The Rocky Mountain News has one of the obligatory yard sign complaint stories from the 2006 election, and we want to hear yours. What are your favorite stories about yard sign hijinks and fiascos?
One of our favorites is from 2004, when a man was caught stealing yard signs in Wheat Ridge because he tripped and knocked himself silly when he bonked his head on the driveway of a homeowner. When police responded, they found stolen yard signs in the back of a pickup driven by the man’s wife.
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has been incredibly placid on the yard sign front. Early on there were a number of cases of volunteers going overboard on placing “blocking” signs two inches on either side of a competitor’s sign but that cleared up. Heard few if any yard sign theft stories (though I do knwo one person who was setting traps for a couple teenagers stealing signs off their lawn – don’t know if they got them.) – definitely nothing like the ones in HD 18 two years ago. All in all, not much to report.
Just letting people know that the incumbent Democrat for S.D. 20 (Golden, Arvada, Wheatridge, Edgewater), Moe Keller has an interesting campaign strategy. Just like four years ago, her husband Stpehen was caught taking/knocking down signs of her opponent. In this case her opponent is Dick Sargent. She said in the Rocky that he just doesn’t appreciate political signs planted illegaly in rights-of-way. She also admitted that he was doing this. Amazing how he is only bothered by signs planted in rights-of-way by his wife’s opponent. What a joke. How is this not a bigger story.
not to take down his opponent’s signs when Sargent places them illegally on medians and in the public right-of-ways. And if Keller had put his in illegal locations, I’m sure his signs would disappear as well.
I suppose everyone should just look the other way and whistle too about all the illegal repeat robocalls coming from John Andrews, Trailhead, and State GOP candidates. No, not this year.
Haven’t really heard about that – which ones are supposed to have them?
By the way, the signs that he was knocking down were on private property. So Oscar, you don’t have a problem with a candidates spouse targetting her opponents signs of support. Do you not think he is infringing on the private property owner’s freedom of speech???
I wish that they would pick them all up and have a hijink day (the day before voting). If everybody would pick up their opponents sign legally, then everybody would be happy.
Of course they talk about some Dem supporter stealing Republican signs. The News ignored a tip several weeks ago about Republican State House candidate Spencer Swalm’s supporters stealing Democratic candidate Angela Engel’s yard signs en masse and replacing them with hundreds of their own…
Yard signs are a scourge, but as long as they’re placed legally they should be left up – even your opponents’.
I am not just talking about a “Dem Supporter”, I am talking about the incumbent senators husband taking signs off of private property. No matter how you justify it in your lefty mind, it is illegal and it infringes on the proerty owner’s freedom of speech.
I am not just talking about a “Dem Supporter”, I am talking about the incumbent senators husband taking signs off of private property. No matter how you justify it in your lefty mind, it is illegal and it infringes on the proerty owner’s freedom of speech.
I am not just talking about a “Dem Supporter”, I am talking about the incumbent senators husband taking signs off of private property. No matter how you justify it in your lefty mind, it is illegal and it infringes on the proerty owner’s freedom of speech.
Anyone have any luck reporting signs on right-of-way and having the authorities do anything about it? Yesterday huge ROD banners went up at (at least) several cloverleafs on West Sixth Avenue. Not sure if they’re still there. Who do you call?
My wife had success getting City of Lakewood Code Enforcement to remove political signs from the public rights of way, but it took several days. They didn’t remove the bumber stickers plastered on the lamp posts, but those are probably counter-productive anyhow. Not many people will be pursuaded by vandalism.
Thought I remembered from previous years there’s a jurisdiction problem for cities when the signs are on state highway land, but I could be confusing things.