We allow vigorous debate at Colorado Pols, and as a site that caters to adults interested in politics, we allow the judicious use of strong language. In the last 24 hours, MichaelEllis has let loose with a tirade of pointless flaming. These exchanges go well beyond reasonable standards of debate, and do not seem to have a purpose other than petty antagonism of other users. This detracts from the experience of everyone who visits our site.
For these infractions, MichaelEllis is sentenced to two days in the Pols Penalty Box.
The Pols Penalty Box is a less-draconian way than banning users to calm down a flame war or enforce the very minimal policies governing this community, where users can write whatever they want during their suspension (all by themselves).
To visit the Colorado Pols Penalty Box, click here. Remember, only Penalty Boxed users may comment at the Penalty Box, and only during their suspension period.
NOTE: Any attempts to circumvent a sentence to the Pols Penalty Box, including the creation or use of duplicate accounts by a Penalty Boxed user, will result in a permanent ban.
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at the CorpTraitorWallStDem HQ
The last thing we need here is some independent-thinking outsider demonstrating an ability to fight back when we gang up on him for dissenting against the groupthink of our little netherworld. So what if he was only fighting back (successfully) against our mindless bullying? We make the rules in this here sandbox, and if we say it’s OK for us to mercilessly flame dissenters but it’s not OK for them to fight back with equal tone and vigor, well, that’s just the way it is. Right on, Guvs.
It really takes some creativity, tenacity and all-around arrogance to do it. Few have achieved such a tough, and lofty goal.
Hopefully it was worth this slap-yourself-on-the-back comment.
The few, the proud, the fruitcakes…
I will venture to guess you could see a seasonal in-box delivery.
I remember Libertad creating an obvious fake account during his Penalty Box time, and the only result was that it was extended for a few more days.
Apparently this is a new rule, and if what I suspect about “RedGreen 2.0” is true, we may see it go into action.
Wouldn’t be the first time a Democrat got caught because of a rule made due to a Republican. (Although in a technical sense, the account in question was created before the boxing.)
I’m not 100% sure it was Michael, but it’s gone now.
We’re under no obligation to tolerate continued, willful abuse.
now Michael is going to go the persecuted civil libertarian/underground freedom fighter/fight the power hero route.
The corporate superstructure at Pols just can’t stifle his all important screeds.
First they laugh at you, and then, well, they laugh at you again.
Viva la resistance !
there appears to be room for all of us
only go up to 26.
No room for those of us with numbers larger than a baker’s couple dozen (or a couple bakers’ dozens?).
did you have to reregister when Pols set up the login system? I’d figure you to be someone with a really low number, like MoTR.
IIRC, but don’t know why my number is what it is.
Maybe my name should be Car 4783.
they ran some program that identified each “user” and numbered them in order of their appearance on Pols, starting with a previous upgrade. I figured that out when I found an old diary and saw that the user name numbers were in perfect order.
I put “users” in quotes because they had something like 4700 of them with this upgrade, yet it took nearly three years for them to double that number. There was a whole lot of sockpuppetry going on when you could enter any old name and email address to post your comment.
I only just set it up this morning, before this diary came up.
sigh I guess I’ll have to, if he’s been permanently banished.
Leave it as a reminder of what can happen.
Anyone who pisses off Ralphie gets put in the penalty box or banned. It’s just a matter of when.
Just click the hyperlink in my quote. Michael’s shit was flying EVERYWHERE.
If you want to be the bigger person in your feud with Ralphie, I suggest ending it and never take the bait again. And I mean ever and forever.
quick temper. I don’t condone either of those behaviors. Foul-mouth, flame-throwing newbies get banned or put in the penalty box, while foul-mouthed flame-throwing old-timers are exalted or get elected FPE around here. I’m not the first one to point this out.
Now if you would just walk the walk instead of talking the talk…
Maybe you feel like he “defended” you when you got called out last night, but that dude was out of his mind and clearly determined to go on a full monty meltdown.
and I’ve been a Pols regular for 5 1/2 years now. Maybe in one posts, or two, but not twenty or so, and not directed at everybody who commented.
Surely you can perceive the difference?
watching a freak melt is usually entertaining
They didn’t delete his comments. Just click on his name in my sig line…
The whole fucking feud happened when Ralphie was in bed last night.
And you were put in the penalty box for harassing Ellbee, as I recall. Don’t try to change history.
And yet, you’re still at it, by attacking anyone who disagrees with you for daring to post anonymously…which has been the whole premise of this blog from the beginning.
I would never be out of the penalty box.
You love to play the victim don’t you…
If Michael was PB’d for being a jerk, then why is Ralphie still posting?
The rules are starting to get very arbitrary around here….
as though the rest of the thread doesn’t exist. Very clever! Pointing out something someone else did and had explained repeatedly. Very clever indeed.