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January 20, 2012 10:38 PM UTC

Who Will Win the South Carolina Primary?

  • by: Colorado Pols

Assuming there are still enough candidates left in the field for an actual vote tomorrow, we want to know what you think will happen. Who is most likely to emerge as the winner of the South Carolina Primary tomorrow?

Who Will Win the South Carolina Primary?

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23 thoughts on “Who Will Win the South Carolina Primary?

  1. We’ve got to be careful, though.  We only want Romney to be wounded, not taken out entirely.  Newt has as much chance of being the nominee as Ron Paul.  

    If Mitt continues to screw up, the GOP establishment will start running favorite sons (Bill Owens for President, anyone?) leading to a brokered convention and a white knight to the rescue in Tampa.  I’m still very worried about Jeb Bush.  

  2. with his “I cheated on both of my wives but I’m the real victim here” performance in the debate.  Furthermore, South Carolinians are not going to vote for a Mormon when there are non-Mormon Republican alternatives on the ballot.

  3. in seeing how 2012’s turnout compares to 2008’s, both as a tracker of GOP rank and file morale, and to see if evangelical distaste for two papists* and a Mormon is a factor of any kind.

    * Ex-Catholic here, just using evangelical terminology.

  4. SC R’s are proud that every R nominee of the past xx years has first won SC.

    SC started the Civil War, and hasn’t changed much since.  I hate the way they trashed McCain in 2000,  I wouldn’t have voted for McCain because I didn’t want to invade Iran, but he’s still an American hero.  The voters of SC shouldn’t get to choose dog catchers, let alone presidential nominees.

    I say – on to Florida!  Where the candidates can all talk about how social security is a ponzi scheme and medicare should be cut.  Of course, Romney is going to be the nominee. See, he’s the “presumptive” nominee, and since no one knows what presumptive means (it’s a done deal) we can just ignore that and call him the nominee.

    As for a brokered convention – wow. Won’t happen.

    If it does, the party will self destruct as annoyed fat white people descend on Tampa with lawn chairs and rv’s, The tea party will guarantee the destruction.  But if an open convention could result in a Reagan or Eisenhower nomination, I’d go for it.  Or Monica Goodling.  

    1. the electorate just believed what was fed them.  

      You wanna laugh & hate Palmetto peeps for anything then you gotta bring up the right honorable Strom “humpin’ the help” Thurmond and TeaBagger-in-Chief Jim DeMint and yer everyman Alvin Greene — all southen gents that have made that state so much fun.

  5. He is all over CNN and they are all over him….groveling, apologizing…every second or third wife in Carolina will vote for Newt.  Every divorced or free lancing spouse will vote for Newt.  Every parent who thinks their kid got screwed by an bitter ex-spouse will vote for Newt.

    Newt is showing how you can be a bully and a cad and an angel at the same time.

    I still think of porky pig every time I see his face…

    Now, what  may well have happened to Newt has to do with his first marriage…..he married his high school geometry teacher when he was 19 and she was 24.

    There is speculation that the affair started when he was 16.  If true, then he is a victim of child abuse by a person in a position of trust and it  may explain his subsequent behavior.

    Has anyone considered the possibility that his manic behavior and reported depression may be due to bi-polar disorder???

    The real victim here is freedom of the press….Newt has successfully cowed CNN….he intimated John King and in effect said that the press will not be independent, but will rather do what they are told….and he will dictate to them what their priorities should be……just like he wants to do with “activist” judges.

    Finally, Santorium was on CNN tonight…very pleasant, looking like he was 16…

    1. He’s smug and way too proud of himself and his high-tech toys to be taken seriously.

      Don’t get me wrong. I am not a Newt fan, other than enjoying the political entertainment.

      But King had it coming.

      1. KIng was naive not to be prepared for Gingrich’s response.  Gingrich attacks the media all the time.

        But it is critical that the First Amendment protect the Freedom of the Press. King had a responsibility not to be cowed, bullied or intimated by politicians.  He failed.  That is my concern.

        We need members of the Press to be smug and arrogant, etc.  What is happening is that the “Free” part of the Fourth Estate is shrinking.

        As you may or may not know, the local voices on talk/opinion radio are rapidly disappearing. The newspapers in the country are disappearing.  Broadcast media, that is considered part of the “commons” or airwaves that belong to the public is less and less relevant.  Cable TV that is not run on public airwaves is corporate managed.

        If you know anything about the Watergate saga, you know that Spiro Agnew was the attack dog for the Nixon administration and attacked the press endlessly.

        When the Washington Post began to run the stories, the White House threatened them economically. The

        Post resisted because it was independent and brave.

        What Newt said,in effect, was that he will dictate what questions the Press may ask. He always has the right to refuse to answer questions; but, his attack on the fundamental independence of the Press should have been answered.  KIng cowed.

        1. I do appreciate your concerns about the media and the First Amendment. It takes standing up to politicians and calling them on their bullshit. The television media is growing unable to do it. King and others are picked for their Q ratings, not their journalistic skills, if any.

          If television “news” wants to be taken seriously, it has to hire solid reporters who are not cowed and back them to the hilt. King set himself up by asking the question right out of the box. He should have known Newt would be well-prepared. It would have been better to lie in wait to see if any of the non-Newt candidates brought it up. If not, then he asks it later in the debate.

          But tossing Newt a softball, and standing there smugly as Newt hit it out of the park and not having a comeback question…well, he had it coming.

  6. And it occurred to me that the weakest of the Democratic Field in 2008 was better than the best of the 2012 GOP field.  What a gong show this primary is.

  7. Just saying “I told you so.”

    “Newt plays the keys of everything the repubs hate…

    Obama, government employees, “liberal press,”…..

    his repubs hate more than they love..their country..

    I can’t wait until we have a First Lady who f*#(C that porky pig figure while his second wife had MS.”…

    by: dwyer @ Thu Dec 01, 2011 at 13:32:29 PM MST

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