As the Gazette reports, the Colorado Democrats are going to fight them over there so they don’t have to fight them here.
That’s not what they actually said, but we’ve been dying to use it.
Democrats, who generated mostly snickers five years ago in Colorado Springs, will be generating a lot of money for the town in 2008.
A site-selection committee for the state party unanimously agreed Wednesday that Democrats hold the party’s 2008 state convention in Colorado Springs. The party’s executive committee still must ratify the recommendation next month, but several sources said that’s merely a formality…
“We’re going to play everywhere, including the reddest parts of the state,” Dan Slater, chairman of the selection committee, told Democratic leaders at The Warehouse restaurant. “This county is in play.”
State Republicans also considered holding the 2008 convention in Colorado Springs, as they did in 2006, but are going instead with Broomfield, GOP state party chairman Dick Wadhams said.
This will be fun — Dems’ convention in the GOP stronghold of CD-5, GOP in the liberal nexus of CD-2. We’re hoping for panty raids and the playful kidnapping of each other’s mascots–though we bet Doug Bruce can put up a hell of a fight resisting a hog-tie.
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Those Dems from outside our area will find the Springs much more hospitable than they would have imagined. The Republican horde here will not necessarily be convinced to change parties but I think Dems will be surprised how many moderate and rational Reps are really here.
Lots of good restaurants (and some really great ones) and plenty to do, especially golf, hiking and other outdoor activities. Hope those coming from around the State will stay a few extra days and enjoy our community!
j/k………many of the people who live in Colo. Spgs. are good, decent people, even if they are slightly to the right of the Kaiser.
I participated in Pride-fest in the Spings some years ago. There was a total of ONE slightly obnoxious (but not too offensive) fundie who kept questioning a group of us gay men about our “choice.”
We verbally sparred with him a while, got bored, and then send him over to talk with a group of lesbians. No word on whether he met with any success talking them out of their “wicked ways.”
..put to work within a state.
I’m looking forward to a nationwide (and statewide) active party structure; the discussion will be invigorating, and recent surveys show an enormous potential for Democratic gains in rural areas traditionally dominated by Republicans.
I’ve found the county party operations of mixed quality. If the party was serious they would start by improving the suburban county operations. Case in point: DougCo has skeletal structures. Into that void, grassroots organizations like the Highland Ranch Dems have tried to fill the void.
I hope Betsy Markey running in the CD-4 with a lot of money helps bring her organizing skill to plains counties. I don’t know id she can win, but she could definitely strengthen the party in the east.
I know a lot of the top level Douglas County Dems are very happy for the sub-region group activity like Highland Dems; they need the bench down there, and haven’t had much of one to build from.
If you’re unhappy, try to work your way in. I came in as an outsider to my local party and was Vice-Chair within a year and Chair within two; new blood can make a difference and quickly. This isn’t necessarily true in the “big” counties where the parties are active and entrenched, but it is possible; even in somewhat hidebound cities like Philly, where party politics is very tightly controlled by insiders, new blood is beginning to seep in and make necessary changes.
I served on the Site Selection Committee and it has been hard for me to not comment on the process while it was under way, but now I can say contgratulations to Colorado Springs!
I find it humerous that the GOP will be meeting in Broomfield, the other city that bid for the Dem’s Assembly. I will be interested to hear how smoothly their State Assembly goes.
Broomfield put in a very good bid and when we looked at the bids on paper I was sure Broomfield was going to get it. But then we did the site visits and Colorado Springs really had their ducks in a row and were able to give us a pretty complete image of what we can expect next May.
I do hope Broomfield will consider bidding again for the 2010. The only “problems” we had with Broomfield were logistical and those should be resolved by then.
And for all the bluster over “heading into enemy territory” I do have to say the political ramifications of going to the Springs was a veryt secondary discussion amongst the Site Selection Committee. We focused very heavily on the logistics, not only for the Assembly itself, but also for the Sat. morning meetings that take place before the Assembly and the multi-county meetings the night before.
Well, when you get here, that is. I doubt that us righties down here will give you too many problems. 🙂
May I suggest a couple of good restaurants?
MacKenzie’s Chop House-off of Tejon
The Famous-North Tejon (also a steak house)
Jun’s Sushi (Sushi bar off of Academy, Temp. tables off of Centennial and Fillmore, some of the best sushi in town)
P.F. Changs, Biaggi’s Italiano (both over by Focus on the Family in the “Shops at Briargate”)
But if any of y’all lefties come down, we should meet up and argue in person over dinner
Per my post a moment ago on the open thread, I won’t be here. I am so pissed off on my fate. Miss all the Dem convention, leave just as some of the health care benefits just passed kick in, won’t get to see you, Haners!
But, somehow I always end so busy at the State Assembly I never manage to work dinner into the day.
Don’t worry, anyone who has met me can tell that I can stand to skip a meal or two (or 6 or 8).
And I know conventions are busy times, so I hope you can make it. What do you do for the party, if you don’t mind my asking?
I’m totally game. If y’all could make it, I think it would be fun. I don’t know when the Rep convention is going to be, hopefully they’re far enough apart that I won’t be up in Broomfield…. 🙂
I take it it’s too far out to see what kind food y’all will be in the mood for…but I’m always game for a nice steak!
I’m the secretary for the Denver County Dems. In addition I usually fill various roles at the state assembly dealing with logisitcs and/or credentials.
This time a round I am running for delegate to the National Convention. Hopefully I will be elected at the CD1 assembly so I can can be more helpful at the state assembly.
instead of Broomfield.
See how hospitable the People’s Republic of Boulder really is.
Then compare outcomes.
I cant imagine those of us in Boulder being all that “hospitable” to the R’s. Granted, not a whole lot of floks would care, but I’m sure there would be at least a handful of rabble-rousers. Conversely, I imagine that that the uber-conservatives down there will keep to themselves while the dems are in town and it will be a well recieved convention…
maybe we can drive that idiot Sean Paige into a massive brain meltdown or minor myocardial infarction.
I love the CS dems. the el paso county party operations are incredibly well organized, the folks are active and toil without the hope of winning many. they understand every vote matters in statewide races. if the some of the other county operations were like el paso, this state wouldn’t be purple, it would be a deap blue.
Its a great reward for a CS dems who don’t get many wins.
I’m proud to be a Dem!
I’m sure the cavalcade of Team Udall hybrids parading down Academy Boulevard will go over like gangbusters.
Two of my favorites – State Rep. Mike Merrifield and Senator John Morse. They’re great guys who prove that CS and El Paso County have good people who deserve great representation. And let’s not forget Dick Celeste is also in CS. Meanwhile, EP County R’s are really on the right side of the spectrum. Let’s see. Schultheis, Lamborn, Doug Bruce, Eric Christen, Keith King, etc. I think this is brilliant. There are plenty of people in the CS who will welcome the Dems with open arms. Great choice.