There’s a new Web site online that allows you to search for the salaries of congressional staffers. Check out the dramatically-named
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It suddenly got quiet in here as everyone jumped over to see who pays the most and who’s robbing the people more…
I see Hilary Clinton’s total staff salaries for one year is a mere $1.7 Million Dollars. No wonder our taxes are so high. Bastards!
I meant for the quarter! It is rediculous!
not much better
almost $1 million
money well spent, don’t ya think?
Over a million for the quarter.
More than $1.3 million
Santorum’s staffing listed 24 staff assistants, 2 state directors, 3 special assistants, including a case manager (not sure if that was for his staff, Santorum or others).
George Allen, also thinking about a Pres bid – like Clinton – more than $1.5 million. Around the same number of assistants.
You think with 24+ assistants for just one Senator they could get something done.
Finally, check your timeframes again. The numbers aren’t all for three months – you were wrong, Hillary’s are for six months.
So, before you start calling people names and spouting off, check your numbers, check out your own party’s numbers and cut down on the widowmakers.
All in the name of good government. Right? So glad to see you defending the largess of government.
If you think that I’m defending the largesse of government than you are sadly mistaken.
I’m ashamed and angry about the inaction and waste present in today’s government. If you read otherwise in my posts, please try reading them through another one of your personalities’ eyes. That may help.
I was kind of shocked to see how much many of them make on both sides. The type of work most of these people do ain’t brain surgery, and they’re pulling in $ 150 K a year !
if you had started with Frist or Santorum. But no, you went for Clinton, just like a good wingnut.
BWB and MM have the highest paid staffs of any of the Congressional Representatives in Colorado.
Murphy and Short are making nearly $160K per year.
Ironically Hefley appears to be the most frugal.
based on his district’s attitudes towards small govt.
intersting though since senior legislators seem to have the larger staffs.
MM, BWB and John Salazar are the newest members.
Seniority: Hefley, DeGette, Tancredo, Udall, MM, BWB, Salazar.
MM and BWB are higher than DeGette. Tancredo is close, Then Udall and Salazar and smallest Hefley.
Isn’t Beauprez the one who wants us to believe we could’ve done without Ref. C if only we would give him the chance to eliminate unspecified waste from government? Looks like he can’t even eliminate the waste from his own (taxpayer-funded) payroll.
Marilyn Musgrave’s staff deserves every penny for their hard work on behalf of the people! They are very diligent and good people who care a lot about making sure that Marilyn’s constituents get the service they need.
Give them a raise!!!!
why is it ironic that hefley is most frugal? the man claims to like smaller government and these figures seem to support that, for what little it is worth. maybe im missing something.
in light of the big numbers the supposedly fiscally conservative MM and BWB.
I agree with you about Hefley walking the walk and talking the talk. It is just that others are more hypocritcal and there is a sense of irony when a real fiscal conservative shows up in today’s Republican party. It seems a lot have lost their way, or were never there in the first place.
and amen to that. but in the little amount of time we have left, can we please start labeling hefley a RINO!!!??? i think its fitting, because fiscal conservatives DONT BELONG in the republican party (only social conservatives).
Short and Murphy are also the very best at what they do. I have no doubt that they could go off on their own as political consultants and make triple what they do now.
Doesn’t Beauprez’ daughter work on Sen. Allard’s staff?
I think she’s married to a former Beauprez staffer.
Does anyone know what her married name is?
What is her current salary?
who is the only person named Melanie on his staff, she made $3,177.77 in 1Q.
In stark contrast, Allard has a lot of people who made over $20k, up to over $73k for his chief of staff.
What’s an “area representative?” Looks like their salary ranges from $10k to $34k per quarter. Nice work if you can get it.