A new Rocky Mountain News/CBS4 poll shows Democrat Bill Ritter with a ridiculous 17-point lead over Republican Bob Beauprez.
Fifty percent of voters surveyed said they were likely to vote for Ritter, versus 33 percent for Beauprez. Eleven percent said they were undecided.
The poll, conducted earlier this week, showed Ritter with a huge lead in metro Denver, earning 56 percent support to Beauprez’s 32 percent.
Even more surprising, Ritter is leading in some of the state’s most conservative areas. He holds a 22-point lead over Beauprez on the Eastern Plains and a five point lead in the Colorado Springs/Pueblo area.
Ritter is leading by 24 points in metro Denver, and combined with his lead in Colorado Springs/Pueblo, the fat lady may be warming up. Considering that 85% of registered Colorado voters live along the Front Range, Beauprez is in DEEP trouble.
We may need to start talking not about whether Ritter will win, but how bad a defeat he may inflict on Beauprez. A lot of political careers should come to a crashing halt if Beauprez continues to lose ground; a blowout defeat of the two-term congressman would be absolutely inexcusable by all those involved.
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will be the first to pick apart this poll and point out how it can’t POSSIBLY be accurate…
First it was “Both-ways Bob”
Then it was “No-way Bob”
Now it’s “Speed-bump Bob”
Who should I speak with about getting a write-in campaign going for an electable republican? And I’m really serious.
I’d vote for Coors, Brown, Benson, Norton, Holtzman, Cranberg, Monfort, you name it…..
…..anything to keep Republicans from getting slaughtered down ballot. And right now, I am most concerned with Beauprez bringing down the entire republican ticket.
For the votes to count for a write-in, the candidate must have filed an affidavit with the Sec. or State at least 70 days before the election. That was a couple of weeks ago.
But will he be the Republican to beat in 2010? (Like Reagan after 1976? He’d like that analogy.)
Holtzman’s gotta be laughing his a** off right about now. Even he could have done better than “70 Percent” Bob.
You gotta remember Tancredo Watch, that Holtzman is a phony piece of crap, and nobody likes him ! I know it’s a scary thought, but he would have fared even worse than Dumbo Preaz.
crosstabs for this poll? couldn’t find any over at the Rocky.
before the lights fade. How about Roxy Hart’s last line…”BELIEVE us, we could not have done it without YOU!!”
Is she eligible to serve her second term as a … whatever the heck incredibly unimpressive elected position she is right now: city councilperson? Ward boss?
It just hurts to see an innocent suffer this way.
Let’s start a draft Janet Rowland for county livestock inspector campaign. With her in charge of such office, we can be certain that Mad Cow Disease will never become a sexually transmitted disease.
To make me laugh that hard!
I could see her new public access channel program opening with Janet in the corral stepping in it again with her theme music playing…Rowland Rowland Rowland…keep them doggies chaste by patrollin’ …cow pied. Raw chide!
Is the horse she rides a “Mr. Ed” or a “Mrs. Ed”?
this is too good. I vote the Rawhide theme, the best post so far.
I am particularly neartened by the news re. voters in the Eastern Plains. However, I’m old enough to remember Gov. Ed Johnson was defeated in a 1950s re-election bid by a last-minute “pink sheet” painting him as a Communist. What will the GOP pull this time? We need to be prepared and hit back hard.
May I add a plea to urge your contacts who live abroad to register at http://www.VoteFromAbroad.org and vote?
Regards from a Plains girl living in Thailand,
How the mighty do fall.
This is just going to be a sad ordeal for all involved.
No – it’s a good sign for the health of the political system. People are beginning to pay attention again to what politicians say and do – not just how they look and are packaged.
Hang in there Bob! Don’t listen to those stupid statistics. Since when do statistics matter? I’m betting those numbers are about as accurate as your African-American abortion statistic. We’re not done yet those liberals are just yelling about numbers like usual.
So Ends The Owens-Beauprez-Benson-Martinez Era
Sic semper tyrannis.
"garbage", "see how words are twisting poll results", "…easy to make an opinion poll reflect any opinion you want ", "I just think people tend to buy into polls like they’re the word of God or
something", "…think all *opinion polls* are full of shit", "No way, polls are BS? Say it’s not true.", "It is just a leaked insider poll", "this far out anything can happen", "wait until we start our media blitz"…
Beauprez isn’t even running a “Bush 2004” campaign; he’s running a “Bush 2000” campaign: vote for me because I’m a folksy-talking, rugged-looking businessman. Don’t worry about the details; I’ll come up with something later. Integrity, family values, blah blah blah. I’m surprised he hasn’t stood in front of a bunch of those silly computer-screenshow backdrops with some meaningless phrase like “Making Colorado Great.”
It’s so obvious that Beauprez, like Bush, expected things to just naturally happen. He’d be greeted as a liberator. Total lack of planning by himself and everyone connected to him. We’re all tired of lack of planning and government by scare tactic and smear tactic. Seen too much of it these past six years.
This would be a very good time for the state GOP and the Snakehead Foundation to exercise Gi-Gi’s emergency regulation re: substituting a replacement candidate on the ballot.
Time to call it a day, Bob! (And please take Beastiality Rant with you when you leave….. I’m sure Mike Coffman can find his own lackey to run for Lt. Guv.)
I know completely apolitical people who know absolutely nothing about politics, most candidates,or the issues who hate Belt Way Bob. They are not even sure why. Great choice GOP! Do it again in 2008!
Here is the reason Both Ways Bob is losing big time to Ritter in the most recent political polls:
Because he has two positions on every issue, Both Ways Bob now has twice as many people mad at him!
The only question now is how much he hurts the rest of the ticket. It could get ugly
Conventional wisdom is that turnout is driven by the top of the ticket.
Lots of people who would never vote for a Democrat in the 5th CD might decide that like Hefley, they are disgusted with Lamborn, and not very enthusiastic about Beauprez either, and simply not bother to vote.
There isn’t much read meat in the list of ballot issues for GOP voters either.
Even if this lack of enthusiastic turnout isn’t enough to cost Lamborn the win that conventional wisdom expects he should easily get in the 5th CD, notwithstanding the Fawcett poll that has Lamborn in big trouble, low GOP turnout in the 5th CD could have a dramatic impact on all of the state races this year.
You forgot to take into account that Lamborn is terrific!
translates for someone like Ed Jones who has had trouble in the past. Does this indicate a potential for bigger changes in the El Paso delegation?
Also, what will the new Trailhead issues on accounting mean for the flow of money to El Paso County? In the past the candidates down here have relied very heavily on 527 money.
Suthers will be able to survive the tsunami. Regrettably, “Back to the Border” Tancredo will probably survive. No bets on any of the other races……
Will there be a “NEGATIVE” coattail effect for El Paso County? While it appears that Lamborn is certain to win, it isn’t nearly as certain for Mr. Jones. What will happen to Mr.Ed if he loses?
What will happen to Mr. Gardner? Will people link Mr. Gardner and Mr. Ed to Trailbutt Head and the Owens’ Benson, Coors, machine? If so, will that mean the Dems leave the game in El Paso with a bag full of marbles?
Then who will be to blame? That will be an interesting saga.
This is making me wonder of they really will get BB to bow out and put in somebody that would at least draw some excitement. The GOP isn’t just going to forefeit the governorship, that’s for sure, and it’s over for Bob.
I’m calling it now . . . they’re going to bring somebody else in.
you will see the Dems in court once again challenging Dennis’ ruling on the replacement ballot question, and they will win.
Moreover, hard-dollar fundraising for a new candidate at this stage of the game will be very tough.
Plus, you still have the problem of the incompetance of Trailhead. They won’t do anybetter with a new candidate than they have with the old one. The decision making will be the same.
none of the money or resources that BWB currently has can be transferred to a new candidate. Any TV time that has been purchased cannot be used or transferred to a new candidate.
Can a new candidate raise more than $2 million in a month?
This replacement stuff is just a pipe dream, but indeed if the R powers that be are desparate (or stupid enough) to try it, they will deserve what they get.
well funded (self-funded) conservative candidates who have the balls to run an actual campaign against the democrats. They both know the ropes, know how to campaign hard, have loyal followers, and have no misgivings about using their own cash to wallop on their opponents. One ran for Senate in ’04 and the other is celebrating newlywed bliss.
Both interesting points.
I have to say, RogerD has the most realistic take on things, including the impending court challenge and media storm if they actually do pull BB in favor of a ringer . . . but still, there is a possibility.
Frankly, the GOP has nothing to lose by pulling out all the stops and replacing Bob at this point. It’s hardly a question of whether he can win, it’s more of an issue as to whether the rainmakers are willing to weather the fallout and fight if they sub in a well-financed alternative.
I have a hard time believing that any last minute candidate could beat Ritter at this point, but stranger things have happened. And, we’re not talking about a group of individuals that have a high regard for rules and regulations. I don’t see the courts as a terribly disuasive factor if the they think a replacement candidate has a legit shot. In a year when they’re bound to lose seats in the state and nationaly, it’s hard to say what they’ll be willing to do in order to keep a foothold in CO.
I’m not as certain as I was when all the buzz was brewing a few days ago, but I can’t rule it out either. I am sure that if it is actually in the works, it’s a hectic and strained process to say the least. The money might be there, and don’t underestimate the free press and excitement that would be created by this kind of move . . . Much as I hate to admit it, Republican strategists have had a knack for creative and daring campaign manuevers in the past, and this might be a ripe opportunity to try something new.
I want to see Ritter walk away with this one, but I have to admit that in some respects I want to see if the GOP is willing to make such a bold move. From a PolySci standpoint it’s a fascinating scenario.