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September 15, 2006 09:32 PM UTC

Beauprez Camp Lies to Press?

  • by: Colorado Pols

As To The Right reports, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez’s camp is spinning the news that Beauprez is down 17 points to Democrat Bill Ritter by saying that Beauprez has been down big before. Except he hasn’t:

As we watched the coverage on CBS 4 of the new poll showing Beauprez trailing Ritter by an incredible 17 points, one line jumped right out at us:

Beauprez’s campaign said they are not worried because Bob Beauprez was down 15 points in the last election and still won.

This is an outright lie, and an outright lie told to the press, no less. It was bad enough when Beauprez’s campaign was using this line on naive and eager volunteers who would take it at face value, but to use it on the media is another matter entirely.

Mason-Dixon polls taken prior to the 2004 election showed Beauprez with leads anywhere from 6 to 10 points. In fact, we detailed the poll results from 2002 and 2004 only three days ago. The Beauprez campaign didn’t seem too concerned about their re-election prospects judging by their comments to the media at the time.


41 thoughts on “Beauprez Camp Lies to Press?

  1. Which campaign manager from which other R campaign this year got fired because he ‘lied’ to the Denver Post about polling results?  He got fired and the candidate failed to make the ballot.


    1. That was so long ago… almost back when Beauprez was bashing Rick O’Donnell for being single and having zero experience.

      Hey, I just saw two 15-second Beauprez commercials where he’s surrounded by haystacks in some barn somewhere. He cuts a dashing figure in his starched blue, rolled-up-sleeve “Michael Brown Collection” cotton shirt. Colorado has a new Fashion God.

      His limbs have been artfully arranged the same way in each commercial. I’ll bet he got tired of holding that pose by the time they were done filming.

      I think he made a mistake with the way he held his left hand though: kind of limpy-wristed. Could give people the wrong idea.

      And he’s holding something weird and distracting in his left hand: looks like a dirty old handkerchief or something. Or maybe a single glove? (Shades of Michael Jackson.)

      But his voice sounds great, the footage is nice and crisp, his face is impressively craggy yet somehow at the same time smooth – and that’s one heck of an impressive haircut.

      As for the substance of the ads: well, isn’t that kind of beside the point? 

  2. Lying is OK if you’re a Republican.  If the press were to challenge them, it would be considered unfair biased and liberal.

    Why live in the real world when you can create your own?

  3. My good friend “Colorado Dad”? Certainly he has the insight and experience to explain this? Maybe Marshall meant to say “OWENS” and “ALLARD” were behind in their respective races, but that “Bob Beauprez” rolls off his lips so easily – it was a slip of the tongue. 

    Or maybe he knows the secret weapon to defeating Bill Ritter? 

    Dad? Dad?  Where are you??  Are you lost, as well???

  4. Couldn’t the internal polling, which was done much more frequently, show them down?

    I’m sure if you Google polls made public during the race, you’d find that Thomas released a poll that showed him even or ahead.  Yet no one here cites that.

    A little due dilligence and a little more thinking is in order here.

    1. If that’s the case, then the Beauprez campaign, at this point, needs to release the historical counts for the candidate in each of his races.  Otherwise, they have lost ALL credibility. 

      1. Why do they lose all credibility?  That was a shitty district in ’02 for Republicans and got shittier (numbers-wise) in ’04, although he was the incumbent then.

        And no campaign should have to release internal polling numbers, even years later.  The claims they make are reasonable enough.

        1. “No campaign should have to release internal polling numbers, even years later.  The claims they make are reasonable enough.”

          Just trust them, they’re political campaigners. Cut from the finest cloth, they are. Sterling reputations. Eagle Scouts aren’t as honest!

        2.   “That was a shitty district in ’02 for Republicans.”  Really?  There was virtually the same number Dems as Republicans when that district was drawn in ’02. 
            So like a Republican to find starting a race on the same footing with an opponent as being a shitty arrangement!

        3. Registration numbers are relevant, but performance numbers are much more so.  Why do you think Scott Martinez/ Colorado Dems drew the district that way?  This district performed much better for Dems than the registration.

          BTW, in ’04, Dems had a 4000 voter advantage.

          1. The district’s Dem performance was something like 50.00001%.  Gore beat bush by just a few hundred votes in the district in ’00.  That’s the whole point of why it was drawn that way.  It was drawn as the most evenly-performing district in the nation in 2001!

    2. In 2002, Beauprez released his internal polling about two weeks before the election and it showed him leading. Then John Marshall says “In 2002, Bob Beauprez was down to Mike Feeley in a Democrat performing district by mid-double digits only 14 days out.”

      Either the Beauprez people were making up internal polling in 2002 or they are making it up now. Which is it?

        1. Well gee, since I’m such a moron, maybe you can explain this old quote from the Denver Post (feel the joy of NewsBank) to me:

          “Although Beauprez was ahead of Feeley by eight points coming off a tough primary in August, the polls were even by the end of October.

          According to a poll done for his campaign, Beauprez currently has 44 percent of likely registered voters while Feeley has 42 percent. Some 8 percent were undecided. The poll’s margin of error was 5.8 percent.

          But Feeley’s polls showed the candidates to be dead even. And at least one national expert changed his prediction on the race last week.”

    3. Why should anyone believe it’s out there? It’s one thing to say “google it, it’s out there,” but it’s much more credible to do the “due diligence” yourself and give us the links.

      1. Typical, lazy “intellectual”

        A Lauer Research (D) poll; conducted 7/22-26 for Dave Thomas for Congress; surveyed 443 likely voters; margin of error +/- 4.7% (release, 8/5). Tested: Thomas (D) and Rep. Bob Beauprez (R).

        General Election Matchup
        Thomas  45%
        Beauprez  42
        Undecided  13

        1. The claim he was down 15 points against Thomas at one point, versus a poll from August of 2004 showing him 3 points down and within the MOE.  Yeah, that makes the claim of being 15 points down legitimate.  If you are into fuzzy math a la George Bush. 

          Ladies and Gentlemen.  I present you with Moonraker.  Bob Beauprez’s professional ass-kisser. 

          And I have another question.  Where’s the link?  You should tell us where you got the information.

          1. Maybe Bob Beauprez was really 12 points lower in all of the “secret polls” than he was in all of the polls that actually exist.

            It’s perfectly reasonable.

        2. You’ve been online since I posted my response. Why haven’t you answered? Is it because a) there’s no link to provide or b) the evidence doesn’t match what you’ve claimed?

        3. Congratulations, you found the one poll out there that showed Beauprez trailing. Pat yourself on the back, you have refuted all of John Marshall’s bullshit.

          For those of you interested, here is the rest of the story:


            The Denver Post (10/25-27):
            Beauprez: 46
            Thomas: 40
            Beauprez by 6

            Mason Dixon (10/4-7)
            Beauprez: 45
            Thomas: 35
            Beauprez by 10

            Thomas Campaign-sponsored Poll (7/22-26):
            Beauprez: 42
            Thomas: 45
            Thomas by 3


            Beauprez Campaign-sponsored Poll (End of October):
            Beauprez: 44
            Feeley: 42
            Beauprez by 2

            The Denver Post (10/18-20):
            Beauprez: 40
            Feeley: 38
            Beauprez by 2

            Feeley Campaign-sponsored Poll (Last week of August):
            Beauprez: 39
            Feeley: 33
            Beauprez by 6

            Tarrance Group (8/19-20):
            Beauprez: 44
            Feeley: 36
            Beauprez by 8

  5. I will have you know that I have been upwards of 20 percent behind my opponents in every single poll taken for the last four years.

    I just cannot show you any of these polls, but they are there, oh yes, they are there.

  6. Whereas you consistently show unprejudiced bias for your ONE and ONLY ONE candidate of choice, and

    Whereas you post in support of said bias only when John Marshall is under direct attack, and

    Whereas you provide time and time again an ‘informed’ perspective available only to real ‘insider’ campaign *staffers*, and

    Whereas you post unverifiable — albeit intriguing — insider information known only to you, Shari, John, Allen, and Steve, and

    Whereas you will regularly overlook anti-Tipton, anti-Tancredo, anti-Musgrave and anti-Lamborn posts (believing them, no doubt, to be drivel and only caring about your next paycheck from either the state bureaucracy or campaign office),

    I hereby nominate you as “MoonShill” for the remainder of the election cycle.

    All those in favor, please signify by posting “amen”.  All those opposed, go back to bed and set your alarm for an early start tomorrow on the campaign trail for Both Ways Bob.

    Are there any parliamentary objections?

    1.   Ditto on the theory as to Moonraker’s true identity.  And let me add this:  if our suspicion is correct, he has some hell of a nerve accepting paychecks from the Both Ways’ campaign in light of the job he’s doing. 
        I don’t particularly like his candidate, I plan on voting for Bill Ritter, and I anticipate enjoying watching the results on election night. 
        That said, even Both Ways Bob deserves an effective campaign manager.  Why are you wasting all of your time in ColoradoPols.com, bickering with the 10 or 12 left wing shills, none of whom will ever even consider voting for your candidate? 
        Your candidate is tanking in the real world by perhaps as much as 17%.  The best you and he can do is to say, “Been there before and managed to come back.”  Even if that is true (and it may or may not be true), so what?
        It may be too late to reverse the tide in this campaign, you could and should try to make it a little closer than where this race is headed given it current trajectory.
        You’re doing a heck of job, Marshy……

      1. but was a terrible movie. But the best Moore 007 movies had long titles (Man with the Golden Gun, The Spy Who Loved Me). I guess “Octopussy” wasn’t an option for a blogging handle.

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