A reporter at Colorado Confidential was able to register “Trailhead Group, LLC” with the Colorado Secretary of State. Apparently Trailhead hadn’t bothered to do it on their own.
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that is the funniest outcome of all of them! ROTFLMAO!
Wonder what kind of chicanery is being planned?
God damn rogue staffer !
This loss of the corporate name may give a figleaf to Owens, Bensen, Coors, etc. to simply euthanize the snake-bitten Trailhead Group and set up an entirely new entity. They can even gracefully jettison Alan Phipps when they look to hire an executive director of the new entity. (I suggest you try to lure Dick Wadhams away from Senator Macaca and put him in charge.) This time, perhaps, the Powers-That-Be will reserve the tradename before setting up the corporation.
If the Trailhead Group isn’t registered with the SoS, then how are they paying their taxes?
Trailhead may be registered as a corporation with S.O.S., but the trade name registration is a separate filing altogether.
… that you start cold-calling voters, using an autodialer, at around 10 pm saying: “Hello, this is the Trailhead Group. Is your mother a whore?”
Just asking! LOL
Doesn’t Cara DeGette still call herself a journalist? Just full of integrity!
If she starts USING it, that’s problematic. Registering it is just a cheap but effective stunt to draw attention to something.
The Linux folks had to re-register Microsoft’s domain for them a couple of times back in the ’90s. MS let ‘microsoft.com’ expire, and some kind soul came along and paid the $35 registration fee for them. Got free press, didn’t harm anybody or anything…
You sound like you’re personally affected; do you work for The Group Formerly Known As Trailhead Group, LLC? Were you the one too busy playing around to forget to file the forms with your SoS buddy Gigi Dennis? It’s not difficult, really.
On a more serious note, just because Cara was able to make the LLC registration, just how is Trailhead Group really registered? I’m assuming they’re something other than a Bruce Bensen or Bill Owens DBA filing…
Still more integrity than making up poll numbers, giving them to the press, and then claiming they were secret polls that no one can ever see! (MARSHALL!)
She’s the one who said a week after 9/11 that we deserved it. Cara DeGette is kick-ass!
I would hardly call “we deserved 9/11” kick-ass. That’s just weak, weak Churchillian nonsense (and i’m not talking about Winston).
From Delaware Sect of State:
File Number: 3969571 Incorporation Date / Formation Date: 06/03/2005
Residency: DOMESTIC State: DE
City: DOVER County: KENT
State: DE Postal Code: 19901
Phone: (302)531-0855
Additional Information is available for a fee. You can retrieve Status for a fee of $10.00 or
more detailed information including current franchise tax assessment, current filing history
and more for a fee of $20.00.
Please note that it appears, therefore, that Trailhead did NOT file the required “foreign corporation registration”. From Gigi’s website:
58. What is a foreign business entity?
A foreign business entity is an entity formed under a statute or common law in a jurisdiction other than Colorado, for example, another state or country. Foreign entities are recognized under the law of Colorado after the foreign entity files a Statement of Foreign Entity Authority.
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59. How does a foreign entity receive authority to transact business in Colorado?
A foreign entity may receive authorization to transact business in Colorado by filing a Statement of Foreign Entity Authority with the Colorado Secretary of State. This form may be found on the Colorado Secretary of State’s Web site by selecting “Business Center” from the homepage, then selecting “File a business document” under the BUSINESS INFORMATION heading, and finally selecting “File a statement of foreign entity authority” under the blue Foreign Entities heading at the top of the right-hand column on the page.
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60. Do I have to file a Statement of Registration of True Name? What is that form used for?
The Statement of Registration of True Name form may be filed to file a True Name in our records and prevent some other entity from filing under that name. This holds the foreign entity’s true name for one calendar year. A Statement of Renewal of True Name may be filed to renew the registration of the entity’s true name annually.
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61. How does a foreign entity file in Colorado if the entity’s name in its home state is not available in Colorado?
If a foreign entity’s true name (its name in its home jurisdiction) is not available in Colorado, the foreign entity will be required to select an assumed entity name for use in Colorado. The assumed name will be the entity name used to transact business in Colorado.
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62. When does the Secretary of State revoke a foreign entity’s authority to transact business in Colorado?
The Colorado Secretary of State commences a proceeding to revoke the authority of a foreign business entity transacting business in the state of Colorado under six different circumstances. The two most common reasons for revocation of authority are the failure of the entity to deliver its annual report to the Secretary of State and the failure to appoint a registered agent following the resignation of a prior registered agent. Entities are given 60 days to appoint a new registered agent after the resignation of a prior agent. For additional information, see C.R.S. 7-90-808 and C.R.S. 7-90-809.
It might appear that under Paragraph 62 of the Colorado SoS Business Center FAQs that Trailhead Group, LLC, a Delaware LLC, has been operating in violation of Colorado registration requirements.
After boring us all to death, you have surmised that Trailhead MAY be in violation of something.
This is why your sort, in a year akin to ’74 for Republicans, will pick up a handful of seats at best. You guys just suck too much to do better.
FYI – Moving Colorado forward just had to pull their commercials for copyright violations. ClearPeak already had to take down their ads against Knoedler for lying.
I was not trying to make a point. I was laying out what was there and letting others reach their own conclusion. The “may” was because I had not done the fact checking to determine if the surmise was correct or not. Personally, I find the resort to the “you suck” akin to what I experienced in third grade when confronted with individuals with less than adequate debating skills. Didn’t bother me too much then, less now.
Bored by facts? You mean facts like John Marshall making up poll numbers?
Journalists without ethical standards. Ask any REAL journalist, and they’ll tell you this is unethical as hell. If she were one, she wouldn’t insert herself into a story. In this case, she is actually generating a story.
I hate people without ethical standards. I really hate it when people make up a bunch of polls numbers and then lie and claim they were internal polls.
Maybe Marshall and DeGette are cut out of the same cloth. But in her case, she’s proven it.
Has anyone a clue who Gessler is suing this month? I heard he was the attorney in the “case” against Lamborn, and then there was the Kiki Traylor thing, too. Anyone else? Because I’m wondering why he keeps dragging republicans into court during a general election?
entertainment for the whole family?
What is the case against Lamborn? Are you talking about civil litigation against, or involving, Stillborn? Are you talking about political arguments to be made for voting against him? Are you talking about an organize campaign of Republicans for Fawcett?
Has Mike Norton collected his $78,000 in costs yet from the Little Fella? If not, is he still pursuing it?