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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Trump/Vance Campaign Following Heidi Ganahl Playbook
BY: Early Worm
IN: Trump/Vance Campaign Following Heidi Ganahl Playbook
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Trump/Vance Campaign Following Heidi Ganahl Playbook
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: How Mayor Mike And A Slumlord Invented The “Takeover” Of Aurora
BY: harrydoby
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JeffcoBlue
IN: Monday Open Thread
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Ok, I agree that filling one seat in Boulder is a small deal. But it’s the only actual election we have in the state right now.
So how about recommending this diary to the front page? Because right now it’s the only game in town.
thanks – dave
Let the battle for a 5 month term rage on!
On an entirely random, Boulder related, side note…I was waiting to check my bags at SFO on Monday afternoon and who was standing in front of me in line? None other than the great St. Sen. Ron Tupa. It was a bit surreal…you just dont expect to see your state senator waiting for a flight in San Francisco…it was a bit odd. 😛
You’re losing, dudes.
Americans are much more progressive than they typically pronounce. For instance, 60% say they would rather pay more taxes to have health care for all Americans, only 34% say they wouldn’t.
On concern after concern, the conservatives lose by huge margins.
From the summary:
The role of government – Americans support an active government that tackles problems, provides services, and aids those in need.
The economy – Americans support increasing the minimum wage and strong unions, and believe the wealthy and corporations don’t pay their fair share of taxes.
Social issues – Americans support legal abortion and embryonic stem cell research; opinions on equal rights for women and gay Americans have grown dramatically more progressive in recent years.
Security – Americans support a progressive approach to national security, emphasizing strong alliances and diplomacy over the indiscriminate use of military force. On domestic security issues, progressive approaches to crime and gun control enjoy wide support.
The environment – By enormous margins, Americans favor strong environmental protections, a core progressive belief.
Energy – Americans support energy conservation and the development of alternative fuels.
Health care – Americans clearly favor universal coverage and are more than comfortable with government solutions to the health care problem.
we have to get better at explaining why these positions fit together, because a swing voter is a swing voter because s/he doesn’t agree with all the positions of either party.
If we can explain how they fit together and then try to govern in a reasonable responsible way, a D majority is a foregone conclusion. how to encourage politicians to be reasonable and responsible is too big a question for a quick post.
But we need to create a coherent message about progressive values, stop letting conservatives define us, and stop disrespecting people who don’t “get” all of our positions. you don’t win long term without winning the people who only agree with 60% of what you say.
We need to take back control of the language. Republicans have a coordinated attack on language. I wish Consevatives hadn’t poisened the word liberal, every founding father would have considered himself a liberal, but that one may be a lost cause. But we have to stop cedeing the ground to roger ailes (et al), get off our backs and fight.
and many others point out frequently how Frank Luntz and others made a very clever, very scientific study of controlling the debate through language a long time ago. “Death tax” instead of “inheritance tax”, “tax relief” immediatly implies that taxes are a burden. Very clever stuff.
The good news is that after thirty years of this barrage, B-billions of dollars spent by the Coors, Mellon-Scafe, and Murdocks, taking control of the media to fit them, trillions of lies served, the American people have not been totally sucked in.
Obviously some. Many more are excaping The Matrix every day.
…that Republicans don’t figure on following the path of The Matrix all the way through the series. That’s a lot of innocent dead people just for control.
it’s like all those women who say “I’m not a feminist, but” and then go on to explain how they support equal pay, equal health care, and reproductive rights.
And I love the word liberal, its roots in Latin are quite impressive and I think espouse most of what we consider American values. Too bad the wingnuts have poisoned it.
Just like GW the First (George the Washington) and JFK.
None of this hide behind liberal “progressive” stuff.
but I wouldn’t say that he was “liberal” by today’s standards…..
Liberal means open to new ideas, welcoming them, you know that. It’s not the specifics, the program. Our nation was founded on the most radical political idea ever in the history of man – self government. Conservatives were the Tory’s. One cannot be consistently logical when embracing Washington, Jefferson, and Madison, and a conservative viewpoint. It would be like a slave saying Lee was a great guy to be admired.
A fellow I often work with (one in the Top Ten of Townhall bloggers) frequently calls me a liberal, even `though, years ago, I used love listening to Limbaugh. Being conservative on certain social issues (abortion, family values); liberal on certain social other issues (GBLT); conservative on fiscal issues; and a reformer (court, law enforcement, injustice, corruption), I suppose that makes me what –Libertarian? Both Abe Lincoln and Alexander Hamilton (both brilliant lawyers, who didn’t attend law school) are men after my hearts. My own upbringing is similar to Hamilton’s and he is a tremendous inspiration to me (`though I wouldn’t want to needlessly cut short my life over a duel)
…are Republicans who want to smoke pot and get laid.
I think what you describe makes you an independent thinker, not readily labeled.
Libertarian definition from Wiki:
The central tenet of libertarianism is the principle of self-ownership. To libertarians, an individual human being is sovereign over his/her body, extending to life, liberty and property. As such, libertarians define liberty as being completely free in action, whilst not initiating force or fraud against the life, liberty or property of another human being. This is otherwise known as the non-aggression principle.
Personally, I think libertarianism is a high falutin’ excuse for being childishly selfish.
Especially the part about changing attitudes toward gays. That antigay nonsense is soooo doomed.
Looks like Scooter Libby is headed for prison, barring a successful stay of his sentence by the Court of Appeals. Or, of course, a presidential pardon.
I am very glad he is -apparently- going to prison. But if “don’t drop the soap” is a prison rape joke, I object to that part.
It’s picking it up that’s the tricky part.
As some of you know, my father has terminal, multiple cancers. Presently, he appears to be very healthy, lots of spring in his 89.7 year old step. They are not treatable, so it’s a matter of time, probably six months or less. I’m “OK” with his pending death, he has lived a life pretty much as he wanted with a lot of love. My greatest burdens are the move and the pragmatics of returning to Sarasota. (A.K.A., The Tarpit. I escaped for 35 years.)
I’m looking at departure by end of July/beginning of August.
Hopefully, I’ll escape again in a year or more. But other than the beauty here, I have no reason to return. All the kiddies have flown the coop. I’ll hopefully end up in Austin or Mexico.
Update on my UT Nursing School daughter: Passed the state exam handily – oh, I’m so shocked – and is now a Registered Nurse. She starts work next week.
Having been only an infrequent visitor of late, I have to confess that I missed the news of your father’s illness and am very sad to hear it; however, it is good to know that he’s still mostly spry and that he has lived as he wanted.
We will miss you around here; we seem to be losing a lot of longtime voices lately… At least I won’t have to compete for ‘PR’ initials… 😉 Take care, and hope you wind up where your heart is happiest.
You’ve led some great conversations here for quite awhile and you will be missed. I hope your father’s last days are filled with as much happiness as possible with his family close by.
If you wind up in Mexico, may I recommend Oaxaca, beautiful part of the country with great people, interior and coast.
Vaya con dios, amigo.
You were one of my first favorites here. You should keep in touch.
Best wishes to your father.
thanks man.
Although I’m betting you were speaking to Paul.
And pop back in once in awhile. Kudos to your daughter.
I hope all goes well in Florida, as well as you can expect that is.
Of course you’ll be around for a bit more so I’ll save my adieu til then.
even sadder given the reason. Given the nature of the internet, I hope you won’t stay away from the forums here forever.
It’s the one civilized city in Texas – except for all the Republicans in the legislature 🙂
In the age of the Internet, it doesn’t matter where you live.
Your breadth of knowledge and your life adventures are always fascinating. It will be a shame when you leave, hopefully not for good. Good luck and congrats on your daughter(s).
With you leaving, SR and Yev gone, its going to be tough to call this a liberal blog.
You’re only a keyboard away from this community. No need to leave. I wish you the best during this time in support of your dad. Mine passed away a year-and-a-half ago and I didn’t go to see him during his final months b/c he didn’t want me to see him that way. I wonder if I made the right choice. But, you won’t have to wonder.
When I was at law school in Michigan I checked in daily.
Your posts are one of my reasons for popping in now and then.
Best of luck to you and yours!
…to quote Jack Kerouac.
At least you’ll still be here a little while longer before you’re On the Road, so to speak.
Colorado Right to Life kicked out of National Right to Life because CRL doesn’t think Dobson in radical enough
Factionalize, become more radical, destroy consensus, punish idealogical heretics. my word–the 21st century conservative/GOP movement is becoming the 70’s era dems.