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September 09, 2006 04:13 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Someday you’ll tell your grandkids that this is where it happened.


85 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

    1. I’ll wager many of them will not just abstain–they’ll switch to another talk show host if he does–like they’re switching to vote for Fawcett.  Alright.  So, I’m exaggerating he’ll be off the air but the best thing for him for audience share would be to stay out.  There are a lot of long knives being drawn in the 5th CD and they’re not going back into the sheathes, not for another 2 years is my guess.

    2. True, True, True.  Machelli openly endorsed Lamborn.  However, the initial endorsement was more of a back-handed slap.  First, Machelli goes into a rant about how the campaign was run.  As if, Mr. Crank himself and his campaign were as pure as the driven snow.

      However, in the end.  Joseph Machelli called upon Congressman Hefley to do the right thing and support Lamborn as well.  Numerous REpublicans called in to say that they were going to support Lamborn (even many who supported Congressman Hefley and Jeff Crank).

      Some callers called in to say that they viewed Hefley’s actions as being somewhat childish and immature.  Others said that if the Republicans were to lose the race to Fawcett, and then the House of Representatives to the Dems by one vote, it would be on Hefley’s head and his legacy to deal with.

      Fact is…Lamborn won.  Fawcett doesn’t stand a chance.  Fawcett’s record on 2nd Amendment Rights, Taxes, and more makes his position completely unrealistic in El Paso County.

      You’d think that Mr. Fawcett would have done a better job on his homework.  Had he done so, his positions on the issues would be somewhat different.  His positions are indicative of a person seeking election in a non-partisan election (i.e. City Council, etc.)

      1. Looks to me like Hefley’s taking his stand on ethics, not party.  Look at Democrat Congressman Mollohan’s site for proof of that:  http://www.mollohan2

        You have to give Hefley credit for that. He even inserted a statement into the Congressional Record defending Democratic Rep. Alan Mollohan’s service on the ethics panel that Hefley chaired and while scolding GOP leaders for attempting to change ethics rules at the start of the 109th Congress–ones such as those that would have allowed Tom Delay to continue in a leadership position while under indictment.

        Maybe Hefley is taking the position that until the FEC complaint against Lamborn is resolved, he should not endorse him.  He certainly didn’t endorse Delay while Delay was (and is) under indictment.  And Delay’s ARMPAC (his 527) was just put out of business in July with a $113,000 fine by the FEC for campaign violations.  Let’s give Hefley even more credit.  Lamborn’s campaign may be looking at some big FEC fines against it as well as against the Club for Growth and the Colorado Christian Coalition for illegal co-ordination.  I’d say Hefley takes it very seriously that someone has to have high ethics before he’s willing to support them.  Lamborn apparently doesn’t rise to the level required by Hefley for an endorsement.  Frankly, Republicans should be proud of him.  I do not know why you, as a Republican, are not.

        BUT!! BUT!!! Doug Lamborn DOES HAVE MARILYN MUSGRAVE’s endorsement–who is ranked as one of the 13 most corrupt politicians in Washington by the same advocacy group that brought the successful complaint that resulted in Delay’s ARMPAC being put of out business.  With her ties to TOM DELAY AND JACK ABRAMOFF, Lamborn should be proud to have her endorsement and not Hefley’s, eh?  She took $30,000 from DeLay’s ARMPAC and another $5,000 from Bob Ney, the first congressman to be implicated based on the Jack Abramoff guilty plea. Did that have anything to do with her voting to weaken House ethics rules when DeLay proposed doing so as GOP Majority Leader?  I think so.  And it looks like Hefley is simply being careful about who he keeps company with–and who he endorses as well.  You Republicans can sure count on Lamborn voting with, ummmm . . . Hefley’s . . . or is it with Musgrave’s sense of ethics when in office? 

        1. Marilyn Musgrave is a Real Conservative Republican, and the attacks on her and Doug Lamborn in this thread shows that the Leftist anti-Christian agenda is alive and well in Colorado. It must be fought at all costs to protect Our Way of Life!!!

          1. Is that why the KKK has endorsed her, because she supports your way of life? Is your way of life also the KKK’s way of life? I think that is insulting to conservatives to say that bigot represents them.

          2. …..I join with these “leftists” on the site in my criticism of Lamborn.  He is unnecessarily making himself out to be percieved as a mere political hack.

            Read this:  http://rockymountain

            “Lamborn, surprisingly, has been demanding that it is his opponents’ responsibility to rally to his side. He has sent his attack dog out, John Hotaling, blaming Joel Heffley for causing division in the ranks. But Lamborn only received 27% of the primary vote, and he only commands 12% support among registered voters. Does he have a right to demand the support of his opponents without seeking it out himself? Some think yes others no. But while Lamborn sits on his self-made throne, he may cause major problems for Republicans statewide.”

            I think I must agree with this assesment as pro-life, anti gay marriage, religious righter. 

            Ask Phoenix Rising, he’ll tell you.

            1. Lamborn won. Crank lost. This wave of RINOism down in the Fifth District is the real enemy. Some people just aren’t used to having to really fight for something they believe in. That’s why they need leaders like Doug Lamborn and Marilyn Musgrave. It’s not fair to attack Mr. Hotaling. He is very experienced and has brought this Conservative Republican this far. To see “Republicans” turning on him this way is embarrassing.

              1. ….As well as my own. 

                Others suggest that Lamborn is the key to this thing.  I have to say it is complelling.

                My opinion:  why in the world has it come to this?  The Christian Coalition piece should never have happened.  It was false and misleading and was certain to cause strife.  Lamborn and Hotaling knew this.  So now we are left with the fallout.

                Can one throw a bomb on the table and not expect an explosion with consequent shrapnel damage?

                And, by the way, your defense of “Mr. Hotaling” does not reflect his actual effect on Colorado politics.  Here’s his effect:  Marilyn Musgrave’s campaign is in trouble, and so is Doug Lamborn’s.  One of them is likely to lose this fall.  And even if they both win, the party is fragmented in the most important Republican county in the state.  I know now what you use for a measure of success, but in my book, that ain’t it!

                1. “The Christian Coalition piece should never have happened.  It was false and misleading and was certain to cause strife.  Lamborn and Hotaling knew this.”

                  You intone that Lamborn and Hotaling knew about the CC mailer before it went out. Are you implying that Lamborn and Hotaling broke federal law? Are you implying that the Colorado Christian Coalition broke federal law?

                  Because, if what you state is true, then all three groups broke FEC laws. Is that your claim?

        2. How about Hefley and his tand with Congressman Trafficant???  TYhe Ohio Dem doing federal time.  Hefley went south on Delay because he got torpedoed by the Dealy people in his bid for a Chairmanship position.  Nothing more, nothing less.

          Those in El Paso County who were really close to the Hefley Clan, know that he did his share of dirty deals over the years.  Sadly, too much like most politicians.

          It’s one of those things wherein if no one is killed, it must be legal.  Problem is, all politics is personal.  Whether we like it or not.

          That’s the problem here.  His popularity was waning, and has been waning, for several years.  No one, except John Anderson had the courage to tell Hefley that it was time to go.  Unlike other Congressmen who have extensive records in Wahington, and have done numerous appearances on television and radio, Hefley never really did much.

          As such, he was often viewed as a “GO ALONG TO GET ALONG” person and it showed.

          Maybe if there had only been two Republican candidates, as in 1986, Crank might have fared better. 

  1. The Republican Governor’s Association is pouring money into
    Iowa, Maine, Arkansas and Michigan. But, they will not give one dime to Beauprez the Beauprez campaign is a total joke and people around the state and the country can recognize it.

    1. Something Is Brewing, go look at the IRS filings.  The RGA may not be giving directly to the BWB campaign, but they dropped a cool half a million into Trailhead back in May.

      It’s just a cute Republican way of laundering money.

    2.   So that last large contribution which the R.G.A. gave to Snakehead was truly the LAST large contribution Both Ways will receive (indirectly and not coordinated, of course) from the R.G.A.?  Interesting, they don’t want to pour money down a rat hole like the campaign Both Ways is running.
        Chris Cillizza, Washington Post political pundit, rates the top 10 or 15 governors’ races each week, with the #1 race most likely to see a change in political party control.  He just moved Colo. up from 6th place to 4th, right behind N.Y. (most likely to change party control), Ohio and Mass.

      1. …right behind NY (Spitzer vs. who?), Ohio (Rep. Strickland vs. “Mr. Kathrine Harris 2004” Ken Blackwell), and Mass. (a Democrat in Mass vs. some other guy who isn’t Mitt Romney…).

        Of course, Beauprez only *really* needs to worry if he moves up to tie with the Ohio race…

  2. She says she is.  Says so right here: http://musgrave.hous

    I’m just having a hard time with her ties to TOM DELAY AND JACK ABRAMOFF.  She has taken $30,000 from Tom DeLay’s ARMPAC and another $5,000 from Bob Ney, the first congressman to be implicated based on the Jack Abramoff guilty plea. Did that have anything to do with her voting to weaken House ethics rules when DeLay proposed doing so as GOP Majority Leader?  I think so.  She can talk about “earmarks” all she wants but looks more like she’s “earmarked” herself as unsavory when it comes to ethics.

  3. Very bizarre that Jon Hotaling continues to stir the controversy in Colorado Springs by keeping up his steady attacks of Crank, despite Crank’s absence of comments about Lamborn and his “sleazy” campaign since Election Day.  Doesn’t Hotaling understand that his attacks are what is causing the rift, not anyone else’s? 

    Lamborn would be wise to fire Hotaling immediately.  He would gain instand support from disgruntled Republicans in CD5. 

    1. We NEED Hotaling to keep undermining Lamborn! He delivered the perfect storm for Fawcett.  Don’t do anything to calm the waters, like that suggestion you made on Hotaling.  If I could find you, I’d take you out back and spank you for that! LOL!

      1. What color do they paint your sky????  Perfect storm for Fawcett would only occur if the RAPTURE were to take place and all Evangelicals, Christians, and Conservatives were to be transported to heaven.  Only chance they guy has.

        Besides, Where Oh Where is Jay Fawcett??? No one has seen the guy since before the primaries.  Much like looking or Waldo, no where to be found.  Not on the airwaves, not at functions, not in parades, and not on TV.  So how is he going to win again, I am interested in seeing this miracle.

          1. on that note I’m affraid we can all agree.  Hypocrisy abounds.  Too much chatter, and too little action.  I look at a person by what they do, not what they say.

            After all, “TALK IS CHEAP>”

    2. and speaking of not knowing when to stop rubbing your vanquished opponent’s face into the ground after the primary is over, has Mike Norton collected his $78,000 court costs from the Little Fella yet?

  4. Republicans all recognize that there is no love lost between the Whiners and the Winners.  However, your continued diatribe and rhetoric only lessens any appreciation that I hade for the Crank Campaign and their supporters.  Be careful folks, it may come around and bite you in the behind.

      1. ive stopped my complaining, as have most others. blah and mrhandy, im sorry but now you’ll have to find something new to complain about because many of the people disturbed by lamborn (or crank shills, as you would say) have queited down for the moment.

        cant wait for the debates, any news on fawcett’s acceptance? i doubt he has a chance but at least the debates would be fun and maybe healthy for the 5th CD.

        1. cctiger,
            I too am getting tired of bickering. I would be interested to hear what these supposed attacks on Crank are, and I too am interested in seeing how the debates go forward. So far no word on Fawcett accepting them.

          1. Fawcett not only accepted all 4, but wanted them to start sooner ? 

              Wasn’t he quoted as saying that Lamborn is proposing all debates be scheduled after the absentee / mail-in ballots are sent to voters, and he (Fawcett) wants the debates earlier so that there isn’t a rerun of the Republican primary ? 

              The story goes that in the primary the absentee voters sent in their votes before Lamborn’s “true nature” was revealed by not denouncing the 527 attacks on his opponents.  Jay wants to debate Doug early enough to influrnce the mailed-in votes. 

  5. For HD 55 Bob Caskey kicked butt on Bernie Buescher.  Bernie sounded like an idiot as Bob closed the deal.  Goodnight folks – the party is over for Buescher.  Now back to the Governors debate.  We’ll let you know how it goes.

    1. Not sure if I trust your evaluation as I’m never sure which of your personalities is speaking, however, anyone see/hear how the Gov candidates did at this debate.

      I’m sorry I had to miss this one.  I would have liked to see how this debate played out since CO’s west slope is at play politically. 

      What was the crowd like? How many?  Any stumbles?  Any hits?

      Do tell…

    2. …I was at the Club 20 debates as well and Buescher wiped the floor with Caskey. He’s still down 6 points from Bernie and I don’t think he will recover. You should like one of those shrill GOP hacks Sybil!

      1. You must not have been at the same event.  Most observers know that Caskey cleaned up on Buescher.  Compared to Buescher’s non answers and dancing around the issues.  Caskey’s straight shooting won the day!  Don’t be so sensative Busta39.  Facts are facts!

      2. I do not think sybil was at the debates if she makes that rediculous claim.  Either that or she was sitting on her head while the debates proceeded.  Bernie tudored Caskey on every issue.  And low-and-behold, this morning, The Daily Sentinel came out with its first ringing endorsment of a candidate in its Sunday editorial.  It was a no brainer.  The headline reads…Re-elect Bernie Buescher!  It is the easiest choice of all the races.  Bob Caskey, the crusty prune who could not find his way out of an intestine, is the first to be squished.
        John Salazar educated Scott Tipton at the debates on how Congress works.  You would think Tipton’s handlers would prep him better before such an important debate.
        Bill Ritter got Both Ways Bob to admit his flip-flop on admendment 38 and told us about how BWB wants to train elk to move from drilling areas to BWB’s wildlife havens, which brought the house down with laughter and applause. 
        I’ve now seen first hand why the Dems are going to control every part of Colorado government come 2007.

            1. And Sybil clearly wasn’t in the same room with Bernie, Caskey, and the audience.

              Caskey came out and said he wants to triple the sales tax.

              And that’s when he WASN’T being stupid and uninformed.

  6. Bob Beauprez says: [not an exact quote] dump the petrol tax and replace it with an increase in the sales tax.

    Let me see if I understand this:
    Don’t tax me
    Tax that grandma behind the tree
    So I can drive my Humvee.

    Bob is an idiot.
    OK, everyone hates paying “high” prices for gasoline. But, to tell people that you will drop the gas tax to zero and raise the sales tax by “1 penny” is pandering to idiots.
    When Douglas Bruce tell you that your idea sucks, you might want to pay attention.


    1. Bob wants to “axe the tax” so that everyone who pays sales tax in this state will pick up the tab on the lost revenue that goes to maintain our road system.  So now…the elderly and those that choose different forms of transportation (or don’t even own a car) will pay be paying for something they didn’t have to pay for previously.  Smart…really smart.

    2. the “Free Market” starts to work (higher gas prices = changes in consumption) against the very industries my party spends all their GD time defending they want to hurry up and find a way to “ease the pain”.  It’s time someone grows a set of gonads and starts shooting straight with the electorate:  cheap gas is history and we better start dealing with reality.

      1. 5 cents? 10? Unless it’s something like 40 or 50 cents it won’t make that much difference to consumers. After all if the oil prices just keep going up they’ll erase that savings soon enough. Better to keep reaping the benefit of gas taxes (so, you know, the roads don’t disintegrate) then gain temporary relief before returning to square one.

        1. Didn’t you get the parties talking points? Stop thinking and start reading! (I think the state gas tax is in the 20 cent range…combined with a federal tax that I also think is close to 20 cents).

  7. …am I wrong in thinking that Mr. Coors is a contributor to that organization, and that people who buy Coors beer (or, for that matter, who buy food in establishments that also profit from selling Coors beer) make his contributions possible?

    1. I have always hated that argument. Now, dont get me wrong, I think I am boycotting at least a dozen different places for a variety of reasons, none political, but the fractional amount that we are talking about that those companies no longer recieve is within a margin of error for them. To me, its like someone saying that they pay for my student loans, or that they are pissed that some taxes go towards public school education when they dont have kids. I think the vast amount of money that Coors has is tied up an whole bunch of different hedge funds lorded over by about 100 stock brokers.

      The only decent beer they have is blue moon, and it is just OK.

      1. Coors Beer?
        What did Coors Beer do to you to earn that responce?

        Coors Light is the only beer I drink whenever I decide to indulge. It is smooth, not heavy, and reasonbly priced.

        Does this mean that it is then ok to “despise” Toyota, Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Mitsubishi, Nissan, and all the rest of the Jap vehicles that are invading the USA? It would seem to me that feelings of distaste should be more along those lines than at a domestic beer company.
        The profits from those billions of vehicles are going straight to Japan and other Asian countries. One day there will be NO domestic car manufacturers and then yall can be real proud of yourselves.

        But to “despise” a beer manufacturer is just plain silly.
        Say it straight, you just don’t like Pete.

        1. they are ahead of the curve on fuel effieiency.  Detroit and it’s legions of MBA’s live in such a silo they couldn’t see the upcoming energy crisis and spent most of their time fighting increases in CAFE standards and getting tax breaks to build thier behemoths.  There is an invasion because the free market is working.  Not much fun to watch, is it?

        2. I dont fashion myself as a beer conniseur (sp?) but I have had everything from the cheapest beer available (american, black label, dixie) to some of the more expensive stuff that I can’t pronounce the names, and I have found that my tastes lie with the microbrews such as ODells, especially Levity, which is fantastic, Beamish, Pilsner Urquell, and Flying dog, among others. American mass produced beer like coors or bud are mass produced, watered down, beer imitations. Sure it may be silly but I refuse to go to Sonic because they have no free refills. Silly? Sure, but i wont patron them. Nor will I patron Coors beer because I think it is awful. I dont agree with Pete on his issues, and dont mind the fact that he got voted of the board of Heinz or that he got a DUI. I dont know him, and I dont care about him.

          As far car manufacturers are concerned I have owned two honda accords and one lincoln continental. My old accord was still kicking after 250k miles and my current one has 230k+ and is doing fine. The Lincoln was done after 100K. Since I need a car that will last a long time I will choose honda over lincoln/ford anyday of the week. If you dont like them dont buy them, but I will.

          1. What a pile of crap. I had a Volkswagon Beetle back in the 70’s too. Another pile of crap.
            I’ll stick to my Fords and Chevys thanks.
            Especially since the 90’s came around. Domestic cars are as good if not better than any Jap car around. And why not? They are being built by the same people that used to build American cars until people like you joined their team.
            I’m not trying to be a dick. I’m just sick of the attitude that American cars are inferior to the Japs.
            They aren’t. And anyone that says otherwise probably hasn’t tried them lately.
            I’ll put my 2003 Ford diesel and my 1996 Chevy SS pick up against anything out there as far as style, dependability, and camparitable size/mileage ratio are concerned.
            And guess what? The profits for them went to America, not Japan.

            1. I hate to break it to you, but my Camry was built in the United States, while your Ford and Chevy were probably built in Mexico. I support giving Americans jobs over giving the American companies increased profits by moving their factories elsewhere.


            2. The deregotary, racial slurs are really getting to me though. Is it really that hard to spell out Japanese?

              I’ll will take my 30 miles to the gallon over the 15 that you get. Saves me a lot of money.

            3. Gecko – I think that most of the overall ratings on reliability and quality tend to rank American cars lower on average than imports.  I have Ford truck as well, because I like it, but I also have an older BMW that is one of the most reliable and most fun cars I’ve ever driven.  That being said, I don’t think anybody’s personal impressions really make a strong case that any country’s autos are superior.  If I thought my beemer was a piece of junk, I wouldn’t assume all German cars to tbe the same.

              Also, remember that these Japanase companies that you’re concerned about are corporations – the profits aren’t just going to Japan, they’re going to the stock owners – eho aren’t necessarily Japanese. The American manufacturers that you bought your trucks from have foreign plants and buy parts from foreign countries, who they pay with their sales, so it’s a mistake to think that your money will continue to 100% circulate in the American economy.  Once again, the profits go to the stockholders of GMC and Ford, both of which have heavy foreign investment.  Probably the only step in the ladder where your money benefitted US interests was the fact that the dealership where you bought them provides jobs for US taxpayers, and you did increase their revenues by paying the dealership mark-up.  That being said, the auto-makers do employ hundreds of thousands of Americans (and many many people in other countries as well), so that’s a good reason to support them.  Either way, there are lots of Japanese cars and products in America because there’s a high demand for them.  If it seems they’re flooding the market, it’s because people want them here, which means they’re high-quality and affordable.  If they were actually crappy products, they wouldn’t be around.

              I’m not judging you at all, but your comments about the ‘Japs’ taking all the profits sound pretty xenophobic.  I haven’t heard anybody complaining about Japanese economic power since the 80s when they were still booming.  Since then they’ve suffered a major crash and are still recovering.  They were never a serious competitor to the states, and since we’re so heavily cross-invested with each other, what’s good for Japan is good for the US.  I’m sure you remember all the panic and speculation created in here when the Japanese economy tanked.  Our economy is globally interconnected, and what’s good for our friends and chief importers, like Japan, is good for us.

              And, if you want to compare the efficiency and quality of Japanese companies and Americans, consider this quick example.  In the mid 90s the Clinton administration created an initiative to really push the Detroit big three to create a quality hybrid vehicle that people would actually buy on a large scale.  Federal anti-trust laws were lifted for GMC, Chrysler, and Ford so that they could work toegther on this project and share all their resources.  The government also awarded them billions of dollars in financial assistance, not as loans to be paid back, just straight-up granting.

              What happened next?  The American auto companies worked on the project for years and failed to produce a single vehicle, or even any promising results.  People naturally investigated what happened and found that the companies had basically squandered the money and that none of them were actually putting their full efforts into developing the vehicle in the hopes that the others would pick up the slack for them.  It was also found that the companies were witholding their own best technologies from each other while attempting to get a look at what the others had developed in the hopes of using them to produce other lines of cars.  Basically the companies couldn’t be bothered with pursuing the project in an ethical and professional manner and they wasted billions of tax dollars on what turned out to be a whole lot of nothing.  I actually count this among the dumbest things enacted by the Clinton administration.  The idea was good, but it was a poor choice to put so much faith in the conduct of car makers.

              Toyota, meanwhile, developed the Prius in the same time-frame for substantially less money.  It went on sale in Japan in ’97 and worldwide in 2001 and has been a huge success.  Doesn’t reflect very well on the American auto makers.

              Also, if you still think Japanese cars suck, I encourage you to go drive a Subaru.  Fantastic off-road handling, great reliability and gas mileage, affordable, very safe, and acclaimed in most other respects as well.  I think Subaru vehicles have been world rally champions for more than a decade running.  At any rate, I don’t see much substance to the notion that ‘American is better.’  Most of the evidence points to the contrary.

            4. It’s been a long time since GM or Ford made a profit. Perhaps it’s time to get a grip on reality!!!!! Gecko’s just lost it!!!!! Domestic cars just as good??? What an idiot!!!!! Some people can’t deal with the truth!!!!

              1. Ok, pick a Japanese vehicle. Go ahead. A Nissan Titan? Toyota Tacoma? What ever you can find with a 3/4 ton chassis. Pick one, any one. Or can you even find one?
                I’ll hook my Ford Diesel up to my 37′ 5th wheel, with my 17′ Invader boat behind it, and pull you and your import to Chicago and still get 17 miles to the gallon.
                Try doing that with a Datsun.

                At my work my boss is heavy into domestic work trucks. We have a fleet of roughly 70 Chevy/GMC trucks. Many have around 200K miles even though most are less than 15 years old.
                With regular service they are very dependable.

                Domestic cars are just as good as foreign. Drive one and see. Own one and know.

                Same goes with motorcycles. Japanese motorcycles are like Bic lighters. After 10K miles or so you just throw them away. Their re-sale value is zero while a 15 year old Harley will still bring down over 10 grand. I have a 1997 Titan Gecko, made in Phoenix, that Blue Books for right at $15,000.00. What would a freaking Honda almost 10 years old sell for? $200.00?
                Besides the fact that almost every Jap bike out there is trying to imitate the Harley look, sound, and style. I guess they forgot that 40 years ago they were selling bikes that were one step from a peddle scooter.
                You all can keep your Asian cages and wannabee bikes. I’ll drive my domestic vehicles with my sticker of Calvin pissing on “Jap Crap” in my back window, thanks.

                1. That’s kind of a disappointing response.  People took the time to point out all the economic problems with suggesting that buying American is better, buty all you had in response was more anecodtal evidence and some rant about motorcycles.  And, all this talk about “Jap Crap” sounds pretty bad.  I’m sure you take pride in not repsecting any standards of political correctness, but that kind of phrase is in really poor taste.  The standard – say you’re at some social engagement discussing the relative merits of Japanese and American trucks with a Japanese guy – are you really going to say to his face “I’ll never buy that Jap crap!” I can’t speak for you, but I doubt you would because you know on some level that it’s derogatory and rude.  If you wouldn’t say it in relavent context, don’t toss it around on the blogs either, please. 

                  You know, I have a feeling some Japanese guy burned you off the line in his Japanese car, which is the only plausible reason I can think of for your intenese dislike of all things Japanese.  Just kidding, but seriously, why all the bitterness?

                  Either way, take it easy fella.  You usually post a lot more thoughtfully than that.

                  1. I never tried to offend you, I just speak my mind. Which has many times gotten me into hot water. I heard all of what you said. Even the wiseass that called me names.
                    I have told Japanese people before that I would never buy their vehicles. I’ve told it to their faces. Even though I was at work at those time we talked off the record. I’ve told them that I didn’t like the way their country has swamped the market with their cars and therefore cornered the market so to speak. They don’t have to pay the huge benefits that the Unions that you all love so much force GM to pay. Therefore their cars are cheaper and they can offer longer warranties. But y’all forget that the same people that are on their assembly lines used to be on Ford’s. Till they lost their jobs.

                    I am also very frustrated at the American public for falling for it. What is the matter with Saturns? Or Ford Focus? Or Chevy’s if you want a little car?
                    Nothing. But many people are just of the mindset that America= bad. Japanese= good.
                    One day they and the Chinese will own us.
                    If y’all can’t see that or don’t care, be afriad. It’s coming.

                    1. You didn’t affend me at all – but I think the term Japs can bring up some bad memories of the days of internment camps and such, just kind of rude.  I’d equate it to the term “beaner” as applied to Mexicans, which is pretty offensive to some.  I know you probably don’t mean it in a really derogitory context though.

                      I still disagree that they’re flooding us with products – I maintain that a country can’t be flooded with anything that its citizens aren’t demanding, so really the blame rests with us.

                      I wouldn’t worry about the Chinese owning us – they already do in one rezpect as they’re the largest financier of American debt – but they have a long way to go before they’re really competative.  There has been a lot of hype about China, but the reality is that they’re still a developing country with a majoirty of peasants and eventually this rapid growth will burn itself out.  And, when the time comes they’ll be twice as gouged by oil shortages.  We have to look at countries like China as friends and encourage their development, it works out better for everybody in the end.  Besides, if you’re still worried consider that we could take both of them two times over in a military conflict.

      2. Actually, my understanding of how boycotts work (i.e. why they are effective) is somewhat different.

        I won’t argue with the notion that a boycott of Coors Beer won’t affect Pete Coors’s personal investments.

        BUT, a publicized boycott of Coors products as a means of protesting Pete Coors’s underwriting of Trailhead might well (a) affect the Molson Coors Brewing Co.’s stock price, and (b) lead executives of the company to lean on Pete to stop funding Trailhad and other sleazy operations. No company–much less a mutlinational outfit like Molson Coors–wants to get into the middle of a political firestorm.

        A generation ago, Henry Ford’s investments in Nazi Germany made products of the Ford Motor Co. anathema to anti-Nazis… why shouldn’t the same hold true of Coors?

        At the same time, a boycott of Coors seems entirely free. We’re not talking about doing without beer here: Can anyone really distinguish Coors from Budweiser from Miller–especially after the first one?

        I think an organized boycott of Coors could well be highly effective in Colorado politics!

        1. from Budweiser from Miller– especially after the first one?”
          I know I can. I can’t stand Bud or Miller. But I love Coors and Coors Light.
          I have been places where nothing is available but Bud or Miller and even after a couple beers, I still don’t like them.
          And micro brews are not for me either. Too bitter and/or strong.

        2. I remember in a marketing class i took there was a study shown to us that in a blind taste test people could not tell the difference. In a nonblind taste test people said there was a difference.

          An organized boycott, in this circumstance, I do not think would work for three reasons:
          (1) Coors is too ingrained in colorado society for enough people to sign on to this boycott;
          (2) Colorado is, by registration standards, a  red state. And while many people would be may be disgusted with the way campaigning is going currently I dont think there would be enough pressure brought to bear through a boycott.
          (3) I would be willing to wager that many of those same executives support the same causes and would take a long view in terms of a boycott, i.e., getting their own people elected and then the resulting goodie bag from that.

          I appreciate your idea, and believe me I am signed on, I just dont think it will have much of an impact.

          1. I suspect you’re right about getting very many people in Colorado to boycott Coors… lots of cultural issues involved.

            BUT, the real idea is to generate enough publicity to make Moulson Coors execs in Montreal wonder: do we want Pete’s looney-fringe ideas and activities to sully the name of one of our lead products? After all, shouldn’t beer, of all things, be non-partisan? Barring more research, I can’t think of any other brew that makes me think Republian or Democrat.

  8. Both Ways Bob has a plan to move elk herds away from oil and gas drilling areas in Colorado. 

    He will talk to them –as reported in the Grand Junction Sentinel.


    At the debate, Ritter said to Beauprez,  “You talk about the fact that we might be able to change thousands of years of wildlife migration patterns and have them go to an off-site place.”

    Beauprez responded by saying he would talk to the elk about it. 

      “We’re not talking and asking the elk herd to migrate to Kansas; we’re asking them to migrate to areas they already migrate to,” Beauprez said.

    Both Ways’ plan would divert severance tax funds from the Department of Natural Resource’s discretionary funds and then use this money to create secondary habitats for wildlife.

    Get real, Bob!  You may have been able to talk to your dairy cows, but the elk are not listening to you!

    1. It has become a tradition for R Guv candidates.

      John Andrews talked to beans.  Not sure whether Elk qualify as being higher on the food chain than beans, but it does seem a step in the right direction.

  9. According to the Springs Gazette Telegraph:

    Beauprez — a downward spiral?

    GRAND JUNCTION – Anemic August fundraising totals for gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez may indicate that his campaign is in trouble less than two months before the November election.

    Beauprez, a Republican congressman from Arvada, raised $216,520 in August, bringing his total to $2.4 million.

    During the same time, his Democratic opponent, former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter, collected $606,000. His total for the campaign season stands at $2.7 million.

    August was not a good month for the Beauprez campaign — he and his running mate both had to apologize for offensive comments — and many highly placed GOP leaders are privately expressing concern that his campaign is on the rocks.

    The release of his fundraising number Saturday seemed only to confirm their fears, one expert said.

    “This is just another indication that Beauprez is clearly in trouble as we approach the second week of September,” said Floyd Ciruli, a Denver pollster. “It’s getting late, and there isn’t a lot of time to turn it around.”

    Seeing that Ritter raised almost triple the amount collected by Beauprez gave Ritter’s campaign a shot of good news.

    “There are less than 60 days before the election, and that cannot mean good things for (BB’s) campaign,” said Evan Dryer, spokesman for Ritter. “Our fundraising has allowed us to purchase a significant amount of television and radio time.”

    The fact that this story would run in *El Paso County* hurts Bob more then you’d think.  This is supposed to be his anchor county.  He’s supposed to bank these republican voters early and the county is supposed to offset the Denver Dem vote.

    But with the only paper in town confirming the metro speculation that BB is “cratering”, this just continues to suck the air out of Bob’s proverbial campaign room.

  10. I don’t live anywhere near CD-6 but just received a mailing from TT for “a personal appeal for your support”.  He says that he has a formidable opponent who still has $177,000 in the bank — “much more than one would expect at this point in the race”.  I thought conventional wisdom on this site was that Winter was nothing more than a mosquito on Tom “the Elephant” Tancredo’s behind.  What’s up?  Would someone enlighten me on what’s going on in CD-6 so I can decide whether to send TT any money or not?

  11. Buescher in HD 55 is in trouble.  Caskey has this thing sewn up.  Even the Democrat shills on this site have been posting about poll numbers where Bob is improving.  The shills said Caskey went from 9 percent to 6 percent.  It looks like Bob is gaining on Bernie in the minds of the Democrat shills.

    But, Bob Caskey is up almost 7 percent over Bernie Buescher.  With Bob’s superior intelligence and debate skills – Bernie will lose big in 2006!

    1. You tried to spin Caskey last time.
      He’s a nothing.  A non-entity.  He’s like Shari Bjorklund without the fat ass.

      I’m sure you’re really conscientious about trying to earn your money, but this group can spot a shill from a hundred miles away.

      Go ghost-write letters to the Free Press or anyone else who will publish them on a slow news day.  But quit trying to bullshit people on this website.  Most of us are critical thinkers.  Too smart for your spin.

      1. Ralph:

        You are just too smart for me… 

        Just because you work for Buescher you can’t see the forest for the trees.

        Actually I am a former Bernie supporter that just happened to be totally impressed with Bob Caskey.  Bob is too smart to talk in specifics.  He keeps people guessing about what he really thinks – yet his sound bites are impressive.  They are broad enough to cover all the bases and yet you find yourself agreeing with his positions.  Bob is an artful politician who will put Bernie to shame. 

        Plus I couldn’t support Bernie again, he has lied about how he was going to represent us.  I have several friends who have now switched from Bernie to Bob.

        Frankly, Bernie is in trouble.  His support is slipping away.  Have you noticed how many R’s that formerly supported Bernie are now lining up and donating to Bob?

        1. How much does your grandpappy pay you to write stories on here.  A dime a post?  I’ll make ya a deal.  I will give you twooooo whole quarters if you give it a rest for two months.  After that, I’ll help you write grandpappy stories and you can show your little friends how many you have here. Is it a deal?

        2. “He keeps people guessing about what he really thinks – yet his sound bites are impressive. “

          This is one hell of an endorsement of a candidate.

          Caskey won’t tell people what he thinks but will give them impressive sound bites.

          Now there is a very good reason to vote for someone.

          I can see the bumper sticker now:


          Sounds like BWB, except BWB can’t even get any kind of positive sound bite.

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