Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez has finally picked up some newspaper endorsements. Democrat Bill Ritter had earned the support of every major newspaper in Colorado until Beauprez finally received the backing of the Longmont Daily Times-Call Herald Post Dispatch and the Loveland Daily Reporter-Herald Times Post News Sun. This isn’t really two different endorsements – it’s the same endorsement printed in two different papers that are owned by the same people.
Colorado Confidential has been tracking newspaper endorsements for most candidates and issues around the state.
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Ok, so a couple of papers have apparantly bought into the need to have a GOP gov. to balance out the Dem. legislature argument. It certainly isn’t the worst argument that has been made. But what I am wondering about… is why the endorsements match up word for word.
So it would be more accurate to say that Beauprez got one endorsement and it just got printed in two papers?
…he really had a problem with Colorado being totally under the Republicans with Owens, or being in the majority in Congress while the house, senate and Presidency are controlled by Republicans. Hypocrite.
They own 7 papers in the state http://www.lehmanfyi… and Ed Lehman is a huge republican donor! Edward Lehman gave thousand to Republicans and recommended them in his papers also ! LOL
Maybe even “heroic”?
The Loveland paper endorsed Griggs over Schaffer for the State Board of Education
the lehman family runs some of the most right wing, slanted and unethical newspapers in the entire state. the lehmans often offer up their newspaper offices to republican candidates to print their campaign materials. their piss poor editorial journalism and questionable endorsements should not be trusted as thoughtful or insightful. for the most part, their papers are strictly a mouthpiece for the colorado republican party. state democrats beware! john fryar is the only good thing the lehman papers have going here.
Don’t confuse editorial opinions and news coverage. The Reporter-Herald (owned by the Lehmans) provides fair and complete coverage. For example, the day after Barack Obama gave his brilliant speech at the Democratic National Convention (remember, he was relatively unknown at the time), the R-H gave him front-page, above-the-fold coverage, with a photo. Check it out.
. . . for a state house seat, the local editor “disappeared” soon after the election. Never did hear what happened to him. Apparently he had a huge fight with the owners over his endorsement of the Dem. Wonder if anyone knows the rest of the story . . .
Of course they are. When the Foley scandal came out and every paper in the country had it on the front page or maybe second page the Times Call had less then 20 words buried in the news from the world section on the second to last page. I once called the editors to query why they could print a letter from someone who stated Hillary Clinton was a murderer, and killed Vince Foster to cover up. I asked if they would print a letter saying Laura Bush was a killer. They told me straight out they were a “conservative paper” and would not. I don’t mind papers being conservative, there are liberal papers also, but they are slanted more than Fox News. I only get the paper to read about local events.
They states that Owen’s vetos are what kept CO pro-business. In addition, they state that expanding gov. is anti-business. Yet, Owen had no choice but to veto as we require a balanced budget. In fact, it was the many vetos that Owen was forced into that he supported Ref C. As to the expanding gov. well, the 2 biggest expansions of the federal gov over the last 60 years was in W. and Reagan’s time. What I find funny is that so many republicans speak of smaller gov, balance budgets, and high morals, but fail all of it worse than the dems. I only hope that with the next president, that they will push for amendments that will force future admins to run balance budgets as well as perhaps adapt a few of Joel Hefley’s ideas to control the corruption.