is pretty easy from 30,000 feet. And the military’s private sector partners at Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed, GD, GA, McDonnell, Olin, IAI, and Alliant all stand ready to help with that.
But if the job is regime change, or democracy-building, or winning hearts and minds, Dave, I must concede that requires footwear. But it doesn’t have to be Army boots. It could be the new model of Sketchers, the Blackwater.
…have much lower, almost none existent rates of PTSD.
Not such a bad job when you don’t see the people you kill.
With air power only, the best we could do would be to create another chaotic failed state open to civil war, foreign fighters, local warlords, terrorists etc. etc. etc. The Mad Max world this administration creates in its wake is worse for the ordinary people it treats to “liberation” and more dangerous to us and the rest of the world than any regime it topples. The threat of terrorism is NOTHING compared to the threat represented by the might of the world’s only super power being in the hands of people who simply have NO IDEA WHAT THEY’RE DOING.
Pearl Harbor and the North Korean surprise attack across the 38th parallel both happened early on Sunday morning……the attack across the Yalu happened on the mornig after Thanksgiving…
When the President goes on vacation in August…the government shuts down which makes the US vulnerable…because no one is paying attention……that is what happened, I think, with 9/11….
But in that case it backfired. Because everyone was observing the holiday the roads were empty and the armay was able to move incredibly fast with no civilian traffic in the way.
As to 9/11, it wasn’t that it was summer – the Bush administration was just totally checked out on terrorism altogether.
entry here
Good article.
Well, since I argued against the usage of the term, let’s call it what it really is…an escalation. By that I mean we, the people, through their elected representatives, need an escalation to defend the Constitution and the American way of life. To whit:
1. Impeach Gonzo
2. Impeach Cheney
3. Impeach Bush
In that order….but all at once.
Let’s bring it to the enemy!
What can we get through now?
1. Inherent contempt and jailing of Harriet Miers, Josh Bolton, etc. Hold them until they answer the questions.
2. Impeachment of Gonzoles for incompetence and lying. But stress the incompetence.
Those two steps are politically possible now. Concentrate on that and see what falls out. Bush is rigid enough that he could very well make impeachment of him and Cheney politicall feasible.
Give it time… Democracy is messy and slow but it gets there.
Just like Ken Starr did to the hapless Susan McDougall!
First, she lost her shot at a seat on the Supreme Court because the right wing nuts though she was insufficiently right wing, and now the lefties want to put her in jail!
The Shrub can’t pardon a contempt citation. It’s a remedial measure to compel a witness to talk, not a criminal conviction!
So how many days does Chain-ee have left to comply?
What the repubs did by impeaching Clinton was to weakened this incredibly important Constitituion provision. Impeachment is only for high crimes and misdemeanors….it should not be used as a political “gotcha.” It seems to me that the only impeachable crimes which have been revealed would have been the warrentless wiretapping….which the Bush administration claimed it had the right to do…the case went to court, the court found that the administration did NOT have that power and Congress (in the last repub controlled congress) then gave Bush the power he sought…..I think that is basically what happened. That process is legal and constitutional.
I think that Gonzales is brillant….he is playing the “dumb mexican” …forgive me if that is offensive, I don’t mean to be offensive…it is just a way of presenting oneself which plays to the prejudices of your audience…. and I don’t know how else to describe it…I think it will be very difficult for Congress to indict him for contempt……what he is displaying is his contempt for Congress….
There is, I think, a constitutional obligation of Congress to investigate to determine if there have been “high crimes and misdemeanors”….even if it costs them the 08 election, even if a thorough investigation turns up no impeachable offenses…
Thoughts from our crack legal team, here?
Anyone who thinks Batista’s influence is a matter of history is wrong.
Jeb Bush appointed a grandson of Batista to the FL Supreme Court some years ago. I’m sure out of all of the qualified applicants that this was a way of “getting back” at Castro nationalizing Prescott Bush’s holdings in Cuba (railroads, sugar, distillation.)
And now we have Alberto…
Take a look at this – http://www.dailykos….
We knew you “couldn’t quit us” 🙂
are both on the right track. Impeachment, at least as a possibility, is now being discussed seriously throughout mainstream media, especially cable, where a short time ago any mention of it was dismissed as over the top nonsense. Bruce Fein, former Reagan administration official, is appearing everywhere calling for impeachment and explaining why and how it should be approached in an absolutely sane, sensible, logical way. This guy is no lefty and no fire-breather. What was unimaginable in the mainstream has already become at least imaginable.
The one thing Rove, so confident in his permanent Republican majority, never imagined was that his well controlled Republicans would lose their majorities in the House and Senate and ANYTHING the administration did would be subject to any kind of investigation. They were quite sure they would never have to answer for anything so there was no restraint at all. Since they lost that leadership, piece by piece, everything they built CAN be dismantled.
…the faster things fall apart. Rove did not take in to account that the Republican leadership are human beings with all of their failings.
And in the case of the Bush adminsitration, not even very talented politicians.
A couple of months ago I would have bet against it but it is possible we could end up with Bush being impeached. And with the country clearly in support of it.
This country does manage to get it right sooner or later.
Unfortunately there are too many politically astute D’s to make this happen.
…today in the Rocky about life after campaigning for governor unsuccessfully besides a horse’s ass. (But enough about Janet Rowland…..)