“A wise man fights to win, but he is twice a fool who has no plan for possible defeat.”
–Louis L’Amour
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: “America’s Hangman” For Governor, Anyone?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Thousands Turn Out To Protest Trump In Downtown Denver
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: “America’s Hangman” For Governor, Anyone?
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Boebert Hoisted By Her Own POLITICO Petard
BY: ParkHill
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans
It seems to me that such a technology has to fall under the ruling prohibiting random IR sweeps of homes that was issued I think earlier this year.
As a technology to help during certain situations where suspicion has already been raised, this is a useful tool. As a random non-invasive search tool it’s an incredible invasion of privacy.
Why does college cost so much?
College tuition is one of the largest expenses middle class families face. And the state has it in it’s own power to address this at the state owned schools. Doing so in the upcoming legislative session is one of the most powerful things the state could do for the residents here.
But it will mean taking on some very entrenched and politically powerful interests.
Colorado used to have tuition and fee scholarships for every student in the top ten percent of his public high school graduating class. That is how I went to college.
Oklahoma U offers the same kind of tuition and fee scholarship to any student who gets a 29 or greater on the ACT. What happens in OK is that student take that test many times in order to try and get that grade. The ACT is big on math….and kids in OK study up on math.
I would also like to see published the administrative salaries for staff at public colleges and universities.
Mitt Romney Runs From Another Reporter At Fox News Forum
Running away from reporters doesn’t work this early in the process.
You would think after getting royally panned by other networks and talking heads, Romney would want to play nice with a Fox reporter at a Fox News Forum. Fox is the 24/7 right wing destination station for the people he needs right now. Frankly if he’s that adverse to Fox and their treatment of him, he should have skipped the forum entirely.
people would have learned not to take anything reported by a FOX reporter as a resemblance of fact.
Still, blind pigs and broken clocks …
Colorado supreme court just issued an order affirming the district court judgment and returning the case to the district court to certify the congressional redistricting judgment to the SOS. Written opinion to follow later.
(pssst, ArapaGOP, that’s your cue …)
John Andrews will be starting another judicial recall attempt. After the whining, of course.
Andrews can write better and, since Andrews is a veteran I don’t think he’d be calling us “jokers”
in any competent court.
He can whine and subvert the constitution at the same time.
(with certainty…)
I’m officially CD2. I’m officially, for the first time in 19 years, in a district that may actually have a representative that will represent me, Betsy Markey’s brief tenure not withstanding. (Thank you Betsy. You were the best thing that happened to CD4 and I’m eternally grateful for your service.)
I’m such a happy girl right now. I love you Representative Polis. I mean LOVE you. Like with time and dime sort of love.
And now we’re in CD 7. It feels weird. Fortunately, we love Perlmutter.
I’ve been in CD4 since I moved to Colorado. I won’t know what to do with myself with a real Democrat representing me and by real, I mean one that actually returns phone calls.
Thank God you ended up in 7. It’s a bummer for you to lose Polis. I’m glad you at least ended up with another good one–Ed.
Guess I had better get on those Christmas, Holiday cards.
and has a flexible schedule, should stop by the COGCC hearing today, which started about an hour ago.
It is being held in a location other than the Chancery building…on Sherman Street somewhere. I couldn’t locate the address on the COGCC website.
Unless I miss my guess, you will witness the environmental community ignore the real voice of the gaspatch residents and cave to the governor and the CPA.
The evidence? A line from the Western Colorado Congress’s notice about the hearing that called the new “fracking rule” a “good first step”.
The new “fracking rule” being bullied through the COGCC by Hick and the Republic Tower boys isn’t a rule at all. As long as it has a trade secret loophole, it is worthless. Completely worthless.
A “good first step” is not the message I am hearing from the ground troops out here in the hinterlands…but it isn’t the first time we’ve been ignored.
I hope I am wrong about this…I really do.
I hope you’re wrong, too . . .
even more efficiently than Xcel
to hear my doubts
were unfounded. Early reports are that the environmental community did a good job of presenting the case against acceptance of the new fracking rule.
Well done, ya’ll.
bulletin board, cubicle wall, and refrigerator door, it should be:
Send in the Clueless
Sometimes, I guess, even just sucking less has its merits.
Shhh, don’t tell that to David.
I just aspire for better than that from our elected officials.
And bitch more with limited understanding.
I wouldn’t own my own company (work twice as hard for half the pay).
even though he’ll never get it from his own party.
So the Trump/Newsmax holiday egofest “debate” on Dec 27th won’t have Jon Huntsman to kick around (or Ron Paul for that matter). So far, only Neut has RSVP’d this offer to go head-to-ham shaped head with the Donald.
For anyone loving a train wreck this bit of must-see-TV cannot fail to satisfy. I’m just not sure what’s taking Bachmann, Parry, & Santorum so long to hop onboard this ride.
at the thought that Newt Gingrich might see this story:
maybe it’s because I read this story:
“As an historian, and highly acclaimed professorial scholar, I believe we can find solutions to America’s multiple problems of resource development, illegal immigration, child poverty, and economic growth; it’s likely these solutions could even all be found in some of the simplest and most elegant of single solutions.” Said Gingrich, “liberals, socialists, and bed-wetters all like to say there are no simple solutions to America’s problem. I say to them — you’re just not willing to try hard enough to find them . . . ”
(OK, that last paragrah is my snark . . . )
pay them $5/hr to clean toilets.
Doubling down on child labor. Good call Newt!
Wait, shouldn’t that be job-creator liberals? I confuse.
Wait, shouldn’t that be job-creator liberals? I confuse.
is getting ready to yodel.
Romney to pick up Dan Quayle’s endorsement
Seriously this is a game changer! Now bear with me, what I’m saying is this — if Romney’s campaign is so far behind the times and out of touch with 2011 America that it thinks that anyone outside the immediate Quayle household is going to care about this endorsement, then I have no doubt that this campaign has officially become Newt’s to piss away.
(And, on that note . . .
. . . might as well give all those good folks in the Tabernacle Choir a little ray of hope this holiday season. Thank you
SantaDonald!)I think Newt has a real good shot at the nomination
a name for Donald Trumps’ new spin off of his “Apprentice” reality show?
Here is the plot…Donald takes on ten apprentices (“apprenti”?…WTF, Donald?) from a school in a “poor” neighborhood and, with an occasional cameo appearance by former presidential candidate, Newt Gingrich, they compete to see who can become the best at cleaning the Donalds’ toilets and mopping his floors.
Whoever wins gets to go outside and be his gardener.
“If Republicans Had Their Way” . . . ?
“The 99%” . . . ?
“Remembering the Bushes” . . . ?
“That 2010’s Show” . . . ?
“American Idol” . . . ?
“FOX News” . . . ?
“This is Your Life” . . . ?
“Sesame Street” . . . ?
“Mr. Donald’s Neighborhood” . . . ?
“Rich Man, Poor Kids” . . . ?
“Once Upon a Time in America” . . . ?
“Are You Richer than a Fifth Grader?” . . . ?
“I’m Rich and You’re Not” . . . ?
“Taxed Enough Already?” . . . ?
and, finally (I promise) . . .
“Fuck you, I’m Rich!” . . . ?