From Individuals 155885.96… That’s it and many of them are Lobbyist’s.
Box 401 9975 Wadsworth Pkwy. K-2
Westminster, Colorado 80021
State is Colorado in District: 2
2. FEC Committee ID #: C00433979
3. This report is NOT an AMENDMENT
4. Report Type = JUL QUARTERLY
Of Receipts And Disbursements
Column A
This Period Column B
Cycle-To-Date Column C
11. Contributions (other than loans) From:
(a) Individuals/Persons Other than Political Committees
(i) Itemized 141614.96
(ii) Unitemized 14271.00
(iii) Total Of Contributions From Individuals 155885.96 155885.96 0.00
(b) Political Party Commitees 0.00 0.00 0.00
(c) Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 65500.00 65500.00 0.00
(d) The Candidate 15000.00 15000.00 0.00
(e) Total Contributions (11(a)(iii) + (b) + (c)) 236385.96 236385.96 0.00
12. Transfers From Other Authorized Committees 0.00 0.00 0.00
13. Loans
(a) Made Or Guaranteed By The Candidate 0.00 0.00 0.00
(b) All Other Loans 0.00 0.00 0.00
(c) Total Loans ((a) + (b)) 0.00 0.00 0.00
14. Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 0.00 0.00 0.00
15. Other Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00
16. Total Receipts (11(e) + 12 + 13(c) + 14 + 15) 236385.96 236385.96 0.00
17. Operating Expenditures 47114.66 47114.66 0.00
18. Transfers to Other Authorized Committees 0.00 0.00 0.00
19. Loan Repayments:
(a) Of Loans Made or Guaranteed by the Candidate 0.00 0.00 0.00
(b) Of All Other Loans 0.00 0.00 0.00
(c) Total Loan Repayments ((a) + (b)) 0.00 0.00 0.00
20. Refunds of Contributions To:
(a) Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees 0.00 0.00 0.00
(b) Political Party Committees 0.00 0.00 0.00
(c) Other Political Committees (such as PACs) 0.00 0.00 0.00
(d) Total Contribution Refunds (28(a) + (b) + (c)) 0.00 0.00 0.00
21. Other Disbursements 0.00 0.00 0.00
22. Total Disbursements (17 + 18 + 19(c) + 20(d) + 21) 47114.66 47114.66 0.00
23. Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 0.00
24. Total Receipts This Period (line 16) 236385.96 236385.96 0.00
25. Subtotal (23 + 24) 236385.96
26. Total Disbursements This Period (line 22) 47114.66 47114.66 0.00
27. Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period (25 – 26) 189271.30
(End Detailed Summary Page, FEC FORM 3)
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The $15k boost from herself is interesting. That wasn’t mentioned in the news was it? That means that she raised about $221k outside of herself. That is compared to $293k for Will and $301k for Jared. So if we are looking at fundraising outside of self contributions, that is a:
-$72k difference between Will and Joan.
-$80k difference between Jared and Joan.
-$8k difference between Will and Jared.
If Joan’s fundraising goal for this quarter was really $220k like Joan’s campaign manager said, then they barely reached it.
Even more interesting is the difference fundraising from individuals. According to this, Joan raised about $156k from individuals. That means:
-Will raised $137k more than her from individuals.
-Jared raised $145k more than her from individuals.
You can almost hear Jared’s attack ads now. I’m Jared I got amendment 41 passed and Joan is in the pocket of special interests here is the proof. As we saw with it’s 60+ passage rate this is a message that sticks to people.
you’re right about the ads, I’m not as sure about the impact. The back spin on 41 in the press has been pretty negative. A lot of people regret their vote.
After Iraq I think more people are willing to question their assumptions. remember the war had about a 70% support rate.
which clearly Joan goes against. The back spin has been mostly inside baseball and probably wont stick to Jared because at least he was trying.
On a seperate note the fact that 70% of people supported the war in the begining is probably why Obama’s “I told you so” message hasn’t really taken off and why he’s stuck in the 20%.
I think you are wrong, but I don’t feel like arguing about it today.
but it’s an easy counter attack when he’s jetting around lobbiests and self funding. Before anybody jumps on me, I’m just saying it undercuts his “level the playing field” message, I am not implying that he is breaking the law.
The counter attack would be especially effective since A-41 was poorly written.