![]() A fire-belly newt meets the establishment. |
Our friends at the Washington Post report:
With the [Florida] primary coming up on Jan. 31, Gingrich and his supporters are being outspent 5-to-1 by Romney and his supporters as total spending in the state approached $20 million.
According to a Republican media buyer who provides the Post with television ad numbers, Gingrich’s campaign has spent only $1,112,541 on Florida television ads.
The pro-Gingrich super PAC Winning Our Future has spent $2,164,727, despite a $5 million contribution from the wife of casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who already donated $5 million to the group…
Romney, meanwhile, has spent $6,723,288 and the pro-Romney super PAC Restore Our Future has spent $8,815,227 for total Romney-supporting spending of $15,538,515.
The fire GOP primary challenger Newt Gingrich is taking this week in Florida is truly extraordinary, from the outsized spending against him to the dredging up of footage of Gingrich disparaging Ronald Reagan (yes, really). And after Mitt Romney’s fiery performance in last night’s debate in Jacksonville, the story today in all media is Romney “reclaiming the initiative.”
But even if Romney can outclass Gingrich in Florida, is that the end for Newt? A poll follows.
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I can’t see Gingrich suspending his campaign before that, even with a series of primaries coming up that Romney should easily win, like Nevada and Maine.
And he must stay in until February 7th–otherwise ArapaGOP is going to have nothing to do and we can’t have him sitting around idly, soaking up his Romney talking points for future regurgitation. He needs to stay busy attacking Gingrich for a few more weeks.
If he drops out, the Dems will have to start putting out their own anti-Romney ads. So much easier when the work is already done. So. Much. Easier. Next thing we know Paul will be out and then we’ll have to do all the fucking work.
If by “survive,” you mean live on to keep reminding “the base” that Romney is a sad candidate who will only make them cry, then yes.
infusion of $5M donations should afford a modest level of life support . . .
… just that much less available for the general.
but It is the beginning of the squishing in terms of surviving as in coming out the ultimate winner, don’t you think?
and then come spend lots of that money here in Colorado.
continues even though he wouldn’t come close to being considered a “real” enough conservative today. Kind of silly that being seen as not sufficiently worshipful of Reagan is still a possible a deal breaker with the contemporary right.
George H.W. Bush raised taxes after promising he wouldn’t, and he lost to Bill Clinton. His son nearly destroyed the GOP brand. Gerald Ford lost — to Jimmy Carter! And Nixon was more liberal than any Democrat these days. Ditto Eisenhower. There’s not a lot to work with here!
Even though it hurts today’s conservatives to admit it. When Leslie Stahl confronted Cantor with this simple fact he really didn’t want to admit it and his press secretary went nuts:
Also the top tax rate was sky high compared to now. He had lots of questionable Hollywood friends too, no doubt including gay ones. Then, of course, there’s the whole amnesty thing. If you ran Reagan’s record without his name he’d never make it anywhere in today’s GOTP, much less into sainthood.
Funny how GOTPers have to be totally against any path to citizenship for illegals already here for a lifetime and also have to call the idea of the rich paying an increase that still would keep them well below the top Reagan era tax rate class warfare while remaining entirely worshipful of Saint Reagan at the same time. Seems like that could lead to some painful strains and tears. Or at least looking like idiots, as Cantor and his press secretary did.
But what are they going to do, identify Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge as their icons? Out loud?
I’d say both Hoover and Coolidge make a lot more sense as icons. But, as you say, not out loud.
Any man who will say those kinds of things then, then try to claim he was Reagan’s confidante now, is not trustworthy.
All that’s happening is the realization that Gingrich can’t win.
Also, the anti-Romney union ads in Florida are backfiring horrendously. As if we didn’t know who Obama is afraid of.
Looking forward to Tuesday!
Just know that you’re a dick. And guess what? Who cares whether Tweedle Mitt or Tweedle Newt wins your nomination? Either one is going to look like crap in the general. The American public is no longer jumping every time you cry “class warfare” and they aren’t going to elect the monopoly guy with the top hat and monocle. Not while they’re getting so, shall we say trickled on? And that monopoly guy would be your boy, Mittens. Also not going to elect Newt because, as Dio so succinctly put it, he’s just a fucking reprehensible pig.
Night, night ArapBoy.
Because every time somebody repeats Newt’s a fucking reprehensible pig, we remember Newt’s a fucking reprehensible pig and it’s harder to get out of our mind that Newt’s a fucking reprehensible pig and it just sticks there: Newt’s a fucking reprehensible pig and pretty soon it’ll be there forever that Newt’s a fucking reprehensible pig so, please, don’t repeat Dio’s Newt’s a fucking reprehensible pig bit or–
Oh my god that fucking reprehensible pig Newt Gingrich is a fucking reprehensible pig.
to slap you! Quick!
After that, not so much. 🙂
Because I think “trustworthy” when I think of Mitt (a) running as an abortion and gay rights “progressive” for a decade (one who voted in a Dem rather than Repub prez primary, no less), until he decided to run for Prez, (b) making a private health insurance subsidy-plus-mandate law his signature accomplishment, until it came time to bash Obama for doing the same just a few years later, (c) insisting he really wasn’t going to run for Prez until the last minute in 2011, despite the obvious evidence he’s done little since 2008 than run for Prez….
Face it: if you’re a Romney backer, you really really don’t want to stress “trustworthy” as a criterion for Prez. He’s your party’s John Edwards: a slippery dude with great hair who ran centrist to get elected in his own state, then shifted to the fringe to run in his Prez primary. I suppose he lacks Edwards’ sex drive, though.
The Republicans elites don’t want him so he’s going down hard.
Is he sociopathetic? You decide, I’m not a clinician and don’t pretend to be. Is he a fucking reprehensible pig? In my professional opinion, oh, you betcha he is!
Do I care if he or Mittens win? Not really, not so long as I’ve still got plenty of popcorn.
“fucking reprehensible pig”.
The term so accurately described deposed but not quite imprisoned Myrl Serra, the former DA from Montrose.
How about narcisociopathisist?
What’s wrong with “fucking reprehensible pig”?
Why does everything have to be some kind of GD disease these days? Ok then, how about “FRP syndrome”? . . . I suppose that Pfizer could still market some drug to treat that.
Dio’s “fucking reprehensible pig” will do just fine.
But he doesn’t has the emotional stability or temperament to be president. Newt might make a good Cabinet member, but we need clear thinking 100% of the time in the White House.
double ROFLMAO.
So this is what happens when BOTs go off-script and try to message for themselves?
We get Newt as, . . . what, Secretary of the Sanctity of Marriage? How about positions for Cain, Perry, Bachmann and, oh what the hell, the big Kahuna Barbie herself, Sarah Palin-Revere?
(You were warned to stay away from that yellow snow, but you wouldn’t listen to a liberal, would you?)
A man of the people, that one.
I agree with Dio, the $5M infusions could help keep Newt alive, to remind–as RedGreen notes–the base that Mittens will only make them cry…
I have to admit watching Newt stumble and miss last night was fun too…Mittens came out swinging. But I hope he hangs in there a while. It just won’t be the same without pandering professor populist.
if a lowly cabinet member only thinks clearly 60% of the time, apparently. Go, Newt! Let’s shake things up at Commerce!
an unstable dickhead in the cabinet do? ArapG, you’re too funny!
The one thing I agree with Mitt about is this: Newt is a complete moron if he thinks he can slash NASA’s budget and use tiny “prizes” to get private companies to spend hundreds of billions on (a) a permanent moon base inhabited by over 10,000 people, and (b) regular “moon flights” for civilians.
Get your talking points from Mitt HQ straight, dude; I know it’s tough with Mitt flip-flopping as fast as he can run from his record, but that’s why I don’t envy your job here.