U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

(D) J. Hickenlooper*

(R) Somebody



(D) Phil Weiser

(D) Joe Neguse

(D) Jena Griswold




Att. General See Full Big Line

(D) M. Dougherty

(D) Alexis King

(D) Brian Mason




Sec. of State See Full Big Line
(D) A. Gonzalez

(D) George Stern

(R) Sheri Davis




State Treasurer See Full Big Line

(D) Brianna Titone

(R) Kevin Grantham

(D) Jerry DiTullio




CO-01 (Denver) See Full Big Line

(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) Somebody



CO-02 (Boulder-ish) See Full Big Line

(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Somebody



CO-03 (West & Southern CO) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Hurd*

(D) Somebody



CO-04 (Northeast-ish Colorado) See Full Big Line

(R) Lauren Boebert*

(D) Somebody



CO-05 (Colorado Springs) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Crank*

(D) Somebody



CO-06 (Aurora) See Full Big Line

(D) Jason Crow*

(R) Somebody



CO-07 (Jefferson County) See Full Big Line

(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(R) Gabe Evans*

(D) Manny Rutinel

(D) Yadira Caraveo




State Senate Majority See Full Big Line





State House Majority See Full Big Line





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October 11, 2006 06:19 PM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

For politics and stuff.


58 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

  1. Thought I’d repeat this from the Tuesday thread. Oh my…

    Denver Absentee Ballot Flawed
    A report this morning from Heartbroken Tiger…. indicating that optical scanners may have a wee bit of a problem getting it right with Judge Charles Barajas and Referendum F. Bold black lines printed on the face of the two ballot sheets, if held up to the light, are clearly visible on the back of those sheets and most likely will read by the optical scanners. Additionally, curiously, on all ballot questions the “Yes” precedes the “No,” with the exception of Referendum F, where the “No” precedes the “Yes.” Curiouser and curiouser.

      The Gang that Couldn’t Shoot Straight (with apologies to Jimmy Breslin)

      Denver Election Commission – what a joke.
      They can’t get the machines to work properly, they blame it on the judges, then the tell everyone to play it safe and vote absentee, and now this.

      As Ed Norton would say, Sheeesh.


    2. Why can’t the Commission do some tests and see if the scanners read the ballots correctly? I’ll bet they already have.

      If Judge Barajas gets zero absentee ballot votes we’ll also know something is, um, a little wrong – so there’ll be a recount, right?

      Sounds like a tempest in a teapot to me.

  2. In the paper yesterday, polls were released for CD-7, 4, 5.  What happened to CD-6?  Has the mainstream media given up on CD-6?  At least show us some polls.

      1. that indeed there is a poll and it has Winter and Tancredo tied.

        It is an internal poll, but apparently legit.

        The Salazars are trying to raise money for Winter.

      2. As a constituent of his, there is really nothing more I would like to see than him voted out of office. In fact, I wouldn’t care if every race in this whole state went republican if he got voted out of office. I would laugh, I would cry, I would probably get hammered (both of the former sometimes happen in regards to the latter anyway), all in celebration of his defeat.

          1. I dont want to jinx it, but good lord! I say if he does get voted out we organize some sort of Coloradopols field trip to celebrate godsOwnParty fully embracing Allah.

    1. National coming out day? Coming out of what?
      This is getting old. If homosexuals want to blend in to the communtiy why do they try so hard to publicly push their sexual lifestyle? Just live your life and fuck what anyone says that doesn’t agree with you.
      But now there is some sort of national day to celebrate being gay? Give me a break. This is the first I have heard of it.
      When will there be a national day for heterosexuals? I want that day off paid!
      When will there be a national biker awarenesss day? I want that day off paid too. I’m tired of non bikers judging me as a lowlife.
      When will there be a national day to appreciate people that work everyday and don’t drain the system by living on welfare? I want that day off not paid so I don’t have to work the first three hours for the government.

      1. …when it’s African-American History Month?  Do you wish there was a White-American History Month?  How about a Closeminded, I hate poor people, give tax breaks to gazillionaires History Month?

      2. with the Gecko on this one. 

        Until they come out with a day commerating all of the people who got fat eating at McDonald’s and recognize that it is their own damn fault, I say we do away with these stupid quasi-holidays.

        Seems a little but too much like the Simpsons when you can declare any day to be the official politically correct garbage day.

        Get a life…

      3. How about a national “Get off your Ass and get a Job!” Day?

        I can already here the protests about that day not being reflective of people’s individual lifestyle choices.

      4. How about a “Get Off Your Ass And Vote Day”?

        Americans need to get election day off, every year. We’re willing to send our boys to die for another country’s right to vote but we’re unwilling to practice what we preach at home.

        To be paid for this day off you need to bring proof you voted to your employer. If you don’t work, well, you already had the day off so who cares. If you don’t bring proof you voted to your employer, you don’t get paid and your name goes on a national online list so all your friends and family can tell you to shut the hell up whenever you bitch about elected officials.

        1. Only problem is people like my boss, who owns a multi million dollar a year service business with over 70 employees, doesn’t even bother to vote.
          He would never go along with pauing his people to do the same. How about paying them at least just for the time that it takes to vote? Kinda like jury duty?

          I vote every year but to many, they just don’t care. It is easier to just bitch about the outcome I guess.

          1. It would be interesting to see what would happen in this scenario.  A paid day off for election day.  Required to vote, in essence.

            Would the increase in people voting sway to one party’s favor or would the results be the same, just more votes counted?

        2. With the convenience of voting in this day and age I find this suggestion jaughable. Or is this union trash looking to be “carried” another day by legimate working people???

            1. The question is not how to get them to the polls, but how to get them informed.  Particularly with the 527’s slash and burn tactics – we are lacking an informed voting population.  Time for everyone to demand that the money be put back in the hands of the candidates, with 100% donor & expenditure disclosure.  No corp $, No union $, No PAC $ – just people who you can pursuade your cause is worthwhile.  Sick to death of bought & paid for pols.

              BTW – workers must already be allowed adequate time to go to the polls.  Because goodness knows we shouldn’t expect people to plan ahead and request an absentee ballot or go vote early on a day when they aren’t working.  Let’s make those evil corps. responsible instead.

      5. First of all, I’m a biker too and I wouldn’t mind having a paid day for that.  🙂

        Second, it’s a life just like everyone else’s, not a lifestyle.

        Third, please stop for just a moment and think about what it’s like for us.  We see straight people pushing their “lifestyle” publically all the time.  How often do you see a straight couple holding hands, flirting, or even kissing in public?  That’s fine, but if we did it people would pitch a fit.  And I don’t think you get a heterosexual day, it’s more like a week for the heterosexual equivalent to Pridefest.  It’s called Mardi Gras.  If you want to talk about heterosexuals pushing their “lifestyle” publically, let’s check that one out. 🙂

        It’s not an officially recognized day.  It’s just a day to get people talking, remind people “hey we’re here and we’re human too”, and to try reducing the fear some people have of us by showing them who we are.  The suicide rate for gay kids is incredibly high… about 10x over other kids.  84% of them are physically or verbally abused in school.  They’re outcasts.  If politicians want to protect kids, how about about addressing these issues?  By being open about who we are, we’re trying to change society so that it’s not this way anymore.

        Anyway, this doesn’t all relate to politics so we probably shouldn’t be talking about it here.  But we are involved in the political process and as such I think the day is at least worth mentioning for that reason.

      6. don’t celebrate it.  Just as I do not celebrate this day or Gunny Bob day or Columbus Day and would not celebrate a Natioal Brain Dead Gecko Bigot Day, we all can choose to celebrate or not.  Probably a national skin head day would be more to Gecko’s liking.  And to help educate Gecko, we already have a worker’s day.  It is called Labor Day.

        1. I do not celebrat Columbus day, or gay day, or presidents day, or luther king day, or black month, or any other day. The ONLY day I take off and enjoy besides Thanksgiving and X-mas is Labor day and Memorial day. (Although X-mas day is nothing more than an excuse for big box stores to make a fortune)
          I actually find it a pain in the ass that all government offices are closed on Columbus day and Luther day. For what? The only bright spot is the streets are less congested then. Most working stiffs still have to trudge off to work.
          So if you are such a fan of days off, maybe a “Chaffee is a wise ass” day could be arranged.

  3. I posted this on another thread but people may not see it way back there today.  Here’s the link to the article: http://gazette.com/d

    There’s a section to post comments at the bottom.  Interesting stuff being said.

    The following is copied from the article, quoting Fawcett campaign manager Wanda James:

    “I think people are clearly rejecting the social agenda of who hates gays more, religious issues, social issues,” James said. “Those wedge issues that Doug wants to run on, that’s clearly not what’s important to people.”

  4.   Moonraker, take notes….this is how it can be done!  The incompetents who sit on, and/or are working for, the Denver Election Commission are going to throw the election to Both Ways!  Probably not intentional but simply out of stupidity. 
      Now people can’t even vote absentee ballot with any degree of confidence in the outcome.  It was bad enough when voters couldn’t reply on the machines because they were defective hand-me-downs from Chicago.  Now this…

  5. I was all into going to the polls to make voting feel more special ’til my buddy who has worked w/ the same security company that protects our voting machines advised against it calling them incompetent pricks. I registered for vote by mail…I’m glad to hear that incompetence can be found in all arenas…

  6. Check this out!

    < shilling >

    The Grand Junction NBC affiliate had an online poll asking who should be the next representative for House District 54 – Democrat Richard Alward or Republican Steve King?

    Alward won in a landslide!  73.9% to 26.1%

    (scroll down to second poll result)

    Sure, this isn’t scientific, but what it does show is the enthusiasm among the supporters of Alward.

    It also demonstrates the disarray of the Mesa County Republican Party. If King wasn’t savvy enough to find supporters to flood this poll, is he savvy at all?

    And what were the rest of the Mesa County Republicans doing during the week this poll was online?

    This seat is considered a Republican lock, but maybe not this year? After all, this year is the first time in memory that the local Daily Sentinel endorsed a Democrat for district 54.

    This could be something historic in the making!

    Become a part of it.

    < /shilling >

      1. everything is drowned out by the THUNDEROUS ROAR of the freight train that is Bob Beauprez. here comes the base, hes carrying it all the way home and delivering it to the front door of every republican candidate in the state. its like christmas came early to every downticket republican!!!

        bob is just that good, look at his momentum in the polls. you know his superior vision for colorado will win in the end, it is inevitable. billy boy is in trouble!

        1. And CRASH when they got their mail today.  My parents, being the great conservative Republicans they are, received a wonderful fundraising letter today from the Honorable Bill Owens in support of Congressman Beauprez for Governor.  Inside the envelope was a piece, split into two columns contrasting Bill and Bob.  A picture of Bob in blue on the right with bullet points about what GREAT things he has done as an elected official and a picture of Speaker of the House Andrew Romanoff on the left with bullet points about how TERRIBLE Bill Ritter’s positions and accomplishments are.  Yep, you heard right.  Instead of a picture of Bill Ritter, someone messed up and printed a picture of Speaker Romanoff in the piece.  Not only does this add to the list of mistakes by the Beauprez campaign, it also gives a black eye to Gov. Owens whose name was on the fundraising piece and who has been so graciously campaining with Beauprez.  Hopefully it wasn’t Owens’ own Trailhead group that made the error.

          1. pictures dont matter, votes do! and bob has a great big “check” in the “getting votes” column!

            romanoff schomanoff, the point of the mailer is they are all the SAME! its a stroke of genius and gets the mailer more attention by you silly islamo-fascist bloggers. marshall is a sheer genius and you cant stop him.

    1. Not scientific? Is this a faith-based poll?

      Yeah, that’s it. All you Dems get wrapped up in the poll numbers four weeks out. When it comes down to doing the deed, Republicans will come out and they will vote for Republicans.

    1. The Republicans could run a guy named Osama Satan Fonda in CD 5 and still win. All Lamborn has to do is talk taxes and guns (and not be gay) and he’ll win. Having God on his side helps too.

  7. just got a strange phone call from a friend saying that the DCCC is reportedly pulling all of their money out of CD4 and putting into CD7.  Not sure how to check on this, can anyone here confirm?

    1. They are apparently shifting and/or adding races – see the mysterious comments elsewhere throughout the blog today.  But nothing I’ve seen yet that they’re pulling out of the 4th or putting (more) into the 7th.

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