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January 27, 2025 12:27 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“We all survive more than we think we can.”

–Joan Didion


30 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. Amazing what I stumble across listening to a Colorado Music Countdown. 

    The band Gasoline Lollipops has some vehement lyrics set to a catchy tune ….

    • the YouTube of "Freedom Don’t Come Easy (Official Music Video)[you know it has to be good if it is "official"], complete with background scenes around Denver. 
  2. Wajahat Ali: “MAGA seems to have a very weird, twisted, and violent relationship with their dads. This most likely explains why they’ve turned to Donald Trump, a vindictive sexual abuser, as their surrogate father.”

  3. Promises made – promises kept….

    Trump to reinstate the 8000  service members who were fired for refusing the Covid -19 vaccine. The service menbers who are reinstated will be restored to their prior rank, back pay and benefits, and an apology from the Dept. of Defense.

    From 2021 thru 2023 the Biden-Harris administration fired over 8000 military personal for refusing the jab, while letting in millions of unvetted and unvaccinated illegals into the country.

        1. If the shoe fits.  You know what gets really old?  Racism.  And you support it by supporting the racist in the White House.  Don't like it?  Too bad. 

    1. Because what we want in the American military are those who refuse direct orders ….

      add those 8,000 to …

      • 1500+ pardons and commutations for those who refused to follow the law on January 6,
      • pardons for those using bitcoin to facilitate illegal drug sales and child abuse,
      • pardons for two Metro DC officers convicted by "a unanimous federal jury in late 2022, after a nine-week trial, of second-degree murder, conspiracy to obstruct, and obstruction of justice. The same jury found Zabavsky guilty of conspiracy to obstruct and obstruction of justice."
      • pardoning 23 individuals who blocked patients from reproductive health clinics (including “crushing” an individual’s hand as she leaned against a door to block it.)

      Heather Cox Richardson has a great deal more to say about the consequences of lawlessness.

      1. You forgot all the pardons handed out to the Biden crime family 15 minutes before Joe left office.

        Not to mention Biden pardoning favorite son Hunter for three felony firearms convictions and nine counts of millions of dollars of income tax fraud.

        1. Not at all … the President's pre-emptory pardons were described in his message:

          Statement by President Biden

           My family has been subjected to unrelenting attacks and threats, motivated solely by a desire to hurt me—the worst kind of partisan politics.  Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe these attacks will end. 
          I believe in the rule of law, and I am optimistic that the strength of our legal institutions will ultimately prevail over politics.  But baseless and politically motivated investigations wreak havoc on the lives, safety, and financial security of targeted individuals and their families.  Even when individuals have done nothing wrong and will ultimately be exonerated, the mere fact of being investigated or prosecuted can irreparably damage their reputations and finances.
          That is why I am exercising my power under the Constitution to pardon James B. Biden, Sara Jones Biden, Valerie Biden Owens, John T. Owens, and Francis W. Biden. The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that they engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense. 

        2. The Biden crime family.  As far as I know, there was one convicted felon, Hunter.  Other than that, no crimes charged, no convictions obtained.  And i suspect you know next to nothing about how the criminal justice system works.  

  4. "Trump will overplay his hand; Be ready when he does." Robert Reich.

    I'm not sure where this article was, but I liked these points, here. Here's to you "charismatic Democrats", and "get out-of-the-way" (some of the) older Democrats.

    4. Charismatic Leadership Is a Non-Negotiable

    One lesson from Turkey and Hungary is clear: You will lose if you don’t find a captivating leader, as was the case in 2023 general elections in Turkey and in 2022 in Hungary. Coalition-building or economic messaging is necessary and good. But it is not enough. You need charisma to mobilize social dissent.

    Trump was beatable in this election, but only with a more captivating candidate. For Democrats, the mistake after smartly pushing aside President Joe Biden was bypassing the primaries and handpicking a candidate. Future success for the party will hinge on identifying a candidate who can better connect with voters and channel their aspirations. It should not be too hard in a country of 350 million.

    Last year’s elections in Poland and Turkey showcased how incumbents can be defeated (or not defeated, as in general elections in Turkey in 2023) depending on the opposition’s ability to unite around compelling candidates who resonate with voters. Voters seek authenticity and a connection — give it to them.

    5. Skip the Protests and Identity Politics

    Soon, Trump opponents will shake off the doldrums and start organizing an opposition campaign. But how they do it matters. For the longest time in Turkey, the opposition made the mistake of relying too much on holding street demonstrations and promoting secularism, Turkey’s version of identity politics, which speaks to the urban professional and middle class but not beyond. When Erdoğan finally lost his absolute predominance in Turkish politics in 2024, it was largely because of his mismanagement of the economy and the opposition’s growing competence in that area.

    1. I agree on skipping the protests and identity politics. The Democratic Party needs a fundamental rethink of what are the biggies it's going to deliver. And it's not have a perfect message for each interest group. It's what are the big glorious things we'll do to bring a brighter and more outstanding future.

    2. I pretty much disagree with "Trump was beatable in this election, but only with a more captivating candidate."

      Trump may have been beatable if Joe Biden had stepped aside sometime after the 2022 elections and allowed a complete nomination contest among those willing to step up.  Maybe.  The history of Presidents being pushed aside in my lifetime isn't encouraging. LBJ dropping away to leave  Humphrey emerging from a contest didn't turn out too well.  Nixon being pushed out to leave Ford to campaign didn't work well, either.   And on the theme of "changing horses mid-stream," McGovern losing a vice president and getting Shriver as a replacement wound up with a historic rout. 

      I don't know who that "more captivating candidate" might have been.  Imagining within a category is a great deal easier than looking at a specific individual, and trying to imagine if they are going to gather a winning coalition.


  5. Speaking of charismatic. AOC:

    "I don't care what Elon Musk is doing behind the presidential seal, but in this country we hate Nazis. Kind of like a foundational defining thing. Two or the foundation things about American history is that we beat the confederates and we beat the Nazis."

  6. Today's post – another on energy. Will Toor in my podcast said wind+gas is cheaper than just gas. It's not.

    One interesting outcome of the podcast I had with him, I've received a bunch of emails from people that are happy that he said the Polis Administration is neutral on non CO2 emitting sources. So they're not pro-renewables at the expense of Nuclear but instead are equally in favor of Nuclear.

    I think that's new.

    – dave

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