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September 08, 2006 03:26 PM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols



46 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

    1. nothing more than a communist/socialist, America hating, extreme liberal lefty, tree hugging, business hating, welfare loving, wacko.
      And I think you might be a closet Bush supporter too.
      Any questions?

      1. “Liberalism is Dead” you are nothing but a blind, fascist, lemming, fake Uber Patriot, war mongering, “take my freedoms please”, Fox News infested, “everyone must agree with me”, scared of Democracy, moron.

        Any questions?

      2. So what you’re saying is, you hate the constitution, the environment, preventing wide-spread diseases and chaos caused by unchecked privitization of corrupt business, and do you love war-profiteeting, totalitarianism and fear?  Do you also love the creation of hierarchy and the use of the meek to impose laws of hate and religious bigotry?  if so, you must be a neo-con.

        Im going go take side with Sir Robin on this one, since you are a Bush appeaser, and/or even a fascists!

      3. dead,

        You need to step outside of your trailer park, go to the library and educate yourself.  Also, relax, communism is not a threat to you.  Just because individuals question our leadership does not mean that we hate America.  Nature is a good thing – we should preserve it – their is a finite supply of natural resources.  And, finally, having a safety net for our citizens, is not all bad.  Based on the tone of your posting, you may need it someday.

      4. with all of you wackos huh? Awww. You all can dish it out but surely can’t take it.
        Face it, liberalism is a socialist dying idea. The USSR tried and failed, Cuba and N Korea are enslaving their masses trying to hold on, but you all think it is just a rosy concept.
        Give the government unlimited money to babysit the masses.

        Bad idea

        Liberalism is dead. Conservatism is the ONLY way the USA will survive.
        Face it.

        1. American cannot be defeated from without, but only from within with appeasers such as yourself, who do not quesiton or hold the government in scepticism.  When you give your rights (with mine along with them) you have given into the thing you claim to fight against, big-brother.

          I’m sorry for your deep confusion on the matter, but conservatism has not existed in the US for the past 30 years.  it died when Reagan took office, and declared war upon our very foundation of democracy. 

          Neo-Cons, which you apparently are, have being hacking away at each citizens liberties and freedoms out of fear.  It’s sad to think you are comfortable in your ignorance.

          Conservativism: the religios ideology with nastolgic longing for class/race/sex/religion separation in public and private. 

          No thank you.  I love this Constitution, this country along with my freedoms and Rights.

        2. closet Bush supporter matched up anywhere. Heck, Moderate Rs are having trouble with Bush (especially his intrusive social policy) so how the descriptors you put up got to closet Bush supporter was to much of a stretch for my feeble mind.


          The only way the good ol’. love it or leave it, God fearin US of A is going to survive is if we all watch NASCAR, drink beer, watch Survivor, carry guns, and speak Eeenglish.

          Anyone who does not agree with ME is a damn commie!  Redder than red herrings!

          “Liberalism is dead. Conservatism is the ONLY way the USA will survive.
          Face it”

          Do the words get a clue mean anything to you?

          That’s why we kicked your ass in the State House and Senate, passed Ref. C and now have a Demeecrat Senator and took CD 3.

        4. In your own eloquent words, define your version of “conservatism.”  (This I’ve got hear.  And I just might see a need to respond to his/her definition.)

  1. I thought Bob Beauprez announced he would be unable to campaign in Colorado this month due to his Congressional duties in Washington?  So why did Beauprez miss this week’s vote on horse slaughtering?

    Not that this was a critical vote (except perhaps to the horses), except didn’t the citizens of the 7th C.D. elect Beauprez to show up and vote?

    So where was Beauprez this week?

      1. Meat, will Bill Ritter agree to sign a bill outlawing the consumption of monkey meat?

        Maybe it’s already illegal here.  I don’t know.  But it should be.

        1. Have you ever tried it? Do you know what it tastes like? Would you even know a difference between that and hamburger or buffalo or pork, if you werent told? Should we ban squid? Should we be like Chicago and ban foie gras? Veal cutlets? Frog Legs? Turtle soup?

          Your incessant harping on this ridiculous “HE ATE MOKEY MEAT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” is so childish it is laughable. And when you reply, if you do, be sure to bring up your other talking point about how Ritter is about to be deported and Sent to Zaire to have 20 lashes from a water buffalo tail.

            1. Man, you sure got me good on that one! Way to make a nice race-baiting comment! Forgive me if i just gloss over your posts to look for the most glaring rigamorole that you can post.

          1.   This is probably the one and the only time when Moonraker and I are, or will ever be, on the same side of an issue (although for very different reasons), but sale for consumption of monkey meat should be illegal. 
              If you subscribe to Professor Darwin’s theory of evolution (and many, I dare say most, of us do), monkeys and other primates are only a step or two down evolutionary ladder from homo sapiens.  (I know, we’ve got to do something about that name for our species.  Change it to hetero sapiens perhaps?)
              Although technically, it isn’t cannabalism since we and the primates are different species, it does come uncomfortably close to resembling dinner with Hannibal Lector.

  2. Got an interesting bit from Trailhead in the mail.  It isn’t too terribly clear, but it appears to blast John Morse for NOT tampering with police reports when he was police chief in Fountain.  (That is, the piece implies that he — who wasn’t there — should have changed his police officers’ reports because they weren’t convincing enough to win the case.)

    Where do these people come from?  What kind of country do they want to live in?

    1. I chalk that up to the Trailhead Group getting desperate because they know that Ed Jones in in serious trouble.  The El Paso Dems are MUCH more organized than they were when Jones first ran, Morse has been raising a lot of money, and they are going to try to flat out lie.

      Lets just hope that the Morse campaign responds.  Quickly.

      1. Saw the Morse Campaign Commercial for the first time.  The talking shoe bit a just a bit on the corny side if you ask me. 

        Here you have this attention getting ad profiling his background, etc., then this cheesy shoe talking at you.  At first glance I thought it was a talking cat fish.

  3. Has anyone noticed that the filing deadline for the latest contributions and expenditures report was due yesterday? Ritter’s is online… Beauprez’s is not.

    1. He was busy in Washington, D.C. missing votes.  He didn’t have time to remind his staff that their filing was due.  That’s what happens when you get too distracted missing votes.

    2. Our current SOS, who claims to have no partisan politics in her office, has the snail system of posting the filings on the website, with democrats first.  Sometimes, Republicans will go days, and even over a week, with having their finances open for the public to view.  How fitting.

    3. Candidates and Registered Agents,

      As you may know, the Secretary of State’s on-line Campaign and Political Finance system was down due to unanticipated technical problems from September 2, 2006 to September 4, 2006.  Consequently, the electronic filing date for the report period ending August 30 will be extended to September 9.

      We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered.

      Campaign and Political Finance Team

      Colorado Department of State

      1700 Broadway, Suite 270

      Denver, Co.  80290

      303-894-2200 xtn 6383 (phone)

      303-869-4861 (fax)

  4. Heard the tail-end of a KHOW broadcast yesterday about a supreme court justice speaking in Boulder tonight.  Is it someone from the State court or SCOTUS?  Was I just hallucinating, as usual?  Anybody have more information?

  5. The Denver Post reported this morning Beauprez missed the vote in DC yesterday.


    Why does everyone on Coloradopols think he was in DC? 

    Would you believe he was right here in Colorado yesterday? 

    I think taxpayers should require him to pay them back for all his missed votes and lack of work on their behalf. 

    He hasn’t been our Congressman since the day he announced he was running for governor!

    1. The House conducted nine roll call votes this week.  Bob Beauprez missed all of them.

      Where was Bob Beauprez?  Did he get lost hiking in the wilderness?

      1. And has apparently been in Colorado all week.  According to the Rocky, he spent an hour with their editorial board today:

        Beauprez pitches state sales tax for roads

        September 8, 2006

        Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez today suggested replacing Colorado’s gasoline tax with a statewide 1-cent sales tax, mainly because gas-tax revenues are shrinking due to fuel-efficient cars.

        “You’ve got to come up with some sort of a revenue system that’s other than the gas tax…because that’s a declining revenue source,” Beauprez said during a free-wheeling hour-long interview with the “Rocky Mountain News” editorial board.

  6. Another great picture of Bob Beauprez…..

    but I guess this one was from the Ft. Collins Coloradoan. I just got it from the Ritter campaign newsletter.  Can someone post it here? Because it’s a classic BWB pose.

    1. You’re right – this has become a very bad habit.  Next, some wily dem will create a website based solely on Bob’s crappy photos and stupid quotes.  God help us.

  7. which should and could have come out before the 2004 elections, is a damning indictment of the lies that have cost us dearly in lives and treasury lost….dearly!

    The question is, what is the Republican Congress going to do with it. The answer, of course, is nothing. Why? Because they’re protecting their own asses insteasd of America. Shameful, shameful, shameful….

    What should happen, of course, is that everyone…and I mean EVERYONE, of all political stripes, should be held accountable for their complicity, their cowardice, their blind lemming like loyalty….their FEAR for their political lives…..


    History demands it.

  8. Across the country the Republican Governor’s Association is pouring big money to help their candidates. They have spent millions in Arkansas, Maine, Alaska and Iowa to name just four. But, they have not spent one dime on Beauprez and have no plans to spend money helping him.
    Say hello to Governor Ritter.

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