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July 27, 2012 11:55 PM UTC

More Information Emerges On GOP Legislative Candidate Investigation

  • by: Colorado Pols

The Grand Junction Sentinel’s Paul Shockley follows up on yesterday’s story about GOP HD-54 candidate Jared Wright, the insider-anointed successor to disgraced Rep. Laura Bradford’s seat. Though Wright has no real opposition, with the deadline for a Democrat to enter the race against him well past, his recently-ended career as a police officer could leave him toxic:

Former Fruita police officer and House District 54 candidate Jared Wright is an endorsed prosecution witness in approximately 10 active criminal cases, while defense attorneys in those matters have been sent letters advising of possible credibility concerns, District Attorney Pete Hautzinger said Thursday.

Challenges to cases involving Wright are already filling up Mesa County court dockets…

Under a U.S. Supreme Court decision, Brady vs. Maryland, prosecutors are obligated to provide information to defense attorneys about potential “Brady material,” such as findings of misconduct of a police officer, allowing for impeachment of the officer’s credibility.

Wright resigned from the Fruita Police Department on July 13 following an internal investigation. The candidate said Wednesday he left the department to focus on his campaign. The substance of the investigation and its findings have not been made public by the city of Fruita.

The Sentinel’s Charles Ashby has the political angle, and it’s about what we said yesterday:

“Seriously. We’re kicking ourselves pretty hard this morning,” said Matt Inzeo, spokesman for the state party. “Our Mesa Dems would have had a huge summer/fall with a race like this to rally around.”

Depending on the substance of the allegations, it’s quite possible that Wright would do less harm to the GOP brand by exiting the race quickly, allowing the HD-54 vacancy committee to put somebody else up. You’ve got to feel for longsuffering Republicans in HD-54 should this happen, who were promised stability in the form of Wright after Rep. Bradford’s wild ride into ignominy.

Sometimes, as the saying goes, the grass is no greener on the other side.


25 thoughts on “More Information Emerges On GOP Legislative Candidate Investigation

        1. you can keep your money in your pocket. There is not a snowballs’ chance in Tucson of me running for office.

          But, thanks for the support.    🙂

  1. the next GOTP gubernatorial candidate!!! Maes is only hoping to be removed from 1st place in whatever category he is in

    GOTP might beg McInnis to run again or go looking for that short dude again

  2. The accusation is usually worse than the implied transgression.  Typical politics where they smear the ones they don’t like in hopes that they can get the one they have waiting in the wings to fill the vacancy.  

    The vacancy committee is salavating to replace this important office with one of their own choosing.  The GOB club uses this procedure often in Mesa County.

  3. I received an E-mail from a member of GJResult/Tea Party today.

    Yesterday, just before noon, we sent a press release announcing our endorsement of the libertarian candidate (Timothy Menger, house dist 54) to the media.  Mr. Menger is in Denver at a Nursing home with his Mom who is apparently in the latter stages of Alzheimer.  I had no problem finding him and talking to him but apparently the media can’t quite get that job done.  And of course, unless we can provide the interview, then our endorsement of his candidacy becomes a non news item.

    And that happens just at a time when GOP backed candidate Jared Wright appears to be stalling for time.  Now I can understand that the GOP ruling elite would not fully appreciate the public having knowledge that their candidate’s opponent has substantial conservative/Tea Party support, at least until they can pick a story and stick with it.  What I don’t understand is exactly when the public’s right to know became all the news that fits, we print, especially if we don’t have to do any work to get it.  And now you know the rest of the story.

    1. I made an error. The Board of GJResult did not issue that reply. The E-mail came from a member of GJResult, and is not necesarily representative of the governing body of GJResult.  

  4. Apparently on his Facebook page he’s saying he’ll have a press conference Monday. No time or place yet. It will be very interesting to hear what he has to say.

  5. Jared Wright press conference.  It appears that the Fruita Chief of Police was trying to make a federal case literally (Brady V. Maryland) out of a personnel issue.

    It was pretty obvious to the casual reader that whomever sent out the email to the Sentinel really had politics in mind.

    This is what we get when bureaucrats put politics above the public good.  The city of Fruita through the inept chief’s inability to handle H.R. issues – causes a huge waste in public money and the possibility of compromising several cases.  

    We get all of this to correct a tardiness issue?  Really?

  6. the daily sentinel seems to have nothing better to do than slander Jared. Why do people still buy from news papers who practice yellow journalism on a regular basis?

    1. Mr. Wright appears worried.  Shoot the messenger.  Get in a pissing match with those that buy ink by the barrel!  And…since it is Mesa County..onward to victory regardless!

      I mean when the commissioner is out violating fire bans, speeding, and trying to either lie or weasel his way out of it–while dashing off to Utah for an illegal secret meeting with foreign oil shale lobbyists–its kind of hard to conclude that integrity is of much importance to the Mesa County GOP.    

    2. Mr. Wright appears worried.  Shoot the messenger.  Get in a pissing match with those that buy ink by the barrel!  And…since it is Mesa County..onward to victory regardless!

      I mean when the commissioner is out violating fire bans, speeding, and trying to either lie or weasel his way out of it–while dashing off to Utah for an illegal secret meeting with foreign oil shale lobbyists–its kind of hard to conclude that integrity is of much importance to the Mesa County GOP.    

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