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May 07, 2007 05:19 PM UTC

A Mike Norton Scandal (Judicial Discipline in Colorado: Impotence on Stilts)

  • by: riogrande

George Washington once wrote that “laws or ordinances unobserved, or partially attended to, had better never been made.” There are few laws with less potency than article VI, section 23 of the Colorado Constitution, pertaining to the removal of state judges who have violated their oath of office.

That Section created the Colorado Commission on Judicial Discipline, tasked with the investigation of citizen claims that judges have committed “willful misconduct in office.”  But owing to the terms of their enabling statute, they act in a state of almost total secrecy, which makes it easy to avoid doing their job without getting noticed.  Roughly 200 complaints are filed in a typical year; over 90% of them are summarily dismissed without even cursory investigation.

As citizen complainants are routinely threatened with criminal prosecution by the Commission and its agents for mere disclosure of their grievances, it is difficult to ascertain whether commissioners are telling the truth when they say that virtually all of them are insubstantial.  However, when our judicial blotter is compared with the robust ones of Michigan, Texas, and California, it is facially absurd to suggest that they are.  Accordingly, the blame ought to lie with Commission members, and their apparent concession to political expediency.

Michigan’s judicial blotter is the most consistently amusing.  One alcoholic judge recently insisted that he hadn’t been drinking when he managed to plow his SUV into a convenience store.  Another got busted for smoking a doobie at a Rolling Stones concert.  Others include a judge who reportedly referred to himself as God, another caught fixing traffic tickets in exchange for sexual favors, and another suspended for lying to investigators about her love affair with an attorney now serving life in prison for murdering his wife.  And then, there’s the one about the married judge who exposed himself in an airport men’s room, apparently while soliciting anonymous gay sex (he ‘got off’ … because district attorneys try hard not to prosecute judges). [see http://home.earthlin… for documentation]

As Judge Biddle recently demonstrated, judges are (as Thomas Jefferson put it) as honest as most men and not more so. As it defies logic, reason, and common sense to think that Colorado judges are more honorable than their counterparts in other states, the difference must lie in our state’s lack of ethics enforcement.  Here, the blood is on the hands of none other than “Mr. Jane Norton,” the prince consort of our esteemed former Lieutenant Governor.

Enter Mike Norton: The Rusty Sword of the Lord
While it is admittedly de rigeur for Republican politicos to wear their religion on their sleeves, Norton was earnest enough to obtain not one but two theological degrees from Denver Seminary.  The Gospel Norton claims to follow is painfully explicit in its requirement that every man be treated with dignity and respect:

My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? [James 2:1-4]

Yet, the Pharisaic political gospel that takes precedence in his life requires him to pay homage to power and privilege, as the exchange of letters presented in this precis (http://home.earthlin… specific letters available at http://home.earthlin… http://home.earthlin… and http://home.earthlin…) demonstrates so poignantly. 

This gospel of Christian hypocrisy is especially delicious when seen in the pious and devout, as it demonstrates that the short definition of the Christian politician is one whose gospel is meant for preaching, not keeping.  How could a seemingly capable lawyer like Mike Norton not have learned in seminary school that judges and officers of the law are not to be “respecters of persons,” Deut. 16:18-20; 2 Chron. 19:7, lest they turn judgment to wormwood (Amos 5:7).  How could he have missed Scriptural exhortations to the children of Israel to ensure that even those who were foreign to the Covenant received their just due as members of the human family? E.g., Exod. 23:9; Deut. 24:17.  It is unlikely that he did; rather, he knows that to enjoy power, he must prostitute his principles.

As vice-chairman of the Colorado Commission on Judicial Discipline, Mike Norton has voluntarily accepted a sacred trust.  And by participating in the cover-up of widespread judicial misconduct, he has irrevocably soiled his character.  If even a man of Mike Norton’s ostensible moral fiber cannot hope to stand against the juggernaut of judicial corruption plaguing this state, it is time that we eliminate the Commission altogether, and place the power of policing the judiciary in the hands of the people.


4 thoughts on “A Mike Norton Scandal (Judicial Discipline in Colorado: Impotence on Stilts)

  1. Not much I can add here.  See http://www.knowyourc….  But, I have to tell you, I was delighted when we rec’d a memo from a staff attorney last week, which states, “Thank you for contacting HALT, and for informing us about this Web site that offers a critical perspective on the system of judicial disability in Colorado.  HALT is in the process of conducting a comprehensive review of each state’s system of judicial oversight, for our upcoming Judicial Accountability Report Card, and this Web site will certainly be an important resource as we carry out our research and evaluation.” She was referring to: http://www.knowyourc

  2. Our Lord might have had: Mike Norton and the Colorado Commission on Judicial Discipline: John Gleason and the Colorado Supreme Court Attorney Regulation Counsel, and the present-day Colorado judiciary (modern-day San Hedrin)in mind when he taught:

    “There are many who think that they are righteous because they say yes to God, but they do not do his will….You are like whited sepulchers all clean and fair without, but within filled with dead-men’s bones and all corruption.  You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel…You violate the heart of the law, justice, mercy, good faith…Serpents, brood of vipors, how can any of you escape damnation?”

    We must remember the terrible toll on humanity, especially on children, who suffer due to the corruption imposed upon them by our present Colorado judiciary.  We must remember also, that this corruption is perpetuated and proliferated by an uninformed public and Colorado’s non-regulating agencies who share responsibility.  We are doing our best to educate the public at but it will require a godsend to make even somewhat holy our current judiciary and non-regulating agencies.

    “To those whom much is given, much is expected.”

  3. C. Suzanne Mencer
    410 17th Street, Suite 2200
    Denver, CO 80202

    John M. Holcomb
    6784 East Cedar Avenue, Unit 401
    Denver, Colorado 80224

    Professor John M. Holcomb
    University of Denver – Daniels 395
    2199 S. University Blvd.
    Denver, CO 80208

    Jim Spaanstra
    2451 S Holman Cir
    Lakewood, CO 80228

    James Spaanstra
    1700 Lincoln Street, Ste. 3200
    Denver, CO 80203-4532

    Hon. Doug Vannoy
    Morgan Combined Court
    400 Warner Street
    Ft. Morgan, CO 80701

    Hon. Cindy Hull Bruner
    Brighton County Hall Of Justice
    1100 Judicial Center Drive
    Brighton, CO 80601

    Michael J. Norton
    Phone: (303) 796-2626
    6400 S. Fiddler’s Green Circle, Suite 1030
    Englewood, CO 80111

    Mike Norton
    6372 S. Geneva Cir.
    Englewood, CO 80111

    Wendy Evans
    2753 W Riverwalk Cir.
    Littleton, CO 80123

    Hon. Martha Minot
    La Plata County Courthouse
    1060 E. 2nd Ave., #106
    Durango, CO 81302

    Hon. Larry Naves
    Denver District Court
    1437 Bannock St.
    Denver, CO 80202

    Joseph Samuel
    (address unknown)

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