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February 02, 2006 09:00 AM UTC

Hickenlooper Approaching Tipping Point

  • by: Colorado Pols

He may be there already, but if not Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper is getting awfully close to approaching the tipping point in his decision-making process on a potential run for governor when too many people start saying, “who cares?”

Mike Littwin of The Rocky Mountain News echoes the sentiments of those who like to say, so eloquently, s*** or get off the pot:

Time’s up.

It is not officially too late for John Hickenlooper to get into the governor’s race. It is officially too late for him to get in without looking like either a grasping politician, an indecisive politician or, worst of all, an indecisive, grasping politician. Apparently, Hickenlooper faces a difficult choice. Not life or death, but not draft or bottled beer, either.

And yet.

Let me be clear on this. If his choice to leave the mayor’s job is difficult now, it was no more or less difficult, say, last November. It’s no more or less difficult than when Bob Beauprez had to decide to give up his House seat. OK, you can understand putting off decisions in December. It’s a harried time. There are gifts for the kid, holiday cards to sign and, in Hickenlooper’s case, the business – this is how Marc “I’ll Say Anything To Get Noticed” Holtzman would put it, anyway – of running a secular, godless city.

But January would have been nice. Hickenlooper could have ridden that Broncos bandwagon right up the Capitol steps. Now, if my calendar is right, it’s already February, as in today is Groundhog Day. I used the Hamlet analogy in a column a month ago. Since then, I’ve gone through the entire popular culture, and I’m now down to citing – forgive me – Jimmy Buffett: Indecision may or may not be my problem…

…Look, I like Hickenlooper. I think he’d be a strong candidate and an effective governor. He’s smart and he seeks out smart people before deciding. But there’s only so long before you start getting on people’s nerves. That’s not how you get to be the people’s governor…

…The other day I bumped into a prominent Republican, and we got into a discussion about how unfair Hickenlooper was being to Bill Ritter. OK. I laughed, too. The unfairness Republicans are worrying about is all in Hickenlooper’s poll numbers.

On the other hand, by delaying, Hickenlooper is being unfair to Bill Ritter, who is now typically called Poor Bill Ritter. Poor Bill Ritter is frustrated because no one is paying attention to him, except when he’s saying no one is paying attention to him.

Hickenlooper has his own problems. Once, he had only to worry about looking as if he were abandoning the mayor’s job too quickly. Now he has to worry about a campaign that looks like it can’t make a decision to abandon the mayor’s job quickly enough. Of course, if he enters, that would be a one-day story.

You know it’s taking too long when Hickenlooper announces he’s annoyed that people keep asking him the question. And you know it’s taking him too long – way, way too long – when people start getting annoyed that he won’t answer.


46 thoughts on “Hickenlooper Approaching Tipping Point

  1. “Poor Bill Ritter” lacked support well before the Hickenlooper buzz began, although obviously rumors have kept many people on the fence.  Yes, it will be messy when Hick declares on Monday, and Ritter will be bitter, but we will end up with a Democratic Governor in the end.

    Hick didn’t want to run, but everyone has repeatedly begged him to do so.  I give him credit for eventually listening to that, although his decision has taken too long.

    If nothing happens Monday, then I’ll complain.

  2. “If nothing happens Monday, then I’ll complain.”

    WHICH Monday?

    “You know it’s taking too long when Hickenlooper announces he’s annoyed that people keep asking him the question.”

    Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock…

  3. You may be right about having a Dem. gov, B-nit, though it may or may not be Chickenlooper.

    If he does enter the race, it won’t be an easy win though because he’ll have to leave the sanctuary of Denver.

    I look foreward to asking the candidates about illegal immigration in particular, and mass immigration in general.  I wonder if Mayor Chickenlooper will continue to deny that Denver is a sanctuary city for felons (that is, illegal aliens), despite Executive Order 116?

  4. If Hick gets in and wins the primary; get ready to crown BB as the next Governor.  It is funny and a little disturbing that some people just do not get it.  Hick is a strong liberal; hates people of faith, lies about his business dealings, pro-abortion and an opportunist politician; did I mention he is from Denver?  Can I mention his record on taxation?  Has he seen a tax that he did not support?  Where has the crime rate in Denver been headed?  Now before I get the backlash of a lot of people on this board; please do your own research.  See if you can find at least one if not more articles that have been published on these topics.  Quick question, how long before the attack ads start coming?  Maybe they have already been developed?  Also, how long will it take for Hick to be in a constant defensive position?  This strategy has been proven to lose elections.  Sorry, a scooter will not win this election.

    Moderates win state-wide races in Colorado; Salazar, Owens to name a few that have been successful.  Yet since the group at 7th and Santa Fe are more concerned about ideology than winning.  Some might say the group at 7th and Santa Fe evangelizes their own brand of worship; this brand of worship is one primary reason why elections are lost.  I would encourage in The Draft Hick contingent come November, please help join everyone in crowning BB as the next governor of Colorado.  That is if you believe more in ideology than you do in winning and serving.

  5. If JH does take a run at the Governorship, the one and only reason to do so is to then run for POTUS after his service to the State of Colorado.

  6. Oh my, DontKnowNothing, you really don’t know nothing, do you. I’m sorry, maybe Hick can put you up in one of his homeless hotels for whatever time it takes for you to get a grasp on reality.

    As I’ve said before, why shoot for governor with this snakeoil salesman of a consummate politician (the Hick)? Doesn’t make sense. Send him on to–as Don’tKnowNothing says–the race for the White House. Why, Vespas, parking meters, stayfree maxi pads for the homeless, jumping out of airplanes, sanctuary for illegal aliens… Yeah, the Hick is ready for the big house. Forget Governor.

  7. When you write about Hickenlooper, George, I often wonder if you’re not Iron Mike’s evil twin.
    What did he do that’s so horrible, other than actually win an election?

  8. It was reported that Hick said he could? would? remain as mayor if he ran for governor.  I wonder if Hick ran and won the governor’s race, could he? would he? serve as governor and remain as mayor for ther remainder of his term?

  9. I think Hickenlooper has said that he would remain as mayor while he ran for governor, not that he would try to do both jobs if he was elected governor.

  10. Oh, Voyegeur, I thought you were so much more politically sophisticated than this. The Hick is the product of slick ads and the indubitable “hook, line and sinker” mentality of an electorate that was fed-up with having to pay for parking rights in Lodo. The Hick is a self-promoter par excellence — he started his mayoral campaign two years before the fact. His efforts as mayor have forever weakened the strong-mayor form of government that Denver enjoyed for so many, many decades. He is a wimp of montrous proportions, and apparently never understood that LBJ’s Great Society–after about $11Trillion of taxpayer monies–failed miserably. The Hick is a JFK wannabe. I don’t like him. I don’t like his arrogant appointees and I don’t like his obvious distaste for dedicated public servants who have served the City and County of Denver honorably for many, many years.

    That kind of tie it up for you, Voyegeur? I hope so. Because, I could go on for about three or four thousand more words.

  11. Ah, threeblindmice, I’ve had the glorious opportunity (23 years worth) of serving within the onerous confines of the City and County of Denver as a public servant who knows the city backwards and forwards. Don’t believe Boyles can claim that. So, if you want to argue anything at all about the City and County of Denver and it’s cuddly and, at the same time, very scary underbelly, just let me know. I’m here. I’m queer… (Oh, I guess that isn’t relevant, is it?)

  12. George, sounds like you’re mainly hacked off because Hickenlooper got some badly needed civil service reform through.  Good for him, it helped the taxpayers out of a bad hole.  But it hardly weakened the strong mayor form of government…which is far too strong for my taste, but that’s another matter.  You’re an interest blend of right-winger and left-winger, you “average” as moderate but I don’t find you actually in the middle on any given issue.  But, anyway, don’t give me a 4,000 word reply, I’d just skip past it assuming it was another cut and paste from Sir Robin.

  13. Ah, Voyeguer, you know me better than that. I don’t cut and paste.

    Let me suggest that with the very serious financial condition of the City when the Hick arrived, would have been dealt with, admirably, by any mayor who had half a brain. I’m not giving the Hick points for civil service reform. That kind of reform was needed and had commenced long before the Hick sat behind that desk on the third floor of the City and County Building.

    Once again, I take umbrage that you would think I’m borrowing polemic from anyone. As you’ve noted, I’m not really on the right or the left on any given issue. I’m simply George. Period. Please remember that.

  14. George:  can you say B-I-T-T-E-R?

    But who can blame you? If I was in your shoes reflecting back on the last 23 years of my life, I guess I would be bitter too.

    Blogging on the city?s dime no less; or did you call in sick today?

  15. Ah, DontKnowNothing, you truly DontKnowNothing. My service to the City and County of Denver was never compromised “posting” while on the city’s clock. I really take exception to your ignorant and offensive suggestion that I did not give 150% of my time and dedication to the City while I served there for twenty-three years. You can rest assured that, for many months before the outcome of the last mayoral campaign was known, I had decided I would leave the city; that “teaching” a new administration was just simply not worth it and I left shortly after the great Hick sat down in that chair on the third floor.

    Making assumptions that you can’t possibly prove or substantiate, you KnowNothing creep, is very, very dangerous. I’d suggest you figure that out pretty damned quick.

  16. George:  sorry the quips cut so deep and offended you so profoundly.  Clearly the citizens of Denver failed miserably in electing JH.  They should have anointed you King instead ? long live King George!

  17. You’re pitiful DKN. Go stroke your master, the great Hick. And, while you’re at it, just suggest to him–nothing really harsh or obtuse here, but just informative–that the employees of the City and County of Denver thinks he’s pretty much of a dick (talk to a Denver cop for five minutes if you doubt me) who has no control over his department heads and actually doesn’t really give a damn.

    KnowNothing, you’re not qualified to talk to me about Denver city government. So, beg off while you’ve got a chance, ’cause ol’ George has a pretty big arsenal to respond with–at least, twenty-three years worth.

    Get a life. Wipe your nose. And, comb that f–cking hair back a bit, will yah please.

  18. Lighen up, George, that was a joke.  I know full well you never cut and paste, I was only returning your banter about a 4,000 word post by citing the guy who really does cut and paste 4,000 word rants.  But as to civil service reform before Hick…get real.  Webb would have never touched the subject with a 10-foot-pole.  Your time stretches back to Pena, and he didn’t touch it either.  If I may be so bold, what did you do for the City and County where I’ve paid my property taxes for 36 years?

  19. You ain’t a dick, George, you’re George.  I’m Dick, Dick Cheney.  Everybody knows that, even Iron Mike, who is actually George Bush when he’s not being stark raving mad.

  20. Hey George, you’re not dick……..
    You are ok in my book, not that I agree with you on many things, but you seem to be fair minded.
    If it helps, I was called a “prick” here yesterday. It’s easy for people to do anonomously.

  21. Voyageur: You asked about my incumbency with the C & C of Denver. I can count on one hand, the number of folks who actually let it all hang out (don’t post anonymously) on this site and I’d prefer it if you’d send me an email and I’ll answer your question. By the way, property tax payments don’t really don’t count for much if you’re making that oft-heard, somewhat righteous argument that “I’m a taxpayer and you, as a city employee, owe me your first born child.” As I’m sure you know, the majority of Denver’s income comes from sales tax, not property taxes.

  22. Was just curious, George.  As to the property taxes, that was just my way of saying I live in this city and have for a long time.  I don’t actually want your first-born child, since, as a gay man, you aren’t likely to have one.  I wouldn’t object, though, if you bought me a mug of George Killians at Duffy’s!

  23. I know a number of gays with children, George, all of whom came from a prior heterosexual marriage, not adoption or artificial insemination.  But they are definitely in the minority.  So, if you do have a first-born child, keep it.  But I’m definitely interested in meeting your kid sister!

  24. Voyageur, I’m quite surprised and sincerely impressed that you would want to meet my kid sister (the absolute love of my life!). I know this kind of corny stuff is not what was intended by ColoradoPols to be posted on their site, but hey, man, I would love for you to meet her and her lovely family who, incidentally, reside in New Jersey. I make the annual trek to Ocean Grove (the beach) in July/August to celebrate the birthday of my nephew, Jack. Come along…

  25. If there is a love connection made, George and Voyager, then we better get credit. It’s going up top: Politics, News, Inside Information…and Love Connections.

  26. Hey George, what’s up with that man? We’re in the corner, drinking daquries, watching war movies and throw darts at Draft Dodger Bob… and here you go inviting Voyageur to the Jersey shore to meet your kid sister before me. (OK so I’m married, but still, the Jersey shore ain’t bad in late summer.)
    What’s up with that?

  27. Hey, the dead govs forced the issue. Iron Mike, I’d be happy to spend some time with you on the Jersey shore, ah, um, barring any conflict with Voyageur, this is.

  28. No conflict here.  I’m married too, but I just got word that I won’t be much longer if I don’t stop spending all my time posting on this stupid blog instead of cleaning out the basement.

  29. Part of Hick’s popularity is his reputation for stright talk and integrity.  What happens (for the sake of argument) if Ritter has kept the voicemial messages Hick left on his phone saying he wouldn’t run?  Does that make Hick look like some grasping politician?  Can Ritter play this card without looking like a weener?

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