U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

(D) J. Hickenlooper*

(R) Somebody



(D) Phil Weiser

(D) Joe Neguse

(D) Jena Griswold




Att. General See Full Big Line

(D) M. Dougherty

(D) Alexis King

(D) Brian Mason




Sec. of State See Full Big Line
(D) A. Gonzalez

(D) George Stern

(R) Sheri Davis




State Treasurer See Full Big Line

(D) Brianna Titone

(R) Kevin Grantham

(D) Jerry DiTullio




CO-01 (Denver) See Full Big Line

(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) Somebody



CO-02 (Boulder-ish) See Full Big Line

(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Somebody



CO-03 (West & Southern CO) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Hurd*

(D) Somebody



CO-04 (Northeast-ish Colorado) See Full Big Line

(R) Lauren Boebert*

(D) Somebody



CO-05 (Colorado Springs) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Crank*

(D) Somebody



CO-06 (Aurora) See Full Big Line

(D) Jason Crow*

(R) Somebody



CO-07 (Jefferson County) See Full Big Line

(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(R) Gabe Evans*

(D) Manny Rutinel

(D) Yadira Caraveo




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September 20, 2006 05:00 PM UTC

Reports of Our Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

  • by: Colorado Pols

Colorado Pols is still growing faster than a politician’s nose.

Today Colorado Pols will surpass 300,000 unique visitors for the year, and we haven’t even finished the third quarter yet.

To put that in perspective, we finished 2005 with a total of about 250,000 unique visitors.

Basically, we rule.

To get in on the fun, e-mail ads@coloradopols.com about how to get your name out on the #1 political Web site in Colorado.


38 thoughts on “Reports of Our Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

  1. Where are all the Republicans?  I noticed that the postings have been lacking.  I am the only Republican left to post on this web site.  I am not complaining – I don’t need much help holding off the other 100 Dems on this site. 

    But I think you guys need to get some other perspectives – you are known for being a Democrat Blog.

      1. I think it has more to do with the fact that the Colorado R’s right now are more than a little embarrassed by and disappointed in those they voted for (Bush, Allard, BB, Tancredo, and the like). There is nothing good to say about these people, and November dosen’t look particularly good either.

        This was far different a few months ago.  R’s were all over this blog during the Beauprez-Holtzman spat.

    1. And even though I’m no fan of BB, he will get my vote, from what my wife tells me her vote, and many of my friends too.
      Who knows, with all the guys I run with voting R, it might take everyone of the D’s on this site just to negate us.

      As for where are all the R’s. I wish I knew. My buddy Voyageur left us, along with Go Raiders, Iron Mike, The Plumber, Bad Moon Rising, and several others. I’m thinking they got tired of argueing all the time and maybe found something better to do with their time.

      1. for R’s. It’s like you said yesterday, if Bush’s approval soaring to 44% is something to be happy about, things are in bad shape on your side of the aisle.

        Most of the prolific cons stopped blogging around the time of the special session. I guess that took the wind out of their sails. Up til then it was illegal immigration this, illegal immigration that. (For the record I only started visiting this site in May, so I can’t comment on whatever was discussed prior to then.)

              1. are in the midst of a torrid, er, flirtation… if that can be described as such. It’s kinda one-sided. (Winks to you both, you’re so cute!)

                Actually, Lauren’s of a dying breed – the respectable, we-can-debate-without-denigrating-one-another republican. That means she’s moderate, natch. She used to post a lot more frequently. Besides, her name is Lauren Bacall – what’s not to like about that?

                1. I think she has a deep education background.  Maybe a PhD or MD, perhaps even JD.  But definitely post-college education level. 

                  Which means she’s intelligent AND classy.  I love that mix.

  2. The metric is the number of unique visitors per month. One person visiting from one computer. If that person and that computer return several times during the month, that’s still one unique visitor. I use one user name and four computers. So I think each computer is unique.

    Thus, for advertisers, the question is, how many unique visitors per month. 300k in 9 months is 33,333.333333333/month.

    The next question is, what percent of visitors visit more than once, five times and 20 times a month?

    Then the question is, of the 33,000 unique visitors, how many post per month, how many are registered users and how many click on advertisers’ ads?

    My guess is that coloradopols gets 10k to 30k unique visitors a month, which would be high for such a narrow niche. The public doesn’t care about CO politics that much, does it?

    Finally, the advertiser should ask what software is being used to measure traffic?

    As for where are the registered Republicans?

    My guess is that because Coloradopols favors Dem candidates s obviously, they’ve gone elsewhere or just decided discussing politics online is a waste of time.

    At this point, I think, the conversations have become so repetitive that they’re becoming boring, and Coloradopols only favors pro-dem and horse race discussions, which really are boring.

    If issues were discussed more, I’m thinking more Rs would participate. But my observations over the last, oh, 24 years online, is that most discussions and boards are dominated by lefties. Righties don’t like to be so repetitve nor so challenged.

    Just my skeptical opinions. You may question my opinions, but there is some debate about whether my opinions can be called wrong. Can you call an opinion wrong, or just based on bad facts?

    Wondering, skeptically, and repetitively.

    1. Wow, you’ve been online for 24 years? That almost seems like longer than the internet has existed.

      Hyperbole aside, I agree that Dem’s gravitate towards to blogosphere more than Rep’s. Maybe its the technology (as in R’s don’t use it), or maybe its the group affirmation (as in D’s like it), but most blogs lean left. Call it the Howard Dean phenomenon.

      1. in R circles for being so outnumbered in the blogosphere?  R’s have jobs.  OK, I only hear 10 out of 300,000 people laughing, but I’m just repeating it.  Don’t shoot the messenger!

  3. at this site:


    At Linkworth, this site’s link ranking is a 4, which is “very good.” My blog gets the same ranking and my other site gets a 5, which is “super”.

    The link price calculator says that a text ad or “bill board ad” on this blog’s front page is worth $5 a month.

    I’m sure people are paying $50 or $100. Just a guess.


  4. it just depends on your definition. im proud to be a moderate republican, but i will not apologize for not being a wing-nut. as for the lack of a particular political ideology on copols, i feel that if anything there is a lack of moderate dems on the site.

    and as for copols, good work. who cares if youre “biased” when posting the news, everyone is.

    1. While I’m a conservative unaffiliated (in my mind, registered R in fact), I’m here because this is the most interesting and active political site in the state. The Conservative sites are relatively inactive and even more openly biased, from what I’ve seen of them.

      And that’s not much.

      We still need a good, independent site, but I haven’t found it yet.

      The Papers could easily host strong political discussions, but they don’t understand the game far as I can see.

    2. I don’t know that the line is so clear.  I’m an unaffiliated voter who believes that the state owes it to everyone to provide for a reasonable quality of life regardless of circumstances, and also that Bill Ritter is doing too much pandering to the Democratic party on abortion.

      Does that make me moderate, or just a wing nut in both directions at the same time?  Probably the latter…

      1. As a conservative, libertarian, regulated free market advocate, I don’t think the state owes it to anyone to provide anything.

        My only exceptions are the mentally and physically impaired and incompetent who have no chance of supporting themselves. They need to be helped with housing, food and medical care, but nothing particularly luxurious.

        If you think the state owes “everyone,” you’re a left leaning unaffiliated, at best. I just disagree with you on this.

        Which is what discussion boards are all about.

        1. seems to be pretty subjective. while i am not advocating the “Everyone” statement, id love to hear how you judge who is incompetent. there are some days when i think that would include a large majority of the people…including myself! 🙂

  5. By you, and other Republicans posting on this blog keeps it interesting.  If it was not for the opposing views, I would not post at all.  It’s the debate, the conversation and insight that makes this one of the most compelling blogs in Colorado.

    1. I just like this blog because I can give Go Blue a hard time.  He gets so upset when he realizes his man Bernie is gonna lose to the better candidate BOB CASKEY!!

  6. So, I’m 24, visit the site pretty regularily and love it.  I’m a die hard liberal (not neccesarily D) and very gay and proud.

    That all being said, I miss the R’s.  Someone above mentioned all the R’s who have stopped posting (i.e. BMR) and I’m sad.  I don’t have some magnificant insight.  But I will say this:

    I e-mailed around my work (mainly conservative) the “worldest smallest polical quiz”.  I don’t have the link, just google it.  It’s kind of fun for non-political junkies, but nonetheless I like it.

    What I noticed, and I’ve noticed before, we have a 2 party system.  Yet, the country isn’t divided into 2 systems.  On this site, they have:


    What I’m trying to say here, and now I have the post, http://www.self-gov….
    is that the country is not all left and right.  I do consider myself a liberal, but I also have many libertarian aspects and many others do as well.

    CP is a great site, but we need many perspectives, or the site will love it’s “brazeness” as Joel Hefley put it.  JH may be a conservative from CD-5, but I have always admired his independence.

    I hope CP keeps that. 

  7. So, I’m 24, visit the site pretty regularily and love it.  I’m a die hard liberal (not neccesarily D) and very gay and proud.

    That all being said, I miss the R’s.  Someone above mentioned all the R’s who have stopped posting (i.e. BMR) and I’m sad.  I don’t have some magnificant insight.  But I will say this:

    I e-mailed around my work (mainly conservative) the “worldest smallest polical quiz”.  I don’t have the link, just google it.  It’s kind of fun for non-political junkies, but nonetheless I like it.

    What I noticed, and I’ve noticed before, we have a 2 party system.  Yet, the country isn’t divided into 2 systems.  On this site, they have:


    What I’m trying to say here, and now I have the post, http://www.self-gov….
    is that the country is not all left and right.  I do consider myself a liberal, but I also have many libertarian aspects and many others do as well.

    CP is a great site, but we need many perspectives, or the site will love it’s “brazeness” as Joel Hefley put it.  JH may be a conservative from CD-5, but I have always admired his independence.

    I hope CP keeps that. 

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