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July 11, 2012 03:36 PM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Mary wished to say something very sensible, but knew not how.”

–From Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice


75 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

    1. We’ll need a conversation thread to push his down more.

      It’s a nice day here, too. Supposed to get back into the 90s. I was just out back and there was enough of a bite to the warmth to make me know the weather forecasters have it right.

      1. Romney asks Americans to vacation in Colorado

        By Daniel J. Chacon

        The Gazette

        (Colorado Springs, Colo.)

        COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Republican presidential candidiate Mitt Romney swept into Colorado Springs on Tuesday, recounting stories of inspiration from the destructive Waldo Canyon fire and encouraging the rest of the country to help Colorado by visiting.

        “People around the country are wondering what can they do because we’ve all watched what’s happened here with horror as we’ve seen the flames and the homes lost and the stories of loss of life,” Romney said during a stop at the Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado.

        “People in the immediate community, of course, can bring in canned goods. But what can people do that are from Boston and New York and Chicago? Well, you can come to Colorado and vacation this summer,” he said.

        “What’s happening is people are staying away because they think the whole area has been burned out. It’s not,” he said. “It’s beautiful as it’s always been and tourists need to come back … or else the suffering from this fire will be more severe than it needs to be.”

        Romney, dressed in blue jeans and a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, worked with food bank volunteers, sorting such things as macaroni and cheese, cereal bars and crackers.

        “There’s been a huge outpouring of support in the community to provide food to folks who have been affected by the fires,” he said while holding a big box of Fiber One cereal bars. “It’s an inspiring thing to see people step up to make a difference.”

        Romney also met privately with fire victims.

        1. Cuz he didn’t say, “All Colorado is burning.”

          I’d really be more impressed if he explained how cutting taxes worked to mitigate or fight the fires.

            1. why the brand name was mentioned in the first place. The Mittster getting a little honorarium for the plug? Maybe the writer of the story has some stock…?

      2. What should we have a conversation about?

        We could talk about cares.

        Or we could talk about pancakes.

        Or we could talk about bears.

        Or we could talk about outer space.

        Or we could talk about the Higgs-Bosen.

        Or we could talk about bases vs acids.

        Or we could talk about Beethoven.

        Or we could talk about stereotypes in modern media.

        Or we could talk about the hardening of political partisanship.

        Or we could talk about the evolution of bubble-gum.

        Or we could talk about…

        1. after 53 years of devoted charcoal cookery (and admitted charcoal snobbery), and an extended Middle-East vacation abroad, I have returned to Colorado to find that, once again, I cannot legally use any of my five charcoal fueled outdoor appliances to cook a damn ribeye.

          With all empathy to those folks who have suffered loss and hardship during the recent (non-global warming induced) spate of fires in our conservative State, can any one please explain to me why I can not safely use my (completely enclosed in one inch thick ceramic which never gets above an exterior temperature if 120^ F) Big Green Egg, on my concrete patio next an outdoor water faucet and within 15 feet of my garage fire extinguisher, in the well tended back yard of my suburban Douglas county home??

          On second thought, save the explanation . . . ten years of this ridiculous crap has beaten me down . . . Home Depot, line up your gas grills — Daddy’s finally decided to do some shopping. Ugh!

            1. different counties have bans as well. Lake County still has a ban. I’ll be thrilled when I can once again use my charcoal as well. It is far superior to propane or electric smoking

            2. heart of the County seat. Hick lifted the statewide ban, but left it up to localities to determine whether to continue. My hometown fire chief has always revelled in his power of proclaiming extra annual restrictions. I suspect he has most of his portfolio in some propane, and propane accessory, concerns — maybe a Hank Hill relative?

      3. Why are you covering it up?  Don’t you know the cover-up is worse than the crime?

          What did the midget know and when did she know it?

          And the donkey?  Isn’t that the symbol of the Democratic Party?

          Did Libby take a walk on the political wild side?

          Inquiring minds want to know!

          So, for that matter, does Libby.    

        1. But should I find that I were not without ignorance or perchance unknowing of whether or not sex did not or did possibly occur, I won’t obfuscate knowledge or likely not conceal what I would be witness to such a thing.

          1. I read about it on the internet. What do you mean “if”? But he has neither denied it nor said whether or not he was first attracted by the static electricity. He needs to address the static electricity issue too.

              1. Don’t blame me.

                Why are some of you guys so obsessed with Libertad?  Doesn’t this whole thing seem a little juvenile?  Posting comment after comment just to move his farther down the page, screaming cat videos, etc.

                What’s he saying (when not being racist, as in the ‘silverback’ comment) that’s so terrifying to you guys that you have to go to all this effort?

                1. He’s a complete racist. There is absolutely no debating that.

                  But are we being juvenile? Sure, but when do you care about that?

                  Lib has demonstrated a very high tolerance for abuse. If he asks us to stop, I will certainly never engage him in this fashion ever again. But unless he does, I will assume that he’s handling it in his own way because he keeps coming back. He’s much more resilient that many other obnoxious polsters.

                2. comedy…a joke…humor?

                  Half the posters on this blog seem to be frustrated stand up comics. We can’t help it. When Libby, or anyone else for that matter, continually posts idiotic shit they can’t back up, no one takes him seriously. When no one takes you seriously, you become a joke.

                  When you go around calling people welfare pimps and other such epithets, you get what you get. You know full well how nasty and churlish we liberals can be …don’t you?

                  The cybernetic door awaits anyone, including me, who doesn’t have the skin for the game. And of course…you only hurt the ones you love…right Tadpole?

                    1. on the fundamentals of comedy and their relationship to social issues. Don’t you want to talk about offshore investments, income tax evasion, outsourcing jobs…stuff like that?

                      Instead you want to spend your time baiting me over a juvenile “gay” joke. If your political world is so depressing that you are pursuing these issues with your time as an FPE, I think you might want to rethink your political affiliations.

                      MAH did it and he seem to be happy. Trying to defend the indefensible leads you to admit that you were just being childish anyway…doesn’t it?  

                    2. Didn’t I just own it and call it a juvenile “gay” joke.

                      I’m sure my gay friends will forgive me for my transgression. But you won’t. Because it is your mission to attack liberals.  

                      The problem with people like you elbee is your “holier than thou” moralizing. You support policies that make little kids go to bed hungry at night. You support laws that take away peoples civil rights. You support policies that force millions of people to spend their lives wondering from whence comes their next meal, and wars that kill people…lots of people.

                      But you sure feel compelled to make a big issue out of a joke. OK Do I need to write “juvenile gay joke” five hundred times…should I go to the penalty box? Should I be banned…or better still ..incarcerated in one of the “for profit” prisons you favor?

                      Can you admit that I have “owned it”..or don’t you believe Obamas’ birth certificate is real, either?

                      Until your political POV reflects some shred of morality and compassion and you demonstrate that with your writing here, I will just politely say…fuck off.  

                    3. Perhaps, to atone for the damage you’ve unquestionably done with your insensitivity, maybe you should sign some sort of pledge.

                      You know, not to get all holier-than-thou or anything, but maybe something that assures that you’ll…

                      uphold the highest ideals of probity and propriety…and perspicacity.


                    4. that is just the kind of stupid comment I would expect from a troll.

                      And I’m not an FPE…maybe you should start acting like one…instead of the tinfoil hat wearing troll you can’t help being.

                    5. Because that’s funny.  It’s again, your words.  

                      I’ll let you quit while you’re behind for today.  

                    6. that you might have the authority, influence, ability, or power to LET me do anything is beyond a joke.

                      You have now become the Lord of Pols…?…is that it, your highness?

                    7. nothing nearly as funny with the female anatomy (which is in all parts, and totality, exceeding lovely), as the bain of us XYer’s — that schlong thing.

                      As Elaine on noted on Seinfeld — “I don’t know how you guys can even walk around with those things.”  . . . No one does.  

                    8. How many times do I have to tell you, Libertad did not have sex with a cat, a midget and a donkey.

                      And even if he did (which he did not), its 2012 for crying out loud, lassiez le bon temps rouler, to each his own.

                    9. cat, a midget, OR a donkey . . . would seem to have a much higher probability . . . I mean, we’ve been well warned what would eventually happen once you liberals started messing with the sanctity of marriage; maybe Libertad is just one of those first of many unwitting victims of your tampering with the natural order.

                      Then, again, I find the thought of him having (unpaid) sex with anything (other than himself) almost completely improbable . . .  

            1. No way he could explain to his base if the midget were male. That’s sink him. However his base would be quite understanding if the donkey were.

              1. elbee has apparently decided that his recent election to FPE comes with the added job description of “political correctness officer”.

                I doubt you will see him wield that sword against his conservative buddies, but all avowed liberals should beware what you say…unless I am to believe that elbee has singled me out for his righteous indignation.

                This is what happens when a troll becomes FPE.  

                1. Look up the Libertad “Silverback” episode.  Who called him on it first?

                  That would be me.

                  This has nothing to do with me being an FPE by any stretch of the imagination.   I’m sorry, but you’re in no way a victim.  You made a “juvenile gay joke” that probably would have resulted in Libby being banned, or at least resulted in calls for him to be banned.

                  You said it, nobody else, and then you didn’t even recognize your own hyper-condescending “pledge” quote before you basically called yourself a troll.

                  Sorry, but the only person victimizing you here today is you.

                  No worries, though.  There’s always tomorrow.  🙂

                  1. Aren’t you going to jump to the defense of midgets and chide Fidel for his insensitivity? Or is it just gays and racial minorities you leap to protect?

                    Your self-righteous crap is a hypocritical overreach of your imagined power…call it Romney syndrome, if you will…you would love to see me banned, wouldn’t you elbee?

                    Pols can pull the plug on me anytime they wish. If I have said something to which they object, I presume they will tell me.

                    Sure, I made a good-natured, however juvenile, joke. I realize I am the only person in America who does that and I can see how you would be outraged at

                    the “damage I’ve unquestionably done with my insensitivity”.

                    After all, now that you have become, “Lord of Pols”, it is you duty to monitor and direct our comments to suit your sensitivities.

                    I am not a victim, didn’t claim to be one. I’m just a person who sees through your pious bullshit and your not too cleverly disguised motives.

                    You are right…there’s always tomorrow. And until the Guvs throw me out, I will be right here to call you on your conservacrap and your passive agressive piety.

                    Sleep well, your highness.    

                    1. I kind of like the “Highness” thing.  

                      But, dude – seriously.  Nobody is even remotely entertaining or suggesting that you’d be banned for anything you did here.  You making a big fat deal out of that is just to deflect attention from the fact that, well, you fucked up.

                      You made a ‘gay’ joke about Libby and thought it would be hilarious.  Then you didn’t even recognize your own, totally condescending words, and created a second, even more delicious hole that you dug yourself.

                      Sorry if me pointing this out hurts your feelings, but nobody did it but you.  If you say ridiculous things, sometimes they’ll come back to bite you in the ass, right?

                      This is enough time wasted on replying to you about this.  If you think it’s “passive aggressive piety” to call people here out on gay jokes, then I’m guessing that’s probably another one you’re going to see again at some point.

                      Please – just shut it down on this one.  Quit handing me ammo with a ribbon around it.

                    2. You may not have a clock, as I’m starting to realize you have no idea where we’re at in the grand scheme of things. If you do have a clock, get ready to have it cleaned.

                    3. Are you sure you meant for it to come out like that?

                      Ok, ok.  I promise not to call anyone on it when they make gay jokes, Mr. Pacifism.

                    4. but many of us wonder at the motivations of those that want to clean them.  If its a transgression that offends you, by all means call it out.  If you are just poking at it because it seems like an opportunity for gotcha, expect to be called on it.  IMO.  I’m glad you are back around.  Its more fun having someone who is actually intelligent being wrong than just a talking-point bot or mindless agitator.  

                    5. But it’s deserved.  I’ve been sitting on the “pledge” thing for a while, and he did cross a line with his silly joke  that any of the three right -wingers that still bother to show up here would have been crucified for.

                      You guys (I’m referring to the non-crazies) dish it out pretty strongly around here, and I’m going to give it back, civilly, especially when someone paints a big, fat target on themselves.

                      I try to steer clear of the nutballs and not respond.  Sometimes I come up short.

                    6. This is about your passion for trying to pick a fight with liberals in your oh, so clever, passive aggressive way.

                      You want to point out that I made a tasteless joke…fine. I seem to recall fessing up, right away. I told you it was a fucking joke. Sue me. I make jokes about everything and everybody…including myself.

                      You, on the other hand, strike me as a humorless zealot, no different than ABOT, Libby, or Albert, except you are smooth enough to have convinced some here that you are the “reasonable” right winger. Well, maybe in some cases you are. I’m not buying it.

                      Nobody is even remotely entertaining or suggesting that you’d be banned for anything you did here.  You making a big fat deal out of that is just to deflect attention from the fact that, well, you fucked up.

                      Really… then what the fuck does this mean?

                      You made a “juvenile gay joke” that probably would have resulted in Libby being banned, or at least resulted in calls for him to be banned.

                      My grandfather would call that speaking with a forked tongue. I call it, insulting our intelligence.

                      Oh, and this…

                      he did cross a line with his silly joke

                      and what line would that be, tell me pray, my Lord? The one you drew? Damn, you are one power tripping lil’ son of a gun, aren’t you?

                      You are displaying your finest birther behavior here, elbee. I didn’t argue the point that I made a joke that might offend some people. You could not, however, let it go at that. You repeatedly provoked me to respond. Re-read the thread.

                      But see, your aim wasn’t to simply point out my callousness…it was to proactively punish me by suggesting I did something that qualified as “banning” behavior. Or that maybe I should take a pledge to not cross some line YOU drew. You people and your pledges…spare me.

                      I will take my chances that my many gay friends and acquaintences will forgive me. They don’t share your political agenda.

                      If you could only grasp how transparent you are, elbee. But then…you wouldn’t be elbee.  

                    7. Then you can come back as many times as you want to somehow turn this on me, because I’m done.

                      A. Often, any time Libertad says something now, because he’s been in the penalty box, and because some here have a weird obsession with him, people call for him to be banned.  If he had said your dumb joke, I stand by my assertion that people would do the same thing.

                      B.  You should not be banned.  I did not ask for that, or say I thought it was appropriate.  I said, actually, the opposite.  That should clear that up, so please stop asserting that this is my and the Koch Bros. master plan to get rid of the poor, poor, valiant liberal voice that’s such a minority here on Pols.  Or something.


                      I call it, insulting our intelligence.


                      Sorry, weren’t you just trying to ding me for having a power trip, or using my magical FPE speedo and cape to do grievous harm to you?  You made a gay joke, and now suddenly not only somehow did I collectively offend the masses here, but that you are the spokesman for Pols as a whole?  Interesting.  

                      D. You make a gay joke = I am a birther.  That’s great stuff, Duke.  Really.

                      E. In no way can you turn the “pledge” thing back on me.  Because you don’t seem to read links, for your pleasure, I will post the original post of yours that I’ve referred to and linked to:

                      May I suggest, respectfully,

                      that, before you just hand you votes over to elbee, you extract, in exchange, a promise from elbee that he will faithfully uphold the highest ideals of probity and propriety…and perspicacity.

                      Just as do you.

                      “A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or, perhaps, both.”  James Madison

                      by: dukeco1 @ Sun Jun 24, 2012 at 12:55:00 PM MDT

                      [ Parent | | Reply ]

                      And I agree with you that asking someone to take a pledge on an anonymous blog is an asinine, condescending, trollish, goofy, holier-than-thou thing to do.  Which is why I wanted to stick it to you in the first place.  Your original comment about a “promise” was the most arrogant thing I’ve seen in a long time on Pols, and that bar is set very high.  Congrats!  So, not sure if this is pure projection (like most of the rest of your episode over this), but it ain’t about me:

                      You people and your pledges…spare me.

                      F. Here’s another one –

                      I will take my chances that my many gay friends and acquaintences will forgive me. They don’t share your political agenda.

                      Hmm.  You tell a gay joke = I have an anti-gay agenda.  That’s brilliant stuff there, Duke.  Good work.

                      Ok, final word from me on this.  Duke, I’m moving on.  I’m sorry this was such a drawn out mess, but I’m not going to let you shift blame to me somehow for you saying something inappropriate.  And yes, I think a joke like that generally crosses a line of civility in this forum. Big deal.  So do a lot of things.  I have read diaries here that directly equate politicians that vote to not support civil unions (I’m a gay marriage supporter, myself) to Nazis.  So, maybe you actually got off easy with me just needling you instead of being called a Nazi by someone else here.

                      I freely admit that I’ve taken advantage of something you said to stick it to you.  You’re often rude and condescending to me, and I don’t care for you that much.  Too bad for you, I guess.  Me feeling that way shouldn’t matter even a tiny, tiny bit to you, and certainly wouldn’t affect you in your real life in any way.  

                      But don’t expect me not to [FOR ALL OF THE CRAZIES HERE, I’M SPEAKING IN A METAPHOR – THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL THREAT TO ANYONE, AND I WILL LET EVERYONE KNOW WHEN MY METAPHOR IS FINISHED] take a big swing when you lead with your chin [ALL CLEAR – BOXING METAPHOR IS FINISHED] after making a dumb comment.  

                    8. Me feeling that way shouldn’t matter even a tiny, tiny bit to you


                      I freely admit that I’ve taken advantage of something you said to stick it to you.

                      The difference between you and me is that I will take your admission and let it rest. Your intention was to “gore my ox”. How was it?

                      Bye now.  

                    9. . In no way can you turn the “pledge” thing back on me.  Because you don’t seem to read links, for your pleasure, I will post the original post of yours that I’ve referred to and linked to:

                      May I suggest, respectfully,

                      that, before you just hand you votes over to elbee, you extract, in exchange, a promise from elbee that he will faithfully uphold the highest ideals of probity and propriety…and perspicacity.

                      Just as do you.

                      point successfully made. congrats.

      4. NOAA reported that there’s a good chance CO weather will transition from a La Nina pattern to an El Nino pattern.  And that means more rain thru rest of summer & 2nd half of year.  Monsoons might start earlier than usual in SW US — let’s hope.  

        Let’s get them reservoirs refilled to slake the thirst of all that idiotic bluegrass sprouting along Front Range suburbia.

    2. When I talked to Senator Mark Udall the other day (I was invited by his office to the press conference on the Affordable Care Act), afterward, he said to me, “Who’s Libertad on Pols?” I responded, “Even if I knew, I couldn’t tell you.”. He just laughed.  

  1. You love to hate this, but learn to love it.

    Intensity of support or opposition can have an impact on campaigns. Currently, 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18 (see trends).


      1. We have now established donkey gate and Cat Gate.  Do we now hit the media feeding frenzy on midget gate or do we have to settle for the PC Vertically Challenged Gate?

        1. you love to hate animals, but learn to love them

          Intensity of support or opposition can have an impact on whether or not Libertad had sex with a cat, a midget, and a donkey. Currently, 26% of polsters Strongly Approve of the way that Libertad had sex with the cat. Forty-four (44%) Strongly Disapprove of him sexing down the donkey, giving him a animal sexiness Index rating of -18 (see trends).


  2. Can’t find the thread but a while ago, the Colorado Dolsters jumped all over me for saying doctors take kickbacks to prescribe drugs.  Baines pack of ravenous lapdogs said it just wasn’t possible and then proceed with rapid fire ad hominem.

    Boy oh Boy.  

    Glaxo would not do it, if it did not work.

    “The government also accused Glaxo of offering kickbacks to medical professionals, dangling cash, trips to Florida and tickets to basketball games as an incentive to promote and prescribe its drugs.”


    1. If someone said doctors don’t take perks for favoring certain drugs, that would be wrong. Some don’t…many do.

      Glaxo would not do it, if it did not work.

      Very true.

      I have a son-in-law doctor who is one of the ones who won’t do it. Bribery doesn’t work on everyone. He will only take the really nice ink pens…but they give those to all the docs.

    2. I hear tin foil hats are helpful for folks who, like you, fantasize you were persecuted, but somehow can’t find the readily-available-if-it-existed evidence.

    3. who revels in being wrong so much that he asks to revisit his past disgraces.


      Taking Illegal Glaxo kickbacks = payola  =/= to wines and dines him and his peers.

      Might wanna have your brother-in-law explain the difference (when he gets outta the slammer).

  3. MSNBC had a discussion ….I think Hardball and I think

    that it was Willie Brown, exmayor of San Francisco….commenting on the boos that Romney received when he addressed the NAACP and told them that he would eliminate Obamacare.  Brown said that it was a set up and that Romney wanted the boos because that would please his right wing supporters.

    This is my prediction:  Boyles will open his show with the sound of the boos…..and say that is what the “take care of me” people sound like when you talk  about taking  away their “goodies.”

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