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April 22, 2007 07:45 PM UTC & Leadville Herald expose Lamborn vote--Why Wayne Allard should horsewhip Lamborn.

  • by: DemoGirl

There are some things that are just too easy to get right.  How could Lamborn get it so wrong?

WARNING: This is not a joke.  Do not link to this expose on if you have a squeamish stomach.
Link: http://www.squaresta…

1.  What would El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa and other 5th CD sheriffs have to say about this?
2.  Did the Colorado Springs Gazette report on Lamborn’s vote?
3.  Have any Denver papers reported on Lamborn’s vote?
4.  Is the 5th CD proud of Lamborn now?

1.  Jay Fawcett looks better every day.
2.  COLORADO POLITICAL REPORTERS, GET PREPARED. Tomorrow (Monday) or the day following, PART ONE of a multi-part series on Doug Lamborn will be posted on Coloradpols, commencing with some hard hitting questions about the financing of LAMBORN’s LAMBPORN.  You will not want to miss this one.  You have the resources and the location that I do not to follow-up on what is a major political story.

[Dedicated to the ethical treatment of not only animals but political candidates of all parties, whether Democrat, Republican, or other.]

P.S. [added as an edit after confusion from information from the Leadville Herald regarding Allard’s position]

Allard has long championed the cause of the bill. He wants it signed into law.  Lamborn doesn’t. Here’s a long article from 2000 from New Mexico–when cockfighting was still legal–and which shows Allard’s position clearly.  That’s why he should horsewhip Lamborn.…


33 thoughts on “ & Leadville Herald expose Lamborn vote–Why Wayne Allard should horsewhip Lamborn.

    1. Demogirl-You’re absolutely spot on here. Obviously, Lamborn, like so many of the Pubs that the LIAS of the world support, have no principles and simply vote for the money that keeps them in office. LIAS has, as far as I can recall, never offered any well reasoned, principled stand on any issue. I wish I had known you in school:-)

      1. Demogirl is just like Tancredo Watch. They are on this site strictly to bash Tancredo and Lamborn. Period. probably paid to do so.
        You, Robin are so liberal and socialist leaning that you don’t even notice.
        Show me anywhere where this obvious Fawcett shill has had anything to say EXCEPT, anti-Lamborn bullshit.
        Name a time……
        Can’t, can ya?

        Thought so.

        1. I wonder if it’s possible to be a Fawcett shill after the election, before there’s any indication about whether he’ll run for office in CD-5 again.  I bet it’s more like DemoGirl being pissed at having such poor representation.  I am, too.

          1. But if Lamborn keeps screwing the pooch, I guess he could. Knowing Republicans, they’ll excuse every Lamborn vote so long as he promises to cut their taxes to 0%.

            So no one’s shilling for Fawcett, just reminding people what a competent, intelligent, and experienced leader he is. And oh, hey, how’s that victory in Iraq coming?

            1. Fawcett should give Lamborn another run for the money.  Lamborn’s been in office for less than four months and his political tone deafness, along with his being mute, only increases Jay’s stock day by day by day. 

              1. General election voters knew how inept Lamborn was in November and still put him into office.  Fawcett is simply too liberal to be elected in El Paso County, even with Lamborn as a sitting duck.  There were a lot of people who felt that CD5 screwed up by electing Lamborn, but that we could remidy it in two years. 

                I have to believe that Crank and/or Rayburn are taking a serious look at taking down Lamborn in the next election.  Lamborn has poor fundraising numbers and may not be supported by the CFG if Schaffer is running for Senate.  The El Paso County Republicans have already indicated that they do not accept Lamborn as a long term congressman and the leader of the local party. 

                I hold to an earlier prediction that Lamborn will lose if he is challenged by Crank or Rayburn, but has a chance to win if challenged by both.  Between the two, I think Crank is more likely to go and is probably the better campaigner. 

        2. If you had, you’d see Lamborn is not at all the sole focus.  There’s Musgrave and others as well.  However, rather than throwing stones at me, what’s your defense of Lamborn, since you’re so concerned that your values should be recognized?

            1. He’s running his campaign against you with:
              1.  False accusations,
              2.  Offering no substantiation when challenged, and
              3.  Trusting that small enough of a minority of people will believe his attacks on you without verification, so that he still wins and you lose.

              As for me, I thought his “short” joke, at my expense, was funny! I have no problem laughing at myself.  And I don’t want an apology from him for that.

              He does, however, owe a sincere apology to each of us for his false accusations.  I offered him the proof he demanded of you–instead of his asking it directly of me.  And as for you, you’ve asked the proof directly from him that he has not–and, I can tell easily enough–cannot provide.  However, we will see how big a man he is–or a woman–by whether he does apologize.  That’s what we’re waiting on–an apology.  It may be a very long one.  And, if he’s like Doug Lamborn, a small man, there won’t be one at all.

        3. solidly with Demogirl on this.  There was no logical, rational reason to oppose this bill.  Lamborn didn’t making any political points with this Republican by doing so.  Dog fighting is the primary reason I can’t take my Pit-mix up to my friend’s homes in Denver.  I am a dog lover and if I ever got my hands on someone who promoted such an event I would probably end up with jail time.  To oppose her post just because of her political leanings does not make any sense and you haven’t made any points against it, just made an ad-hominum attack and a lame joke.  If you want to support Lamborn then come up with a solid reason for him to oppose this bill, don’t attack the messenger who revealed his “no” vote.

        4. Gawd, where do you find this Kool-Aide, dude?  First time I’ve laughed today, thank you. (It’s been shitty.)

          All of us with strong opinions express them.  Shilling is only if we pretend to be someone we are not. 

  1. What is it with you girl?

    Disgusting vote, disgusting passtime defended by a silly man.

    Your time off didn’t dull your obsessions. That’s cool. It takes a village, right?

    1. His subscription is to Cock and Dog. 

      One might think he’s studying up from that subscription for a role in the reprise of the old Burt Reynolds movie, “Deliverance”, but as the snaggle toothed hillbillies, not Burt.

      Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico signed a law recently outlawing cockfighting in New Mexico.  A smart political move for a candidate wanting to run for national office.  Now, only Louisiana has legalized cockfighting.  Perhaps Lamborn should move to Louisiana.  His vote would certainly make him welcome there.

  2. but legal cock and dog fighting?  What could he be thinking? (Rhetorical question) 

    And as ashamed as I am to admit it, I laughed out loud at the “short bus” remark.  Bad Lauren!

  3. Allard has long supported the legalization of cock and dog fighting. And this guy was a veterinarian?? He must have euthanized animals as a matter of course. “There’s a splitter in his paw? Euthanasia!!”

    1. I can see how one might read it the way you did, but, let’s not muddy Allard on something for which he doesn’t deserve it.  Allard wants the bill signed into law.  Lamborn doesn’t.  Allard supports the bill, Lamborn doesn’t.

      Allard has, for a long time, championed the cause behind the bill that Lamborn voted against. See this article from 2000.

      1. I always heard he was an honorable, if hopelessly socially conservative, man, so that was a surprise. Glad to be corrected on that point. Again, imagine any veterinarian supporting such a cruel pastime.

  4. Nothing abnormal, there, but here is the one of the moment.  I read the article and does it mean that Allard is for or against dog fighting?  It can be read either way.  Being a vet, I would find it hard to believe he is for the fighting…..unless he can make money from it?  Nay, even Allard isn’t that cynical.

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