“Hatred is blind, as well as love.”
–Oscar Wilde
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BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Lowering the Price of Eggs by Banning Transgender Athletes
BY: bullshit!
IN: Colorado’s Reckoning Begins As Trump 2.0 Draws Near
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Gabe Evans, Jason Crow: Yin And Yang On Pete Hegseth
BY: joe_burly
IN: Lowering the Price of Eggs by Banning Transgender Athletes
BY: joe_burly
IN: Lowering the Price of Eggs by Banning Transgender Athletes
BY: kwtree
IN: Lowering the Price of Eggs by Banning Transgender Athletes
BY: harrydoby
IN: Colorado’s Reckoning Begins As Trump 2.0 Draws Near
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Lowering the Price of Eggs by Banning Transgender Athletes
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Lowering the Price of Eggs by Banning Transgender Athletes
BY: kwtree
IN: Lowering the Price of Eggs by Banning Transgender Athletes
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They’re probably the most interesting female-fronted punk group of all time, Sleater-Kinney notwithstanding. Probably Russia’s best contribution to modern music, too. And they go and throw them in jail…
But I just can’t leave this comment alone. How are you defining interesting? Even if you are just talking about Riot Grrrl you are really discounting a lot great and influential female lead and all female groups like Bikini Kill and L7, off the top of my head. Musical taste is personal, but for me declaring one group the most interesting off all time really ignores some great contributions that inspired (or at least I hope so) groups like Pussy Riot.
My sister is the real punk historian in the family–I just have a handful of favorites. But I think Pussy Riot has one thing none of those acts (which I’m sure did inspire them) had: Something really serious to rebel against. Punk is political even when it’s being apolitical. Music rooted in active outrage and rebellion is a little more intriguing to me than that rooted in apathy, antipathy, or philosophy. As much as I love SK and Bikini Kill, they sometimes verge on being a punk rock equivalent of roller derby, when you stand them up against what Pussy Riot comes from.
Not to mention the inherent interest in the “punk prayer” concept and the idea of unannounced performances while masked–and that this isn’t a stunt, it’s (as recent events illustrate) a reasonable tactic to delay their inevitable persecution by their government.
Riot grrrl has always tackled serious issues–“A Real Man” comes to mind–but without much hope of changing anything beyond what an empowered choir can go out and do, once it’s been preached to. Pussy Riot seems to me to have the opportunity to fulfill the ultimate fantasy of punk rock and actually make a solid dent in a corrupt system.
I am a huge fan of 70s and 80s punk, and clearly they are facing real persecution.
I guess my mind does the whole face melt from Raiders of the Lost Ark when people talk about punk and don’t pay it the proper reference that my mind demands. This happened a lot when Misfits t-shirts became popular with 14 year olds and they had no idea about them except the skull and hands looked cool, or when people reference the Sex Pistols as some sort of pioneering punk band (I didn’t know what to say).
(Guess I just want to keep the punk rock conversation going.)
“Free Pussy Riot”
Then you’ll only offend David (if he’s picked up any of the language.)
Now 8.3% of Coloradans are ‘officially unemployed’, with an effective unemployment rate that tops out in the very high teens.
Hispanic and black official unemployment are all up significantly too ….. solid double digits. Why does that matter? Well, minorities in Denver already face significant challenges with much lower HS graduation rates …. much lower than the official DPS graduation rate of @50%.
But is any of this surprising? Not when we have liberal leftist comedians opining on Obama’s failed policies and administration as exposed below. It is a sad commentary that failures caused by a general lack of economic fundamentals are blamed on racial factors.
no — wait — you’re a fucking idiot every day.
With 5,000,000+ missing jobs under this failed presidency I’m sure many of your family members and personal friends have been impacted too.
When Republicans decided they were going to do everything they could to make Obama a one-term president, up to their juvenile brinksmanship over the national debt — talk about uncertainty! — they “impacted” millions of Americans. All so they could have a bad economy going into an election year. It’s shameful.
think about the fact that Repubs think any amount of suffering on the part of the little people is well worthwhile as long as it puts them back in power, especially since the economy was ruined by all the things they supported while they were in power before, in the first place.
But that’s water under the bridge. The important thing now is not to let people know anything specific about what they plan to do if Romney wins.
Of course, letting people know how electing you would actually affect them is only a very bad idea if you’re pretty sure they won’t like it. If you think they’ll really go for it, you want to shout it from the rooftops, don’t you?
Claim: Obama says that our economy’s awful performance must be blamed on Bush and other Republicans. But for his (Obama’s) policies we’d have fallen off a cliff. The policies from the Obama administration have enabled what little recovery we have seen and American should stay the course to move Forward with Obama.
Fact: Each year the administration has forecast robust growth for the year ahead (summer of recovery 1, 2, and 3) and each time the results have been failed.
If a slow recovery were the predetermined path of the Republican led crisis corrected by a veneer of Obama policies that have provided America what little recovery she’s seen, then why has the administration continued to forecast a robust recovery summer after summer, program after program?
There is a major flaw being projected by Obama.
How many employees do you have? I have 350 employees, and am a liberal progressive. I am not rich, but I am a job creator. Are you? Or are you just a whiner?
Because all the not rich but decently employed or reasonably successful small business people, self employed people along with middle income public sector workers like teachers, police, fire fighters, etc are the job creators who keep the economy thriving. When they walk into small businesses of all kinds with money to spend more people do well and new people get hired to take care of the increased business.
Cutting jobs, whether in public sector budget cutting or private sector race to the bottom outsourcing, means fewer customers and clients here in the US middle class with money to spend, less income for businesses, businesses having to cut more jobs or close altogether and small business owners and self employed contractors and service providers themselves having having less money to spend leading to more job loss. Rinse repeat.
The very rich mostly make their money either without reference to creating jobs or by eliminating them. You know. Like Romney. His wealth didn’t cause prosperity to trickle down so much as it was created by sucking prosperity up.
With that much dry powder, why are the wealthy not creating jobs?
This is the average of the percentiles we’re talking about. The floor of the top 1% is far lower than a million plus. The higher you go in that top percentile, the bigger the share of the pie smaller fractions of that percentile own. Most one percenters are pretty small potatoes relative to the folks who really benefit most from GOP economics and who reside in the top .001 percent where the serious power lies.
Working up through that segment into tinier and tinier fractions you end up with a handful of billionaires who can finance campaigns for entire political slates and legislative agendas such as, oh I don’t know, the disenfranchising of voters on a massive scale and the destruction of any meaningful regulation to interfere with their financial machinations.
The giant sucking sound you hear is this tiny cabal siphoning all the power and prosperity out of the middle class.
. . . you’re about 100% wrong on all of that.
But, then, that’s to be expected from someone who’s a fucking idiot every day.
So let’s reignite a foolish overbuilding spree, crash the housing values of a dozen or more US communities, collapse the banks who lend in this industry when they over leverage their positions due to moral hazard (TBTF).
Oh wait- we tried that.
A friend shared a press release with me yesterday. Couldn’t resist keeping the fun moving….
Yes, because anytime anyone sees a tree, they instantly want to go visit the forest it came from and recreate.
Hopefully there will be a pilot car going ahead of the truck to warn the public about sudden and unexpected swerves to the right. (Although I have to admit it might be worth a trip to La Junta to watch BNC drivin’ a Mack truck.)
In other words, they will take a nice, freshly cut tree and drive it all over Colorado, then on to NM, TX, OK, MO, TN, GA, NC, VA, PA and finally to DC a couple of weeks later. Nice, ‘green’ way to promote Colorado’s bond with nature. eh?
And then they want an innocent child to stand next to Boehner. *Sigh* Is this REALLY the true meaning of Christmas these days?
When will Repubs hoping to look “hip” and appeal to the young folks learn to check with the band’s whose music they want to use. Nine times out of ten the bands in question find their policies repellent and ask them to stop it which always makes news. But this reaction from the band Ryan says is his favorite is even harsher, and far more extensive, than most.
Guess Ryan is not exactly welcome at the cool kids table. And his spokespeople are also having to explain that the only thing he likes about Ayn Rand, whom he’s sited as his primary inspiration and whose works he makes his interns read, is her support for unfettered entrepreneurship, definitely not the staunch atheism and militantly pro-choice stuff.
Also he’s being asked by team Romney to try to stick to his love of the outdoors and avoid discussing policy. Wonder if he’s having fun yet?
Ryan is 42. That’s the same age as Zack de la Rocha and six years younger than Tom Morello. He’s young enough to have been a fan from the beginning. If only confirmed progressives bought their records, they wouldn’t have topped the charts.
But it’s all in good politics fun when the band craps on the other guy.
An opportunity they wouldn’t have, I can’t help but notice, if the guy had not opened the door.
Stick to the message, voter reg, GOTV. It’s what we do because it’s what wins.
Now RATM has gotta be wondering what
signaturelinewords they can use to get the guy’s attention and persuade him.is a fan. Which makes it really pathetic. He admires them so much and they think he’s such a tool and that he couldn’t possibly have a clue as to what their music is about.
Just as he seems to have missed so much of Ayn Rand’s “philosophy”, if you can dignify her sophomoric crap (simplistic fantasies laid out via turgid prose and cardboard characters) by calling it a philosophy. If he had paid attention he might not want to proclaim the sexually liberated, birth control and choice promoting atheist (those aren’t, by the way, the aspects of her views that I find appalling) his primary inspiration. And if Rand were alive today she would probably not be at all charmed by the prudish, self righteously religious little Ryan.
I’m sure Christie really likes Springsteen too but like all the rightie pols who used his stuff until he asked them to cease and desist, completely misunderstands what he’s really saying in his music.
Having your musical icon compare your appreciation of his music with Charles Manson’s love of the Beatles? Ouch! That’s why I suggest pols check with their faves before putting themselves in the position of being publicly trashed by them. Of course it’s much more fun for the rest of us when they don’t.
You think 13, 14% taxes is low? How about 1%?
I understand why the weathly and the uber-reech will vote Rmoney.
But the guy on the street? “Why yes, I think I should pay more in taxes as I struggle to feed and educate my kids, so that Mrs. Ryan can take up dressage………”
Fucking idiots.
Kitchen table economics, it’s something Obama has been struggling with badly.
A group of conservative ex-special ops and intelligence types have started their own secret group called Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund. Their tax status says they are a social welfare organization that “may engage in some political activities, so long as that is not its primary activity.”
So what’s their first order of business? A well produced video slamming Obama’s administration for supposedly leaking confidential information.
If you want to be a dipshit who is blinded by hate for Obama then go for it, but please leave your uniform out of it.
I don’t think that leaves them any time to come after me.
Ira Glass was interviewed in the NYTimes Book Review.
Here is one question, the answer to which I want to share. I don’t know how long the link to the article will last….
“What’s the one book you wish someone else would
Could someone please write a book explaining why the Democratic Party and its allies are so much less effective at crafting a message and having a vision than their Republican counterparts? What a bunch of incompetents the Dems seem like. Most people don’t even understand the health care policy they passed, much less like it. Ditto the financial reform. Or the stimulus. Some of the basic tasks of politics – like choosing and crafting a message – they just seem uninterested in.
I remember reading in The Times that as soon as Obama won, the Republicans were scheming about how they’d turn it around for the next election, and came up with the plan that won them the House, and wondered, did the House Dems even hold a similar meeting? Kurt Eichenwald! Mark Bowden! John Heilemann and Mark Halperin! I’ll pre-order today.”
and it never has been. Plenty of us have complained about the Dems allowing the GOP to define the terms and own the message. Will not go again, one more time, into the nuances here as they have been thoroughly discussed for weeks on numerous threads, though none of it has apparently made the slightest impression on you. But if your premise is that the rest of us have ignored this problem you are beating another straw dog. Also the rest of us are all naive Pollyannas? Straw dog. We’re all mindless cheerleaders? Straw dog. We’re all overconfident morons? Straw dog. Etc. Etc. Etc.
In fact, that’s become such a hoary old cliche ever since the mid ’90s that it’d be surprising if every Democrat or liberal who ever logged into Colorado Pols (millions!) didn’t take that as a given. But it’s nice to hear someone state it out loud, sure.
One reason is that it is much easier to get people on a program of hate and divisiveness than tolerance and facts.
Another is that the Dems don’t have the Fox Mouthpiece yammering 24/7. And no, MSNBC doesn’t count. Not even close, and no Ailles/Murdoch at the helm.
Another is that Dems/Libs believe in the power of facts. They do not understand that voting choices are almost always about emotion.
Thomas Frank posed this question with his “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” book.
Indeed, or as they say, WTF?
See dwyer? Wish granted. Years ago. Who knew? Well, millions of progressives. Sorry if that puts a dent in your theory of being the lone voice in the wilderness around here.
Eloquently stated, BC.
Lamborn and his wife went on this trip to Israel last year, paid for by AIPAC.
But he’s such a stick in the mud that apparently neither he nor Jeanie got drunk, let alone went skinny dipping, unlike his fellow legislators.
In fact, I’m guessing that he’s the one that tattled on the others to Eric Cantor.