“Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.”
–Douglas Adams
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BY: ParkHill
IN: Trumpflation is Here
BY: Genghis
IN: Why DNI Tulsi Gabbard Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
BY: Genghis
IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Trumpflation is Here
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: kwtree
IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
BY: harrydoby
IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Trumpflation is Here
BY: unnamed
IN: Obligatory Lauren Boebert/Kid Rock Gossip Thread
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How can it not be clear to everyone? The Orange Destruction and his horde of orcs are sharpening their broadswords…and I am not speaking figuratively.
1. the number of Trump voters & supporters able to swing a broadsword for more than a minute or so is likely to be small;
2. it is hard to conceal a broadsword; and
3. police and security forces have a pretty good record against perps with broadswords.
I suppose I should have said, "loading their AR-15s".
If there is a take away from the Democrats Rules and Bylaws Committee calendar for the primaries… Colorado should pass a law now to be the first caucus in the nation.
Minor correction, Colorado's a presidential primary state now, not a presidential caucus state.
And I guess if we got the first primary, we'd get more visitation from candidates early on. They'd all have to sample Rocky Mountain Oysters instead of Iowa corn dogs.
But who can forget the photo of Marcus Bachman, Michelle's husband, apparently fellating a corndog during her campaign in Iowa.
I remember a photo of the candidate, herself, in a similar pose.
Rick Perry too…
Needs to work on his technique!
Wow, did I not need to see that! Thanks???
Colorado could change the law on a dime to bully the parties to put us earlier.
It’s basically the New Hampshire problem.
The Rules and Bylaws primary schedule puts South Carolina first New Hampshire law requires NH first and I don’t think the party will set aside those delegates.
We have a better argument it’s a tight state to campaign to in the front range and our brand nationwide is rugged independent bla bla.
Do we really care if it’s a primary? We flip back to caucus to grab a bit more is that so bad?
A lot of people would squeal if there was a serious effort to go back to a presidential caucus. I've never minded caucuses personally, but they do take time, they're arcane procedurally, and most people have their mind made up about their candidate of choice already so why spend a couple hours in a crowded building when you can just cast a ballot at home?
Caucuses are damnable creatures! They are fraught with local corruption, incompetence, and plain old errors. Let the trained election officials handle it.
Also, only Ds and Rs get a say in caucuses, Us (the largest voting block) get to vote in primaries and will give a better sense of viability of the candidates.
Yes, only the hard-boiled extremists on each end of the ideological spectrum can afford to spend 3+ hours on a cold winter night haranguing one another over platforms planks and which candidates are sufficiently ideologically pure to make the primary ballot.
The rest of us would rather be home watching the Crown on Netflix.
The 3+ hours is if you're just attending caucus. If you're a party official or caucus volunteer, it's more like 10-20 or even more thanks to planning, training, set-up, and anything left to do at the end of the night. 'Tis a PITA!
No doubt the law COULD be changed. But "In 2016, voters passed Proposition 107. " And getting legislators to pass and Polis to sign something so recently decided by voters might be an uphill fight.
People are not rational beings, they’re rationalizing beings. ALL OF US, but some more than others.
305 counts. That's a lot. https://coloradosun.com/2022/12/06/anderson-aldrich-formally-charged-club-q-shooting/
Yes, but after he gets convicted and sentenced on that first first-degree murder charge, which carries a sentence of life without parole, he will never serve a day of any of the sentences on the other charges.
I invite Voyager to chime in with the argument in favor of capital punishment at this point.
Chimeth I do. Mass killers get a kill one get 50 free discount in Colorado. Murder with a hate crine enhancement should be a death penalty.
The death penalty is a colossal waste of state resources. I have the 1099s
Do accused murderers get punished with mis-pronouns prior to conviction? That's quite the right-wing trope.
While we are discussing whether this individual deserves to be executed or locked up for the rest of their life, you are fixated on the mis-pronouns. Even kwtree didn't catch that mistake and go off on it.
If it makes you happy, I fixed it for you.
Yes, but after
he getsTHEY GET convicted and sentenced on that first first-degree murder charge, which carries a sentence of life without parole,heTHEY will never serve a day of any of the sentences on the other charges.</p><p>I invite Voyager to chime in with the argument in favor of capital punishment at this point.</p>
Fixated, no, but it’s important to people; maybe not to you.
If it's important to this hate-mongering man, good. He him his, he his his, he his. In my view five murders forfeits your right to political correctness.
There is a scene in the movie The Hunt where one of the MAGA deplorables says to the other deplorable, “You aren’t going to kill a woman, are you?”
The first deplorable turns to the woman and says, “Do you want me to spare your life because you are a woman?” to which the PC woman says, “No.” So he kills her.
Fealty to political correctness sometimes comes with a steep price.
Perfect example of how Hollywood shapes our perceptions of reality, thus generating talking points for right wing and center-left activists who both hate progressives. ( Because all things "meet in the middle", doncha know. ) "I saw it in a movie – therefore it must be true."
There is no equivalent example of deadly "fealty to political correctness" in real life.
Ohh? How about China Syndrome?
Jane Fonda made a movie.
The left believed it.
And that settles it.
China Syndrome was based on the Three Mile Island nuclear accident. A few years later, Chernobyl blew up, and the "China Syndrome" was again reflected in the news. News reports at the time speculated that Chernobyl might continue melting down indefinitely.
Those nuclear accidents, including Fukushima, were real, and have lasting health effects today. A girlfriend of mine, who grew up in Harrisburg, PA, close to TMI, died of breast cancer. Studies have shown increased thyroid and lung cancers after the nuclear accident.
People in Tibet can die of breast cancer because of nuclear power./p>
Woe, shut down the nukes.
We don’t care about no global warming.
Jane Fonda made a movie out of it.
I believe it.
That settles it.
Movie scrips are never wrong!
Herschel stinks.
Move over Chem Trails Kelli, we now have Chem Trails Doug ….
GOP's Doug Mastriano rants about 'chemtrails' after election loss (msn.com)
Wasn't this the crackpot who was going to go into the desert – in central PA, I imagine – to pray and to fast for 40 days before the gubernatorial election?
AT LONG LAST!!!! CONVICTION!!! 17 counts of tax fraud!
The end of Donald Trump is in sight!
It was against his company and not him personally, but the noose just tightened dramatically.
Joyce Rankin, member of the state board of education representing CO-3, announced her resignation today. I believe she's married to ex-Sen. Rankin who just did the same last week (the site ran a story about it). I'd assume there's a connection for the close-in-time retirements, but not sure what it may be. Write it up, Pols.
I read a story in the CS Gazette, it did not give a reason for the resignation. But I think it was in error when it said the replacement, who will be picked by GOP CD-3 vacancy committee will have to stand for election in 2023. I am pretty sure they will serve until 2024 and then stand to election to fill rest of the term which ends in Jan. 2027.
Appointed replacements remain until the next general election. I believe you're right and that 2024 is the next general election. Odd-year elections are special-purpose voting opportunities.
My guess is Mrs. Rankin has been on the receiving end of some pretty rude behavior from her party and professional colleagues since her husband made his choice.