The Grand Junction Sentinel has endorsed Democrat Dana Barker over Republican Josh Penry for SD-7, following on the heels of their endorsement of Democrat Bill Ritter over Republican Bob Beauprez for governor.
Barker has little chance of winning that seat, but it’s interesting to see the major Western Slope paper turning its back on the otherwise popular Penry.
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So neither Lurch Penry nor Beastiality Rant Rowland got the hometown newspaper’s endorsement. Those who know them best apparently like them least……
We are so exited about the Sentinel’s Endorsment of Alward, Barker and Ritter because FINALLY Colorado is going to elect some genuinely far-left candidates who will actully fight for gun control, higher taxes and stronger unions in this once conservative state.
In this day an age we dont need guns, and we need better and more expansive social programs to help those who are less fortunate. Once we have Ritter elected, with folks like Alward in the house, we can throw these rifle owning, shoot-em-on-site pro-second amendment candidates, LIKE PENRY, out of office too!
With the Daily Sentinel finally on our side, we can start getting rid of the ATV riding hunters and the pro-business community who have always made up Mesa County.
Thanks Daily Sentinel for finallly seeing the light after years of being business, Second Amendment and LOCAL CONTROL wingnuts!
that Lois Dunn has opened up the barn doors and let the wingnuts run wild. Must be tough on ’em knowing that their boy is 17 points down. Dunn probably should hand out the panic attack medications early this year. As they always do, when they don’t like the message it’s…. why not attack the messanger? Of course, you didn’t hear a peep from them last time the DS endorsed “Lurch” Penry, did ya? So now that “Lurch” has been exposed, it’s…”we’ll get the dastardly Daily Sentinel.”
… if all you can do is spew lies and monger fear.
Show me where any of the Mesa Democratic candidates have said anything about proposing or supporting new gun control laws. Show me where they’ve said anything about unions. Show me their anti-hunter and anti-business positions.
Man, you haven’t seen “far-left” if you think any of the Mesa Dems are much beyond barely-left-of-center.
You know, if the Mesa R’s would nominate some reasonable candidates (along the lines of their County Commissioner candidate) I’m guessing the Sentinel would have been endorsing mostly R’s. Instead they nominate someone for HD55 who is ethically challenged and someone for HD54 who has declared that gun control is “two to the body and one to the head” and someone for Senate 7 who thinks creationism is science.
Pretty far out there beyond right field.
the real problem is that both of the R’s in Mesa County’s HD’s are intellectually challenged.
I used to live in Grand Junction for over 33 years and have seen this type of stuff before.
The current editor/publisher’s wife is on Bill Ritters’ campaign. As an angler, our Sportsmans group recieved a fund raising letter with his wife’s signature on it actively raising money for Ritter! A friend who is still active in GJ politics also told me yesturday that the GJDS publisher’s wife was/is on Bernie Buescher’s campaign steering committee. So the fact that Rep. Penry wasnt endorsed by them isnt suprising given his political alliances. Our paper here in Vail has a few conlicts, but I have never heard of anything as journalistically corupt as having your wife be on a campaign while it just so happens your paper rakes the oppsing candidate over the coals every week. I would like to take a straw poll of state-wide editors and ask how many of them have wives who are actively fundraising for a Gubernatorial candidate. I’m willing to bet the Sentinel is alone.
I can assure you. The Sentinel is fair. They may editorialize one way but the reporters are in a different department. The news is fair and unbiased. It is only their editorials that are not fair. But that is how it is with newspapers. No?
I dont think you can call GJDS the “Major” paper in Grand Junction for too much longer. The Grand Junction Free Press has a younger, more ambitous editor who has an open mind and has a real interest in being fair. The GJDS is endorsing basically green party candidates because energy development is encroaching on their own private fishing hole….and if they let a single issue influence their reporting and judgement to that degree, then I see more and more readers going to alternative sources for their information such as the Free Press and internet sources. The Sentinel has continued thumbing their nose at their conservative consumers that they take for granted. The timing is strange given the fact that they for the first time have substantive competition whose editorial page is more balanced, accessible and willing to allow for legitimate debate.
to the Grand Juction Free Press who’s editor came out blasting Janet “Bestiality” Rowland and saying he was offended by her remarks?
The internal rifts within the western slope republican party are finally starting to explode. It looks like the centrist and concervative buisness comunity have finally had enough of the local wingnuts.
IMO they are welcome to the democratic party where real problems are met with reasonable and commonscence solutions instead of empty rhetoric.
The wingnuts lost the libertarians with the big governemnt intrusion into private life on the civil union issue. They have lost the sportsmen and land users with the rubberstamp of the neational energy hogs, and they lost the business community with the anti ref c. Their devisiveness has left them politically isolated. Now, they only themselves for companionship and I wonder if they can even stand each other.
The only businesses that wanted to see C pass were the Government support businesses and non-profits with their hands out. The rest of the businesses wanted C to lose.
As for a divided Republican party? We are one unified base. Under the superb leadership of Lois Dunn there isn’t a split anylonger. Under Lois Dunn’s leadership we will win back House District 55. We will win SD 7, we will win HD 54. Plus we will keep an R in the County Commish. Janet Rowland and Beauprez will win 80-90 percent of the vote in Mesa County (greatly contributing to their win state wide). Not only that we will win all the other races including Assessor.
You stupid Democrats will be crying the blues because Lois Dunn is our secret weapon.
you really need to learn how to spell AND write.
lisdexia happens and so some days are better spelling days than others. If you have a problem with the content then address that, otherwise go and teach jr. high and get paid to be a grammer nazi.
if you read that paper regularly.
Mesa County GOP is not divided. Josh Penry won nearly 70 percent of the vote in a tough and expensive primary. The vast majority of the party and the community like and trust Penry. That may drive George Orbanek and our kooky liberals batty (including the one knuckle head who uses the word “neo-con” in every on line post and letter to the editor…we know who you are), but it is bad news for Democrats around here. Why else do you think that Bernie Bucher was openly urging people to support Matt Smith? Bernie has a lot of friends as does George Orbanek. But Penry has a following.