The Washington Post reports–not our choice of words, folks.
A Time-CNN poll released Wednesday put Romney at the front of the pack despite his decision to spend relatively little time in Iowa, where a conservative GOP electorate has resisted his candidacy. Romney had 25 percent support, compared with Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.) at 22 percent and former senator Rick Santorum (Pa.) at 15 percent. Former House speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.), who was the front-runner just a month ago, trailed with 13 percent in the Time-CNN poll…
After months of being near the bottom of the standings, Santorum has surged, becoming the latest symbol of the Republican electorate’s continuing search for a satisfactory candidate. His new statewide radio ad, “Unite,” promotes his record on abortion and dubs him the “one consistent conservative” in the race.
In an interview Wednesday on CNN, Santorum said: “Polls change; convictions don’t. A lot of people are moving toward my position, trying to move toward the conservative primary.”
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and I’m loving every minute of it. “NotRomney” sure is a fickle mistress.
Hey A-GOP, you still like Romney’s chances against Obama? Because I’ll bet you – IF you’re willing to meet me in person and shake on it. (I will not be stiffed like MADCO.)
In addition to the ahem, Santorum Surge (recommended solution: plunger, mop and some Lysol):
USA Today notes that PPP asked a group of likely voters, not just Republicans, for their preferences in the caucus.
Who would Dems and Independents vote for? Someone they actually want as a GOP President, or simply a spoiler?
In the meantime, Michelle Bachman continues her downward spiral:
Crazy Michele said:
Both Sorenson, an Iowa state senator, btw and the Paul camp are denying the monetary aspect–as is Bachmann’s own campaign director. One can only wonder if Michele got God’s voice confused with Sorenson’s.
In any regard, Sorenson shot himself in the foot as far as his own political aspirations go. Even if he didn’t get paid, Iowans are funny about things like loyalty.
Ain’t politics fun!
… perhaps in four years, the candidates and the media will not spend quite as much time in what is essentially a marginal, non-representative backwater race?
Sorensen may have shot himself in the foot by opportunistically abandoning a sinking campaign for the seeming frontrunner, Ron Paul (did he just now realize Bachmann’s penchant for MSU? — Really, he took a boatload of money to switch? Uh, huh). But it seems to me the GOP “brand” has been tarnished even more by having a randomly changing “leader” in the polls.
What the hell else are they going to write about?
But seriously, the chatter about Iowa’s caucuses being past their expiration date is getting more attention:
Ultimately, it’s the candidates that will determine whether they want to play in Iowa again in four years. Especially if Romney does well with minimal investment and Paul wins, there will be little incentive to pay much attention to Iowa next time.
have to be vitally important to Iowa’s economy. For their economy the more candidates the better. Campaign teams buying meals, motel rooms, newspaper ads and radio and TV ads all over the state
Yes, yes I did.
How’s that Gingrich win you predicted turning out for you? Face it, you just aren’t very good at predicting. That’s why it’s strange that you do it all the time.
A Santorum Surge is probably listed somewhere under “signs of the end times” for the GOP. He’s Michelle Bachmann minus the charisma and the quotable quotes.
but he has something else the religious right seems to prefer in their candidates. He’s a man. Also, he’s a white man. No surprise that as religious righties abandon Newt they aren’t going to the little woman who submits to her husband but to the candidate who is the husband, as their racist and patriarchal natural order demands. You don’t think they were going to stick with the black guy or the female when push came to shove,? He may not be much but he is the right color and gender.
a Y chromosome?
Gay guys are still guys, some of them very impressive and tough guys you wouldn’t want to cross, and don’t you forget it.
But I’m supremely confident Marcus Bachman isn’t anyone to be scared of, unless you’re one of his wards.
And didn’t really suspect you of anything more than going for irresistible snark.
We’re in the first 15 seconds of the episode where Kwai Chang Caine is just entering the town.
can’t wait to see how that gets redefined given what “Santorum” has come to mean, that foamy mix of lube and fecal matter.
You didn’t get the obvious double entendre in the title of this post?????? They even put it in quotes. Santorum surge. Get it?????
bubbling up in the polls.
(That IS what the Republican primary has become) Timing is everything.
Five more days is not enough to get to second place, and third place in already quirky Iowa won’t take him far, even if he manages that.
Anyway, the spotlight would incinerate Santorum just as it has burned Gingrich, Bachman, Paul, and Perry, if it remained fixed on him for any length of time.
Paul also seems better positions for a follow up placing in NH than Santorum.
Yet, if Paul winds up as the anti-Romney, it is hard to see GOP voters nationwide picking him.
and it’s notoriously difficult to poll for a caucus.
Although, yeah, obviously Romney is going to be the nominee in the end.
but McCain was 4th 4 yrs ago
Being against all those fun super patriotic wars of choice and refusing to tell funny jokes about things like bombing Iran is going to be a major problem. I think a lot of his low info rightie supporters have no idea he’s as peacenik, where foreign policy is concerned, as any aging hippy, as all for “cutting and running” as any evil socialist Muslim loving Dem and as “soft on crime” as those liberals calling for an end to the failed drug war. They just think he’s anti-Washington establishment. They will certainly be made aware, though.
I called this over two weeks ago. I could see that the quiet man with a dog obsession was getting ready to push his way up the standings.
He is creepy enough for the far, far right (where is Gary Larson when you need him). He is not Morman. And, he is the “nice nephew” for those looking for a relative to vote for wanting to overlook he is probably gay.
For all the reasons of Iowa that shove him spike upward, those are the reasons his polls go soft for the rest of the country. He might take Louisiana only because they like a little kink in their politicians.That would be it for his penetration into the rest of the race.
C’mon Rick! You can do it. Yes, right there Rick. Oh buddy!!!
Was that the Rapture? I thought I felt the planet move. Oh, never mind, that was just Newton walking by.
Rick, sir, you alone can finish this. No one else ever could.