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April 05, 2007 03:20 PM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Opinions are so much more than just “like assholes.”


23 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

  1. Today’s Rocky has an interesting story related to robocalls into Borodkin and Todd’s district related to the Homeowners bill.

    Alberto Gonzales is not the only person to get caught saying one thing but having the record (including emails) indicate something else.


    1. Let’s try and connect all the dots on this and see what it spells out.

      First, we have Rep. Stafford (Rep.) accusing fellow lawmakers, who were eventually ousted to be Minority Leader May (Rep.) and Rep. Balmer (Rep.), along with former legislators-now lobbyist of strong-arming her for supporting a bill to keep homebuilders from screwing the buyers. Finger pointing got criss-crossed with denials and off-the-cuff remarks claiming each person of having an axe to grind.

      Then we have a group of homebuilders, the very people Minority Leader May (Rep.) and Rep. Balmer (Rep.) are strong arming their fellow republican members for, sending out robo-calls to democratic legislators constituents as scare attacks, which turned to be filled with lies.  The lobbyists, presumably a few of the same who ganged up on Rep. Stafford with fellow Republican legislators, denied having any connection with the slimy slew of robo-calls that bombarded Democratic representatives constituents.

      And now, those same lobbyists are caught in an EMAIL of course, of putting the slimy show together by creating a scape-goat. “Gabe Joseph, president of ccAdvertising, in response: ‘I recommend calling this bill the ‘Trial Lawyer Tax.’ We recommend we make the issue about greedy trial lawyers. Colorado citizens hate trial lawyers a lot more than builders.’ http://www.rockymoun

      It also looks like the Senate Minority office got that memo: http://www.colorados

      What does that spell out? We have a group of unethical homebuilders who want to continue screwing the buyers, unethical lobbyist who want to continue to screw the buyers along with attacks of disinformation and unethical legislators trying to screw the buyers and their fellow legislators.

      This is your Colorado Republican Party. Give ’em a hand.

      1. You’re speaking about two legislators and one lobbyist group making up the Republican party in Colorado. That’s insane. Its like saying that all Dems are defined by unions and organized labor.

        Oh, ummmm. OK, maybe you have a point.

          1. but it isn’t my party’s leadership, I’m a Dem.
            A Dem with an attitude, but a Dem nonetheless.

            You and I know there are plenty of good Republicans in the state and we hear about the bad apples rather than the good ones.

            In any case, they’re considering the ethics complaint today at noon in the capitol, room 353. Probably see ya there.

  2. I left a couple of messages today at John Boehner’s office regarding his comments on Pelosi’s and Hobson’s visit to Syria.

    Boehner and fellow member of the Ohio Republican congressional delegation David Hobson got into a verbal joust over the Speaker’s trip to Syria, which Mr. Hobson joined.
    Boehner was quoted as saying:

    “It’s one thing for other members to go,” Boehner said, “but you have to ask yourself, ‘Why is Pelosi going?’ She’s going for one reason and that is to embarrass the president. She is the speaker of the House. She’s giving (the Syrian) government more credit than they deserve. They sponsor terrorism. They have not been at all helpful. I wish she wasn’t there.”

    Now, I realize I see everything involving Syria through the lens of Maher Arar. But why not? His case proves that the Bush administration has no qualms about contacting Syria when it has someone it wants to torture, but has a huge problem with anyone criticizing their foreign policy.

    Here’s a bit of Arar’s story:

    Early the next morning Arar is taken upstairs for intense interrogation. He is beaten on his palms, wrists, lower back and hips with a shredded black electrical cable which is about two inches in diameter. He is threatened with the metal chair, electric shocks, and with the tire, into which prisoners are stuffed, immobilized and beaten.

    The next day Arar is interrogated and beaten on and off for eighteen hours. Arar begs them to stop. He is asked if he received military training in Afghanistan, and he falsely confesses and says yes. This is the first time Arar is ever questioned about Afghanistan. They ask at which camp, and provide him with a list, and he picks one of the camps listed.

    Arar urinated on himself twice during the interrogation.

    Throughout this period of intense interrogation Arar was not taken back to his cell, but to a waiting room where he could hear other prisoners being tortured and screaming. One time, he heard them repeatedly slam a man’s head on a desk really hard.

    Now who would be interested in Afghan training camps? The Americans?

    I asked the nice people at Mr. Boehner’s office why he was critical of Speaker Pelosi’s trip to Syria to work for peace, but he has never, to my knowledge, been critical of the government’s contact with Syria regarding the use of torture to attempt to get information from terror suspects.

    And if Sryia is a sponsor of terror–and I’m not saying I doubt that fact–why are they, the Syrians, trying to get information about terrorist camps in Afghanistan? Does that make sense? And why isn’t the Minority Leader concerned when our own CIA takes Canadian nationals from American soil and flies them to Jordan so that they can be tortured until they confess to involvement in terrorism?

    Anyway, I don’t expect an answer from Mr. Boehner, but you might have better luck. Call his office at (202) 225-6205 or (202) 225-0704 (fax). Good luck.


  3. Paul Rieckhoff, Executive Director of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and outspoken war critic, said in his interview with Keith Olbermann last night,

    “He’s never really been sincere about offering diplomatic, economic, and political solutions to this problem, and it’s part of the reason we’re in the mess we’re in right now.  So over and over again, he shows that he doesn’t understand the type of combat we’re facing in Iraq, he doesn’t understand the military’s capacity or limitations, and he quite frankly doesn’t understand the enemy that he talks so much about.”

    Oh, so true.

    1. He says that the invasion manual for the operation ended at taking control of Baghdad.  As he said, “There were no more pages.”

      Compare that to WWII, when the US started working on post-victory plans right away. 

      Another Bush misadministration eff up.

      1. but I’ll weigh in with a “Yes!” 

        But the comparison isn’t fair.  The Ford CEO, like so many of this era, has done a shitty job and then gets a raise. The very antithesis of a meritocracy.

  4. It is sickening to realize how superficial and shallow the right wing is, in addition to corrupt and inept…..the response to continuing collapse and death in Iraq is to make fun of yet another woman….

    You can just hear every ED old fool screaming at the radio..about how mad they are at “Nancy”….and “Rosie” ….etc…….. I think that there are some who get a “rise” when Bush struts his cowboy stuff and pokes his finger at Congress…..third grade playground stuff 

    I would not ordinarily support Congressional visits to foreign countries…because they are constitutional guidelines about who conducts foreign policy. …….But Bush is not willing to negotiate with anyone…not Congress…not other nations…..  We are in extraordinary times and Polosi is not doing anything illegal or unconstitutional.  Maybe she and Bush are playing “good cop, bad cop”….that is a stretch…

    The people I consider real heros are the kids caught in this sand trap in Iraq and their parents and spouses and kids…all of whom soldier on….Meanwhile, back at the ranch.

    1. Referring to GW’s digs at Crawford.  No cattle.  Does “All hat and no cattle” ring a bell? 

      He’s an imposter through and through. 

    2. Speaker Pelosi and Governor Richardson are doing Bush and Condi’s job. The White House had the opportunity to show the world that the we stand United and nothing can divide the american people, but rather they wanted to play politics with her life. The Bush administration and the right wing attack dogs have no conscience.

      I remember when Hastert told the Columbians not to deal with the Clinton administration! Talk about undermining the White House.

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