Dan Haley of Haley’s Comment lists this cheese grater ad from the No on 42 campaign as the worst political ad of the season, and it’s hard to disagree. Whose five-year-old kid produced this nonsense?
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those ads do suck. You’d think with groups like the Chamber of Commerce against it, they’d have been able to come up with something better than the “crap” they have….
Who was the brains behind that ad?
Not for a Colorado race, but you can almost hear the words “Marilyn Musgrave” where “Jim Talent” is spoken.
Be careful or you’ll be in tears before it’s over.
The idea of using a man so much of America loves for political gain makes me queesy. The left loves divisive, angry, exploitive politics.
Try this Jim Talent ad…
That’s my vote for the best of the year.
Isn’t it GOP orthodoxy that the state shouldn’t interfere with adults’ voluntary activities? Well, wait a second. Mr. Fox wasn’t involved in a moneymaking venture. OK. All is clear.
Stem cell research may prevent suffering and death from a range of diseases. Because the GOP values non-conscious, embryos more than persons there will be more rather than less suffering in the world. That’s what’s ugly and dirty. Mr Fox simply confronted the GOP with the practical result of its benighted and immoral policy.
how much will the legalization of more of this research in the US help with medical advances, or is securing government funding the real goal? is the government being asked to finance research that will be used by large companies as a shortcut to achieving greater profits? will government-funded advances be available to all?
what are the successes of european doctors, who can already legally perform such research? have past advances in the field of stem cells been predominantly from adult stem cells, as some claim? lastly, is this being used as a wedge issue, similar to the politicization of the terry schiavo case?
in honor of mr. fox and every other american who believes fetus stem cell research could help provide a cure, i believe we must think thru all these questions.
Suffering and death from chronic diseases is bad. If it is in our power to prevent someting bad from happening without undergoing a loss of comparable moral importance , then we ought, morally, to do that thing. Fetal stem cells do not suffer, people do. Fetal stem cell research is likely to diminish suffering. Hence, fetal stem cell research is morally obligatory.
So you think Fox didn’t do this ad of his own free will? For some reason he couldn’t possibly be supporting Democrats, so it must be that he’s being exploited? Hey, here’s a thought, maybe he just cares really deeply about this issue, and hates what Republicans have done. In fact, what’s truly despicable is what this administration has done to stem cell research.
As for “The left loves divisive, angry, exploitive politics,” what goes around, comes around.
Somewhere in Talent’s campaign you know that they just wish Mr. Fox would die already….
And it made me pucker.
But was it worse than their “God doesn’t like increasing the minimum wage” business: Moses and the Ten Commandments?
What a bunch of bozos. THEY should all be working for minimum wage.
The Michael J. Fox ad is quite effective and chilling. It was very had to watch, but I think that it definitely will get under a lot of people’s skin. The point of the cheese grater add was lost on me… it is only going to make me that much more anxious to use the restroom in public places.
The cheese grater ad is probably the worst of the year. Either that or the silly anti-43 ad with the uber-lame president Bush impersonator. That one is an absolute joke, too.
Are you kidding me?
“Ramey Johnson ‘Hates’ Puppies”
Gwen Green was one of the early and ardent supporters of the Amendment 37 (renewable energy initiative that passed in ’04), and according to Xcel Energy’s OWN testimony before the PUC, it is now SAVING Xcel ratepayers over $5 million/yr and helping to keep electricity costs DOWN.
…on the other hand, our Governor Owens -appointed PUC has actually put in place the largest quasi-tax increase on Colorado ratepayers in the entire history of the state: mandating that ratepayers pay, in advance, for the Pueblo coal plant that will be a minimum of $1.2 billion (yes, that’s BILLION with a B). One can only assume that Ramey Johnson would continue to support that kind of mindset at the PUC. If you are already noticing the increases in your Xcel bills — it’s from Owen’s administration actions — not Gwen Green.
Best of luck to GWEN GREEN — she’s a fine and thoughtful person looking out for the best interests of Colorado citizens.
The ad where BW opens in the barn with the pitchfork, and ends walking through with his horse and dog. First time I saw it I almost hurled. All I could think of was “Wag the Dog”.
the more I watch it. No offense to Roy — but Roy Rogers and Trigger vying for governor?