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September 27, 2006 02:21 AM UTC

Associated Press Calls Governor's Race a Tossup

  • by: Colorado Pols

Yes, they really did.

The race for governor could still be very close in November, but to anyone watching today – including, theoretically, a political REPORTER – there is no rationale by which you could call the race a “tossup” as this AP story claims. There are a lot of angles you could play up in a story on the race for governor, but “tossup” should be “tossed out” of the window. Colorado Confidential has more on the story.


19 thoughts on “Associated Press Calls Governor’s Race a Tossup

        1. has headlines down pat. I remember when Michael Jackson (always known as “Jacko” in the Post, probably since that rhymes with “wacko”) was arrested a few years ago and alleged police brutality, the police denied it. The Post’s headline? “COPS SAY ‘WE DIDN’T SMACKO JACKO.’ “

  1. the story was really all about the problems that the Beauprez campaign has been having.  It just restated all the charges.

    I’m sure the Beauprez camp can’t be happy about this story. 

  2. Is not to be trusted. All reasonably educated patriots understand that under Reagan, the press was deregulated and is now owned by a few. What does this mean for democracy, Economic Equality, Fairness in reporting, as well as the influence of the Fourth Estate?

    I have very personal stories to illustrate the point.

    Don’t trust the main street media (MSN). You’d be a fool.

    Look to alternate sources of information to get the truth.

    The truth, after all, will set you free. They hate us for our freedoms, right?

  3. Folks may tear the “toss-up” label, but if Ritter knows what’s good for him, he’ll continue to treat the race that way. 
    I vaguely remember something about everyone’s favorite lawyer-lobbyist Tom Strickland being “10 points” up in the polls on Allard with just a weekend to go….D’OH!  Republicans have absolutely tremendous ability to storm from behind late in the election game….you just watch (as I notice Bush’s approval rating start to rise…..). 
    There simply ain’t no such thing as a state-wide walk-away Democratic victory in Colorado…..anymore.

    1. That could be reasonable. But when a republican polling firm declares Both Ways Bob as being 17 points behind and then Rasmussen calls him 16 points down two weeks later, well, this race is over.

      But keep working hard Team Ritter. 

    2. Republicans will pull out all the stops no matter the costs.  In Stricklands case, the Allard camp flew in republican activists from across the US to walk thousands of precincts and they ran slanderous tv and radio ads.

      It’s not over till it’s over.  Take nothing for granted.

  4. Paulson!!! This is the big leagues!!!!!  Get your facts straight, stop having your di** sucked (metaphorically, of course) by the Beauprez campaign and start fact checking again!!!!!

    I’ve seen some great pieces from you.  And I know you work hard to make sure you are unbiased. But STOP with the fluff pieces for Beauprez! Report the facts, yes.  Fluff, no.

    What in the world was the POINT of this story?!?  You just let Both Ways Bob call you up and work the line and give unquestioned statements and then, what, decide to print the thing?!?

    1.  You let BWB get away with the statement that Ritter said he supported abortions for Down Syndrome.  But anyone who read the transcripts or watched the video or (LIKE YOU) was present at the debate knows this isn’t true.

    2.  You failed to fairly report two of the most recent independent polls (Rasmussen and The Rocky) both showing Both Ways being MORE THAN 15 points down.

    3.  And you failed to adequately back up your statements about fractures within the party and Bob’s serious failure to shore up the base.  Check the cross tabs. Proof is there.  There is a serious and real push-back from that campaign.  You gloss over statements but then don’t reinforce them with stats of quotes.

    4.  And I know – just as most do – that, yes, you can throw your fist in the air and demand a headline change.  Yes you can.  Yes. Yes you can.  Especially when it makes implications NOT stated or alluded to in the article you wrote. 

    WAKE UP and stop cozying up with the campaigns! REPORT, DAMN IT!!!

  5. Stu, go knock your friend upside the head and remind him its still illegal to smoke dope in Colorado.  And even worse to smoke and write at the same time.

  6. CNN is running a story about the tight race race CD7-one would think that Ricky O is a running an effefctive campaign but of course it is just Lou Dobbs trying to score points on his favorite issue.

    1. I saw a piece on some six o’clock national news about cd7 as well.  It was fair, I thought, in talking about the import of immigration as it relates to the midterm elections.

  7. Mad-Cow Musgrave was going to sing at Beauprez’s election night party.  Apparently Ms. Atkinson has seen the invitations…

    “I think Republicans are concerned, obviously. Yes, the campaign has made missteps, but those missteps don’t have to be terminal. It’s not over yet. The fat lady hasn’t sung,” said GOP political analyst Katy Atkinson of Denver.

  8. “Campaigns are usually a death of a thousand cuts and not a quick, painless ending.”

    Trailhead is trying to come up with some sort of silver bullet, but they have failed to realize Beauprez is bleeding to death right before our eyes.

    All they are doing at this point is pissing off the guy who will be our next governor.  Not smart.

  9. Just remember the copy editor writes the headlines. If you read the story, as another poster has already pointed out, it really doesn’t suggest the race is a toss up. Let’s face it — Beauprez’s campaign made some BIG mistakes and it sure doesn’t look like BB can recover before the election.

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