As the Denver Post reports:
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is the Democratic Party’s choice to chair the 2008 Democratic National Convention, officials announced Monday…
In Pelosi, Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean has picked the first woman to become speaker of the House, a post she has used to try to remove U.S. troops from the war in Iraq.
But the San Franciscan is also frequently cited by Republicans as out of the mainstream.
Colorado’s GOP chairman, Dick Wadhams, said the choice would play to conservative critics.
“It absolutely confirms everything I’ve been saying for several months now, that the Democratic National Convention will reflect a very liberal, extreme-left viewpoint,” he said.
Former Democratic state party chairman Chris Gates called Wadhams’ criticisms “an old stereotype” and said Pelosi had shown herself as speaker to be “a strong, thoughtful political leader.”
Poll follows — is Rep. Nancy Pelosi a symbol of lefty wackiness that will rally local conservatives? Or is Dick Wadhams running out of clichés?
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Not when you’ve got half the approval rating of a lame duck president. I am stunned in a joyful sort of way that Nancy Pelosi–of all people–is chairing a political convention in Denver–of all places.
Nancy, you’re not in San Fran anymore…
That would be about 14%. What poll are you smoking?
BTW, although Congress is polling pretty low, the devil is in the details. The Dems are polling significantly higher than the R’s. A lot of the reason the numbers are so low is that the Dems in the Senate cannot get enough votes for a lot of legislation or overcome a veto. Also, that they pretty much gave King George what he wanted insofar as Iraq funding, no strong counterpoint.
“The People” want MORE progressive legislation, not less.
It had the Congress at 14% approval – for the specific issue of Iraq, just after they caved and sent Bush most of the bill he wanted. You’re right in your analysis: the people want *more* action from Congress, not less of what they see.
The current split according to more informative and general polls is that the Preznit sits at 26-31%, that the Republicans sit at 30%, and that the Democrats sit at 36%. The high number for Bush, and the two party-line numbers for Congress come from the latest Fox poll, so Dobby can’t fault my sourcing…
while congress gets slightly lower grades than the President, Pelosi polls higher and the Republicans in congress, as a group, poll lower than the Dems. The rightie spin machine wants to equate “congress” with “Democrats” but that’s not the whole story. A big part of dissatisfaction with Dems comes from their not sufficiently kicking R ass. Rs keep trying to turn Pelosi into a dragon lady but most of the public couldn’t even name the Speaker of the House and they won’t see a dragon lady at the convention.
Maybe Wadhams thinks he can get mileage out of having a national party convention here in Colorado, but I think he’s spinning in place.
And let’s talk about that getting our troops out of Iraq bit down by Fort Carson, shall we? Let’s see if they think it’s a whacko liberal extreme-left viewpoint down there.
If anything, our national Democratic Party leadership is behind the liberal curve relative to the public opinion.
Keep spouting, neo-cons – we like it when you do that.
I am starting to get worried about the Republican party here. We need a strong 2 party system and if Wadhams turns us into a Democratic stronghold then over time the corruption follows.
’08 is going to be horrible for the Repubs nationwide and worse here in Colorado.
It feeds on itself, lending stronger and stronger conviction to those views least supported outside of the ivory towers of GOP headquarters.
It happened to the Whigs right before Lincoln; it can (and increasingly appears that it will) happen again. The system will balance itself out, though it might take an election cycle or two.
Yeah. I’m totally sure that’s going to happen.
In other news, Richmond Homes broke ground on their fourth major development on Jupiter. A Spokesman called it “an advancement of astronomic proportions.”
You and the Wadman are the best enemies “we” could possibly have. Blind to all that is happening, keep rallying the diminishing number of troops, ignore the fact that “your” reign is over. After 27 years of multi-billion dollar brain wasing (of which you are a victim of), the American public has finally woken up from this ideological nightmare.
The Republican emperor not only has no clothes anymore, he ain’t even riding on a donkey.
During the post 9/11 timeframe, rove and ppl like him (Wadhams) were able to make inroads into the indies by lying and FUDing about dems and terrorists. Now, the republicans are being called out for this. The more that they try to stay to the same road, the great the failure will be.
I think that W. turned this state to being on the fence and Wadhams will turn it into a dem stronghold. And I suspect that it will happen in spite of the errors that I see the dems making.
…..he’s on record saying that the GOP doesn’t except to retake either chamber of the state legislature until ’10 at the earliest.
he’ll call her “Macaca”, like his last candidate called his opposition.
That worked out well….
wop, dago, spic, Eye-Tie, garlic eater.
Reason #1 (chronological) why my mother is so wonderful: When I was two, we moved to the new neighborhood on Long Island. The neighbors had heard about those wops moving in and that gossip got back to my mother. (My father’s families were Austrian,one with an Italian surname. My mother’s, German.)
Now, my mother, having grown up in Brazil, spoke flawless Portuguese, which to a bigot sounds just like Italian – or any other non-English language. So, she made a point of putting me in the stroller and walking up and down the street talking to me in Portuguese, just to piss them off.
I’ve also told the story here of how when we had to go to a doctor’s office in Florida in 1956, we sat in the “Colored” waiting room.
Still going at age 90, standing up for human rights and pissing off the radical right.
You should be proud of her…
She must be proud of her little rabble-rouser. 🙂