“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”
–H. L. Mencken
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: kwtree
IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
BY: harrydoby
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: ParkHill
IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
BY: kwtree
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
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Here come the polls …..
70 percent of voters have decided who they will back in November: Poll (thehill.com)
The "good news" is that Biden is only trailing by 6%. (But we don't have a breakdown on individual states.)
How the fuck is 6% underwater good news?
On polling: I've got no idea on the importance of this poll, and whether it is "good news" or not. I'd speculate Lauren Boebert is a Worthless POS using the term in quotation marks is a sign of snark, a confirmation of often expressed pessimism about the chances of a Biden win. A few immediate reactions.
Jesus Christ, Pollyanna, did you not watch the same event that the rest of us watched last Thursday?
Maybe Biden will have the Benjamin Buttons experience between now and November. Hope springs eternal.
Keep drinking that Koolaid that Anita Dunn and the rest of his inner staff have been ladling out.
I'm wondering if, when the spoiler candidates are included, RFK, Jr. gets a bump in his numbers after Biden's senior moments last week.
I was afraid it was going to be more like 16%.
That is a fair point. But I'm with you, untill they address Biden's behavior in an unscripted event, we're fucked.
David, he had a golden opportunity to do that last night. But took a pass.
He came out and read a statement on the SCOTUS decision on immunity. Well delivered – coherent and forceful. And he literally looked more tanned and healthy than he did on Thursday.
But he should have taken a couple of questions – and I mean literally two or three questions – before walking off if only to show that he can answer a question. Didn't need to make it a full hour-long press conference. Just a couple of unscripted questions and answers.
But he took a pass and lost a chance to show what he can do.
Bannon reports to prison.… whatever his bluster, his propaganda machine will be spewing less bile, and democracies all over the world have more breathing room for the next four months.
No pics of the perp walk, alas, since he surrendered with his lawyer in tow; but maybe prison will force him to clean up a bit. Waiting for the mug shot.
As of the end of June, the Secretary of State reports on the ballots counted in the state. I calculated the relatively scant percentages.
Active Reg…….3,872,503…..26.02%
Inactive Reg……..563,897
Grand Total…..4,436,400….22.72%
Elegy for the United States – read the whole thing and wonder what will become of us.
Letters from an American July 1, 2024 Heather Cox Richardson
SCOTUS Takes a Sledgehammer to Democracy. David Kurtz at TPM
Right now, there are nine U.S. Supreme Court justices. Five of those justices were appointed by a President that lost the popular vote.
While both of George W. Bush’s appointments were made in his second term, which he won with the popular vote, that re-election was only made a reality by his initial placement in office through Bush v. Gore.
What we now have is a Supreme Court handpicked by presidents that the majority of the country rejected and were only made president through the Electorial College (don’t event get me started on the slave-era EC)
Alva, what’s up with this in the comment box?
This CKEditor 4.14.0 version is not secure. Consider upgrading to the latest one, 4.24.0-lts.
This would be fresh hell to deal with! Thanks.
I must have missed this one.
It should be fixed now, please let us know if you encounter any other errors or warnings.
I don't see it now, but I don't see the emoji icon, either.
My next worry – Biden wins the election and the Supreme Court then throws it to him.
The good news is that Trump's wartime consiglieri, Rudy Giuliani, lost his NY law license today. With reciprocal discipline, any other jurisdictions in which he still held a valid license will soon pull the plug.
QUESTION: In the newly-empowered chief executive, will Trump have the authority to grant and revoke law licenses? {sarcasm intended}
STF-up about Biden. Josh Marshall from TPM:
Josh Marshall
From TPM Reader JG …
This is so precisely right it’s not even funny.
Here’s the live link, PH: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/yes-by-all-means
If the Republicans force us into making the election about Trump and the Court, we lose. The election needs to be the brighter future Dems propose. You're much better in your next post, Park.
The campaign in a nutshell…..
Here is one Democrat who is not all hysterical ….
Donald Trump is going to win the election and democracy will be just fine (bangordailynews.com)
That is some unmitigated horseshit. In light of Chevron and Trump, SCOTUS has given carte blanche for trump to do a lot of what would have previously been unconstitutional/criminal activity. The good Rep. from Maine is clueless.
Gun control …. Republican style.