The First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly is scheduled to adjourn sine die on May 09, 2007.
See? It’s almost over.
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…if memory serves, the leg. has adjourned early in recent years. The adjournment date could affect how long the governor has to sign/veto a bill. Normally, he has 10 days, but if the legislature adjourns before the 10 days are up, the governor gets 30 days to veto it (or not).
The rumor is this Friday, but we’ll see…
If not, they’ll finish a week from Wednesday.
There are a few bills he should veto, but I don’t think he will veto anymore.
would have been the same if the R’s held the General Assembly and Governor(ship?).
when the R’s held all 3 they didn’t finish early. It was only when the Dems took the reigns of the House and Senate that they started finishing afew days early.
when they were busy illegally gerrymandering right up until the constitutional adjournment time!
they will finish up next Monday
That’s the one outling discrimination based on sexual orientation.
What’s interesting is that the religious charities that have weighed in in some manner previously don’t see this as impacting their work.
Only the cons in the House seem to believe so. Being old enough to remember the arguements against civil rights in the sixties, this sounds oh so familiar.
Republican Chicken Littles.
Good one Ralphie!
Does anyone know if Wadhams has appointed anyone permanently to the ED, PD and LD positions in the state Republican Party? If not, what’s the timetable?
Okay, Bush Gang – just TRY and call THIS guy a traitor! (or a socialist, or a deafeatist, or a white flag waver…whatever!)
In case y’all missed it over the weekend, General William Odom – Ronald Reagan’s Director of the National Security Agency – called for Bush to sign the Democratic legislation that sets a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq.
“To put this in a simple army metaphor, the Commander-in-Chief seems to have gone AWOL, that is ‘absent without leave.’ He neither acts nor talks as though he is in charge. Rather, he engages in tit-for-tat games…I hope the President seizes this moment for a basic change in course and signs the bill the Congress has sent him. I will respect him greatly for such a rare act of courage, and so too, I suspect, will most Americans.”
– Lieutenant General William E. Odom
From Today:
Inhofe, speaking to the press before Cheney’s arrival, lambasted Democrats for Thursday’s Senate vote to begin withdrawal from Iraq by Oct. 1 and the press for “mischaracterizing” the reasons for U.S. involvement.
“The whole idea of weapons of mass destruction was never the issue, yet they keep trying to bring this up,” Inhofe said. […]
Pressed for an explanation, Inhofe said weapons of mass destruction were “incidental” to the decision to invade Iraq.
“The media made that the issue because they knew Saddam Hussein had used weapons of mass destruction.”
Here is Sen. James Inhofe speaking in August 2002:
“Our intelligence system has said that we know that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction – I believe including nuclear. There’s not one person on this panel who would tell you unequivocally that he doesn’t have the missile means now, or is nearly getting the missile means to deliver a weapon of mass destruction. And I for one am not willing to wait for that to happen.”
This guy, who has been bought and sold mind you, by the gas and oil industries, is still calling global climate change the greatest hoax ever foisted on the American Public.
Which of you Republicans on this blog have e-mailed, called or written Inhofe to have some fucking integrity!
BRODER: “Let me disclose my own bias in this matter. I like Karl Rove. In the days when he was operating from Austin, we had many long and rewarding conversations. I have eaten quail at his table and admired the splendid Hill Country landscape from the porch of the historic cabin Karl and his wife Darby found miles away and had carted to its present site on their land.”
This points to aproblem in the press ladies and gentleman.
When the people you have to hold honestly to standards of democracy and decency are feeding you “quail at the table and admiring the splendid Hill Country landscape from the porch of the historic cabin” …c’mon!
How long will the American Public continue to be fools?!!!
Want some quail? You can see some mountains from my apartment! 🙂
You’re no Rove, and I’m no Broder. You do get the implications, don’t you?
are nothing personal. I just wanted to interject some humor into your day.