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(D) Diana DeGette*

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(R) Somebody



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(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



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(D) Yadira Caraveo




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September 12, 2006 04:18 PM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“You’ve got to let them go! They’re dead, but you’re still alive!

–A thousand bad action movies


26 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

            1. trust the man that started the “oral sex is not really sex” craze in our youth with your wife/daughter?
              Not me.
              He is a creep. Plain and simple. The only reason his wife stuck around is because she is 1/2 a bubble off and puts her own political ambitions above her marriage.
              A fine, fine example they are.

              1. Doesn’t matter whether I’d trust BC with my wife, becuase I’d trust my wife with BC (or anyone else).

                As for BC, I certainly don’t hold his personal values in high regard, but I really don’t get this lingering preoccupation with him on the part of many in the right.  I am confident that I have has much disdain for Bush2 as you ever did for BC, but I plan on having pretty much forgotten about him 6 years from now, except to occassionally curse him for the increase debt he’s burdened my kids’ generation with.

                1. that he just didn’t go and give her one.  Just have a passionate affair straight out and then take hell from his wife and thumb his nose at popular opinion.  He was never going to run again.  Instead he made a fool of himself by playing the lawyer and doing everything by half measures.  He was very much the adolescent that way.

                  What’s more, I could never figure out why he just didn’t concentrate on what he had at home.  There seems to be a lot of passion in Hillary.  I think there would be a lot of play there if you went about it right.  She’s cute, smart and sexy.  Has there ever been a prettier first lady?

                  1. The most popular living former President and one of the msot well-known people on the planet is coming to CO ro raise money for Ed in the state’s flagship race, and we still want to talk about cigars and grand juries?

                    Okay, pretending that it still matters . . . what’s the bigger crime – Clinton lying about sex (which damn near everybody does at least once in a while), or Ken Starr leading the debacle impeachment investigation (van loads of evidence, tens of milions of dollars wasted).

                    People that really care about this fascinate me.

                    1. suffering those common troubles that all men share, of course is of popular interest.  Ever read Shakespeare?

                      On a separate note.  What’s with the Post?  I hate to use the term (especially because it is used unceasingly here) but it is coming very close to becoming a shill for the Ritter campaign. 

                      Not that I would mind the outcome, but if you consider some of the writing with anything like a critical eye it has all the ballast of hysterical propaganda.

  1. According to the Rocky, replacement candidates will now automatically get the votes of the original ‘certified’ candidate…


    So, hypothetically, if Ed Jones, from Senate District 11 decided to drop out of the race, and the vacancy committee chooses Jeff Crank (again, all hypothetical), then Bob Balink (El Paso Clerk and Recorder) doesn’t need to re-print the ballots.  Anyone who votes for Jones will be actually voting for Crank. 

    Or is the point here that Gigi keeps making end of term rulings that no *real* elected official would touch?

    1. That’s always been the law here (at least as long ago as the 2000 election), but it’s confusing and cumbersome. Purely hypothetically speaking, Republicans (and others) would have to go in and push the button next to Both Ways’ name (well, his given name, “Bob Beauprez;” I don’t he’ll be listed on the ballot as “B.W.B.”) but the vote will be counted for replacement candidate Marc Holtzman or Scott McGinnis or whoever. 

    1.   In Grand Jct., you actually have someone named “Stephen King” running for “Lurch’s” House seat?  And you have a woman obsessed with beastilaity on your Board of Commissioners? 
        Tell me, where do Cujo, Uncle Fester and Cousin It fit in?

      1. is that Uncle Fester, aka, Craig Meis sits on the Board of County Commissioners with J”B”R and “Lurch” defeated Pugsly, aka, Matt Smith in the primary.

  2. According to this report http://www.splcenter… by the Southern Poverty Law Center he is having burgers with a “neo-confederate hate group”in South Carolina.  If you don’t have time to read the whole thing here is a littlebit from the article: 

    “One level up, not far from the museum’s permanent Confederate Army exhibit, the state chapter of the League of the South (LOS), a neo-Confederate hate group, hosted a barbeque in honor of Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, head of the House Immigration Reform Caucus and likely contestant in the 2008 GOP presidential primary.


    “The Confederate trappings of the event found a mismatch in Tancredo’s standard nativist polemic, which stayed clear of references to Southern heritage or direct plaudits for the LOS, a Southern white nationalist organization dedicated to “Southern independence, complete, full, and total.”


    “Tancredo blasted South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham for being too soft on immigration and basked in the long applause that followed his harangues against illegal immigrants and “the cult of multiculturalism” that glorifies disunity and refuses to acknowledge the “Christian principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.” (Tancredo did not appear to grasp the irony of addressing the “lack of unity” in America in front of a group dedicated to Southern secession.)”

    Man, I hope that Bill Winter can pull off a miracle and oust this moron from his seat.  IMO, he is an embasesment to this state.

  3. Maybe next time a primary challenge, but no south metro (D) is  going to win for a loooong time.

    So what do you think’s Cynthia McKinney’s next career move?  Maybe her and Joe Liebermann do a dual national run…  What did ever happen to Ralph Nader, some how his name just seems to have been forgotten by my more liberal acquaintences.

    1. regarding Nader. He became kryptonite after 2000, and became dead to all but the hardest left when he had the nerve to run again in 2004. (Hardcore lefties rallied around Dennis “Department of Peace” Kucinich.) Even the Greens were done with him at that point. I remember certain lefty analyses accusing him of being nothing but a huge egomaniac at that point.

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